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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Now he's going to add "the SNES as opposed to the Super Famicom" for several of those games.
  2. As long as Nintendo can break serious bank(and this generation has proven that's definitely the case), then they're going to stay in the console business. The problem as I see it is that they got complacent with the profits that the Wii and their "Blue Ocean" strategy made for them, and aren't as inclined to take "huge" risks anymore unless they can be generally sure they'll break numbers that are probably unrealistic for certain properties(like JRPGs) no matter how you look at it. They're a lot like Activision in that regard.
  3. I still hate the "perfect" ending for FFX-2. Ruins the game's theme and the great ending for FFX IMO.
  4. Lol. While that sounds like a pretty bleak assessment, I think there's some validity to it. But I think it still has a lot to do with Nintendo not being satisfied with anything less than a million or so in sales.
  5. Count me as one of them. I got around to playing NSMBW finally earlier this year, and it just reeked of "meh, I wanna be Mario Bros. 3". Granted, it's still a solid game, like most of Nintendo's current stuff, but it doesn't seem to take ANY risk or do anything substantially different. I think that the only series that Nintendo has ever been REALLY out there with is the Metroid series: First by turning it into a First Person Adventure/Shooter, and then turning it into an intense action game that tried to toss in a more serious plot. It's a pity though that Other M falling flat on its ass(I enjoyed the gameplay, but I'm admittedly a Team Ninja fanboy) might tell Nintendo that they shouldn't go totally avant garde on their IPs. Maybe Kid Icarus and Luigi's Mansion will be a breath of fresh air, but these guys really need to create some new IP/charaters to exploit IMO. Anyway that was way off-topic. I agree that I want to see all these games localized, but hey, it still gives me a good excuse to work on my Japanese.
  6. This basically. Y'all gotta stop with the whole "this site thriving off nostalgia" herp a derp shtick. If this site really fed strictly off nostalgia, then every crappy Sonic midi track with an extra snare drum would be heralded as the greatest shit ever. If you'll kindly take notice, the best artists here attempt to look forward with their stuff, not remain stuck in some perceived "golden period". It's the same thing with the game industry. If you want games like FFIV-VI, guess what? They already exist. Go play 'em. I do on a regular basis, but don't ask companies to take two steps back just because you as an individual may not appreciate their current direction(an opinion that plenty of people would contest).
  7. Nintendo doesn't seem to do anything anymore unless they're damned sure they can break serious bank with it a la Wii Fit, NSMBW.
  8. So, what you're getting at is that the Nintendo press briefing was just as lackluster, if not moreso than the rest.
  9. What did they announce that was new other than Luigi's Mansion? We already knew about everything else beforehand.
  10. The Nintendo press briefing was definitely lackluster save their opening(their only saving grace), but they didn't really produce any .gif worthy hijinks. If anything, they were pretty neutral. The way Kaz Hirai built up the AT&T partnership announcement did make it sound like he was delivering a punchline though. Pretty hilarious.
  11. Lightsaber ON! Best.
  12. Everyone is QQing because they either want another 16-bit mainline Final Fantasy or just decided to come out of the wetwork to vent their frustrations with the series as a whole starting from their Final Fantasy of choice. It's basically a broken record by now.
  13. I'd also argue that new Sonic games can't get that "old-school" feel right. Hell, the same could be said about most developers trying to resurrect a dead series/"retrofy" it. It wasn't that games were 16-bit or sprite based that made them great. It was the way designers worked around the limits of the hardware back then to achieve what they wanted that made them great. Uematsu even admits that he wishes they could have gotten a fully voiced Aria in FFVI's Opera scene. In short, hardware had dick to do with a game's quality back then as much as a game designer's own creativity, and there's plenty of that going around in today's gaming space, even with the deluge of generic first person shooters out. What exactly did you like about 16-bit FFs that you feel just couldn't be/haven't been done in later entries? I'm sure that you'll find that none of your answers have much to do with them being 16-bit when you think about 'em critically.
  14. Shit dude, they just need to get rid of Tetsuya Nomura.
  15. I'm a pretty big FF fanboy, and I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. If they can incorporate over 10 years of videogame design into an awesome 16-bit package, thus producing something new and interesting, then I'm all for it. If you guys just want them to be reductive and play to your memories of 16-bit gaming, then no to that. Besides, SE's MO for the FInal Fantasy series has always been to make use of powerful hardware to create an audiovisual spectacle. Although given modern gaming's bone-shattering budgets, they might have shot themselves in the foot there. What you SHOULD be asking for is a mainline Final Fantasy on the Vita.
  16. Please hand in your testicles to the nearest hospital.
  17. If you would have asked me 10 years ago if I would have wanted a Chrono series, I might have said yes, but now I just think it's passed its time.
  18. Oh boy, he's a Machiavellian Nihilist. Well at least he's passionate. To be fair, I understand where you're going with the social evolution shtick, even though I think your supposed "theoretically superior" socialism fails to take into account, much like every other socialist/communist, basic human nature. But that's hardly the point of this thread, which I'm pretty sure was lost from the very beginning. Fact of the matter is, I don't like my property being stolen, and I especially don't like anyone taking something I put my being into, put no real additional work into it, and sell it off. I don't know if you've ever actually tried to write a musical piece or any other piece of art, but I can assure you it ain't easy.
  19. To be fair, you should probably include the rest of the sentence that makes up your quote. Of course that doesn't make it any less crazy. Hell, it probably makes it worse.
  20. I'm sorry you guys suck at abstract thought.
  21. Guys, get on line derp a derp derp.
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