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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Naturally aesthetic preference is important and I totally agree about hand drawn being nicer/more expressive at times, but I think it has to do with the general state of modern media; It's become far too commercialized and derivative in my opinion. Granted there's the good series popping up here and there, but nothing I'd personally say anywhere near as iconic as mid-80's to mid-90's.
  2. Guys, Y U NO use swapnote? Also thoughts on Mighty Switch Force anyone? Also Mario Kart if anyone is interested.
  3. I don't think I've been this excited(let alone wanting) about a Kingdom Hearts game since KHII. Looks like they're bringing back the Disney in full force, and RE: Revelations has shown me just how much of a beast the 3DS really is. Hopefully gonna be quite the experience.
  4. Hey Damned! Did I mention that your EVA defense was awesome!? Cross thread pollination up ins. My original comparison had more to do with fear factor and the idea that RE5 lacked that element than anything gameplay mechanic related. I didn't play through enough of RE or RE2 to make an accurate comparison to either of those, but I sure wouldn't want Revelations to TOTALLY resemble a game from 15 years ago. Gaming has evolved. Keep the general spirit, but apply new learning and all that. The gang at 8-4 Play weren't particularly fond of the screwdriver puzzle, but I actually thought it was a pretty interesting concept for example. Heightens the immersion and all that. The scanning is an interesting idea as well I think, but having items just appear out of thin air is kind of jarring. The idea of the game going global with two separate arcs feels taken straight out of recent Call of Duty games(unless something did it first), and I appreciate that type of storytelling. I'm also appreciative of the fact that both difficulty modes hold different types of surprises(try to hang on to as many hand grenades as possible on hell mode by the way), and I hope that carries on in the complete final version.
  5. My god is this game pretty. Hard to believe the 3DS is pumping out those kinds of visuals. There were definitely a few jumpy moments, but I can't say I felt particularly afraid, especially since I'm not fighting tooth and nail with the controls. Ideally in the final version there'll be less ammo, more psychological build-up and more intricate puzzle solving, because thus far it's feeling more RE5 and not enough RE4.
  6. Conversely if you liked Eva's action sequences, then the new reimaginings are probably going to be your cup o' tea.
  7. This is important, so might want to make an addendum to the thread title, Damned. I look forward to playing the Revelations demo.
  8. Stuff I've watched in the past few weeks include Durarara(sort of a modern Baccano), Spice and Wolf, Deadman Wonderland, Tsukihime, Nodame Cantabile Finale, and both Hajime no Ippo series.
  9. The first thing still happens, and I'm reading through the light novels now, but yeah they'd might as well call it "Wolf and Emergent Markets" with all the shop being talked. Still, it's definitely a nice anime/manga/novel series. For me it was Tsukihime, and I thought I was getting this: , But instead I got this: . Still fun to watch, but yeah.
  10. Obama's stance on net neutrality(him being the only one who actually HAD a stance) is what pretty much caused me to support him in 2008. It's good to know that he's keeping up with something.
  11. We're gonna need to work some kind of schedule or something to get as many people as possible in here. I might create new groups with specific items if anyone wants to do just mushrooms or something. Unstable and a friend of mine are getting some good matches in(well, for me anyway. ). Get on, people!
  12. So gang, I created a new Mario Kart 7 community called "OCR Real Racin'!" with all items active on 150cc tracks. Communtiy Code is 68-8397-3822-7717. No Overflows allowed!!!
  13. ...I guess it's easier to play this than swap in each NES game it shamelessly rips off individually...
  14. Might have something to do with the desire to avoid "we'll just patch it post-release" attitudes and releasing incomplete games like plenty of Western developers.
  15. Join the club. I'm the goddamned president.
  16. Try to keep up, guys. Edit: DAMMIT GAMEBIRD HARUMPH
  17. I'm good for today or tomorrow. Just give me a holler.
  18. OK ladies, after a bit of a problem with my wireless(router died), I'm ready for more karting, so let's get this party started!
  19. Geez... I download Swapnote, and what's the first thing I see? 10 new notes from Gamebird. This thing is fun, but I have no idea how to use it properly.
  20. The Old Republic, a nice ring, clothes were my haul.
  21. Star Trek laws of time and dimensional travel says that the idea of multiple timelines being created from Link's tinkering works just fine. In fact, they pretty much demand it.
  22. You know you didn't actually have to use auto-battle right?
  23. Final Fantasy XII was amazing for a lot of reasons, including the ADB and Gambit systems. Of course for some reason, the fanbase(or a dumbass subsection of it that just happened to be very vocal) decided that it was terrible. I guess Matsuno's style must have been too much for the Nomura-worshiping, neo-animetard and female fanbase, so they went back to Toriyama and his FFX crew.
  24. Hey Bleck I think I saw a few more Nintendo detractors over at the Mario 3D Land thread. I guess the one thing that annoyed me about FFXIII was how long the Whitewood chapter dragged on. Everything before and after that was pretty fine to me.
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