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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Cool. My friend and I need a change from Fabul, and I was going to vote on either Figaro, Lindblum or Mysidia.
  2. So what server is everyone on? I'm probably going to be starting up again on the 30th when 1.19 hits.
  3. Well it's free to play "indefinitely" and that they'll start charging when they feel the game is "up to quality standards", but the general mindset is that once the PS3 version hits, they'll start charging the usual monthly. I'm pretty much OK with that being that by the time PS3 launch hits, the game is going to be ballin'.
  4. I agree about the physical level, but apparently it was a real bitch to balance(which makes me worry about the future of the armory and job systems), which is one of the reasons every stat that wasn't VIT or MND meant little to jackshit. They're still not giving up on the player being able to allocate their own stats, as that'll apparently be in by 1.20, and your stat choices will actually mean something for once. I haven't really played much since trying out Toto-Rak about a month or so ago, and while that was fun as hell, it wasn't enough to make me stick with it, especially since there are still plenty of changes on the way. I think I'll be playing around with 1.19 for awhile, but until jobs are finally introduced I doubt I'll be on full.
  5. I wasn't expecting the game to be a Brushfire joint... And yeah, archer still has auto-attack, but it's really only for when you're soloing and can't get away from the damned mob, same with the mage classes. While partying you're naturally going to be trying to be at that distance sweet spot. It's not like allofasudden the game wants you to rush in and punch shit up close. Anyway, so patch 1.19 is going to be hitting either late this week(my guess is the 22nd) or some time next week(unless it's delayed), and it looks to be quite the monster patch from these notes. Naturally it can be argued that there's probably a lot of stuff that should have been in there from the get go, but no use crying over spilled milk! If anyone is interested in further details on many of the planned additions, just hit up The FFXIV Lodestone to read up on stuff like the new materia system, beastmen strongholds, etc. Don't forget to check out the forums as well as the producer/devs/community team are always posting info on new topics.
  6. It looks pretty good from the trailer. I hope the game is portable friendly in that the narrative doesn't bog down the gameplay, which from the trailer looks fun. Also I'm a sucker for AR stuff.
  7. Playing through Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge just makes it hurt so much that Legends 3 isn't actually happening. Goddamnit, Capcom. Also in the process of adding you peoples, so add meh and let's do some DOA and Mario Kart when it hits!
  8. "But The Damned! How could you ever go against the holy gospel that is Retro Studios!?"
  9. Naturally, but the counter system in DOA makes that concept much more visible. I guess the point I'm making is that in a game like Street Fighter, you could say that frame data is pretty useful, and the same could be said about DOA, but because of the countering system, it becomes evident that the game is much more mental than it is about execution.
  10. Man, there's a lot of dumb being spread around this thread by way of the OP. DOA is all about mind games. If you make a misread or guess wrong, then trying to counter will prove to be a pretty stupid move. You have to not only learn the opposing character but your opponent as well, and you have to do it fast. You also have to make sure you're delaying your attacks and mixing up your entire game. Fall into a pattern and you're fucked. You sure as hell aren't going to find a flowchart Ken or Sagat in DOA. Of course you could always take formerly of Shack News, Brian Leahy's advice and "consider sucking less."
  11. I thought Chains of Memories was fun, and the battle system KINDA a precursor to the one used in Crisis Core(which I loved). I just wasn't appreciative of retreading nearly all of the same ground of the first game without too much going on narrative-wise, but I guess that's sort of a contradiction on my part as I'm not a fan of all the convoluted narrative starting with KH2, so meh.
  12. I've always liked the idea behind Kingdom Hearts, but I've been less partial to it since it decided to go so far up it's own plot's ass with KH2. I also have a hard time going back to them after one playthrough. Of course the only handheld entry I played was Chains of Memories on the GBA, so maybe the other entries are more my thing. I was pretty excited to see SE do some cross pollination with their other series by including Neku, so I guess we'll see.
  13. So Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge is up on the eShop right now. Not the best in the GB series, but it's competent, only 4 bucks, and buying it will get them to eventually release Mega Man 5 GB, and that's worth it dammit.
  14. Well I guess it's a good thing that everyone who has used the frankenstick seems to be pretty keen on it. Honestly I still think the thing ruins the aesthetic of the system. Also like Schwaltzvald mentioned, the thing doesn't seem to want to play nice with the Nyko battery, which I was planning on getting(speaking of ruining the system aesthetic). I guess I'd have to try it out when it gets here. I'll be hella pissed if games start flat out requiring the thing.
  15. I'm not nearly a big enough Monster Hunter fan(which I'm assuming is who they think their biggest audience for it is) to grab it. Even if I was, and even if Kid Icarus implemented a Left-handed mode using it, I still wouldn't grab it. Thing looks so ugly.
  16. They're probably going to be following FFIV's lead and remake FFV and FFVI on the portables first if anything. So strange that they'd choose to release JUST FFX and not FFX, FFX-2, and maybe FFXII in an HD collection. That's a good 120+ hours of entertainment right there.
  17. Why would they be pissed off about that? They went out and bought PSPs when Monster Hunter came out for that system. Were they expecting the series to stay on the original PSP forever? They'll be happy once they see all the stuff they'll be able to do on Tri G, which I have to admit that as a non-fan seems pretty interesting. I guess portable anything is my kryptonite. This will be a huge shot in the arm for the system now. At any rate, everything they announced at that press event was a winner in my eyes. New Fire Emblem and Mario Tennis, new Square-Enix RPG(and some Kingdom Hearts 3DS footage snuck in during the Theatrythm trailer), etc., as well as a few showings for release dates on current titles like Mario Kart 7, Luigi's Mansion 2, the new Fatal Frame game(damnit I want it), and holy Jesus does Kid Icarus look good. Sucks that it's being pushed back a bit though. I missed about the first 15 or 20 minutes though I think. Can anyone bring me up to speed?
  18. According to a friend of mine, the delay is because they're trying to "gauge 3DS interest", which is circular bull. Can't be interested in a system if you don't release your games on it, can we? Apart from that, the added 10 bucks is also bull if it's essentially the same game. That being said, I'll probably still be grabbing it as I'm more partial to Harvest Moon than Animal Crossing by far, but I still wanna read more about it.
  19. I was going to agree with this, but then I realized that on occasion I noticed that the farther away I have the 3DS from my face, the better the effect is for me. I'd say give that a try. While I wish the multiplayer was online and a bit more expanded, I think that Star Fox's biggest strength was "rail-shooter score attacking in space". Maybe if the NPDs show that Star Fox 64 3D(which critically is being seen as the best in the series) does well, we could see a new entry that does all that,
  20. Quick question. So I've realized that a lot of people say the 3D effect on the system makes them a bit dizzy or strained after prolonged use, but I haven't had that problem at all. Then it hit me, maybe I can't see the full 3D effect like someone who not-shit vision. Is shit supposed to be popping out of the screen like crazy or something, 'cause really I can pretty much just see changes to depth and what not in certain games, and in others not too much difference at all. Example, I could definitely see the difference in depth with OoT, but Star Fox? Not too exaggerated. Are my eyes just not getting it?
  21. Hang on guys. I keep trying to post but Star Fox won't let me.
  22. My opinion on stuff like Ocarina of Time 3D and Star Fox 64 3D aside, I personally wouldn't buy stuff like Devil Survivor if all it is is a slightly enhanced version of a game that came out on the previous hardware gen, especially if the current gen is backwards compatible with said previous gen. I guess if you're a super fan or just can't find the original DS version(which in your case isn't an issue obviously) it's OK though. This is why I'm pretty on the fence about grabbing Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns on the 3DS at a friends recommendation because it'll pretty much be the exact same experience as its DS counterpart, save for probably a tacked on 3D effect. It would be my first Harvest Moon since the original on the SNES which I enjoyed, but based on my previous statement, I just can't justify it. Prepare for a quality game deluge come the next two fiscal periods, starting this month with Star Fox and ending somewhere with Resident Evil: Revelations and/or Metal Gear Solid 3DS(yes it's just an enhanced port, but at least all the games they've chosen to port are proven quality).
  23. Well Walmart apparently broke street date but has been sold out. Release is tomorrow and I'm pretty excited. After playing through OoT 3D, I think I appreciate the idea of having all these great games in portable form now, and Star Fox looks to be getting much more of a visual upgrade than OoT did and it looks pretty damned great. I also like the idea of controlling the vehicles using the 3DS gyroscope. That function alone made me use my slingshot and bow and arrows much more in OoT. It just felt more engaging, and seriously raise of hands. How many of you veered your body around while playing any type of racing or flight game at any point in your life. Shit's fun. It's too bad the battle mode isn't playable online though. It actually looks like a decent addition as opposed to a tacked-on experience like the original run. Oh well... At least it'll support download play.
  24. Sorry for the double post, but I feel it pertinent to mention that the rumor about an analog slider attachment and a new system revision is at least partly true. I'm sure I don't need to explain how I feel about it.
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