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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Ahh... The traditional "I'm new so I'm getting my ass-raped" ceremonial dance.
  2. I'm pretty sure that "enriching one's own culture and life" counts as "useful", and I'm pretty sure that I'd be pretty pissed off if somebody took work that I had done, added a bit here and there, and sold it for profit without giving me any compensation for my work.
  3. Well admittedly I was trying to nice about it. It was pretty entertaining to watch though.
  4. Are "I was there for the great Video Games Economy debate..." badges in order?
  5. So Jack if I'm understanding this correctly, you want to promote creativity by getting rid of the law that prevents copying unfairly?
  6. Well there's a reason that OCR is the first link on my bookmarks menu.
  7. Basically yes.
  8. I usually go with the emphasis being either non-existent or kind of on the first syllable unless I feel like I gotta stick with what looks like it should be rules of English. SAR-ree-ah DE-ku SKULL-chu-la(sort of like tarantula) Koh-KEE-ree(this is probably wrong and it's actually KOH-kee-ree, but whatev') NAY-roo Fah-ROAR Ka-ka-REE-koh(like Kakarot I guess) Of course until I hear Miyamoto say it, the jury's still out.
  9. I know I will, and a friend of mine is grabbing AE today as well, so no strange surprises aside, you'll have both of us online.
  10. Arek, you'd better give us impressions of Street Fighter X Tekken at EVO or I swear...! I wish I could change my lobby comment to "lol Hitboxes".
  11. Get on this? Dudes, we were on for about 3 hours of matches last night. Ya'll need to get on more often.
  12. So I caved and grabbed Arcade Edition for the 360, but a very strange thing occurs when trying to play with my vanilla SSFIV friend. She can never join my game because it says she still needs AE, which is bullocks since I thought the whole point of being able to switch between the two versions on the fly was for this sort of functionality. This won't be a problem in a little while admittedly, but it still seems like a strange oversight. Anyway, I'm liking Evil Ryu, but I can't seem to adapt to his style of motion. I'm more used to characters who fly around like Ibuki or Juri, but still I like his aggressive style. If anyone wants to play, hit me up on teh xbots live. I'll still be grabbing the PC version, just a bit later than anticipated.
  13. You know what Zelda game had the best sense of exploration? The original. "Here's a shield, kid. Inside the cave directly in front of you is an old dude from whom you can grab a sword. Or not. Whatever, it's up to you. Oh and screw giving you any directions. That's for babies. Welcome to Hyrule, now get the fuck off my lawn."
  14. Well as the old adage goes, "you can't force fun."
  15. The length and the emphasis on cutscenes are probably what keep me from going back to Twilight Princess right now. I love the general premise of the game: It carries on with the dark and bleak theme from the future portion of Ocarina of Time, and dials it up a notch in my opinion. The one thing that makes it standout to me other than the pretty scenery(if you mean the liberal use of bloom lighting, I think it was intentional to maintain the "world in twilight" feel) was that the game managed to take all the combat and exploration mechanics from OoT and make them feel so much better. In that regard, I feel that Twilight Princess is probably a realization of everything they were trying to achieve with Ocarina in the first place.
  16. It's definitely one of my favorites. It's just long as hell.
  17. Wind Waker was good and gosh-darned pretty, but I also wonder why it keeps getting brought up as one of the best. They neutered the game and added fluff all at the same time. It took the series into an interesting direction, but meh...
  18. Just the general theme. I felt it was much darker than what's been in most other Zelda games.
  19. So basically we have a bunch of guys who read The Catcher in The Rye and called it a day, and in their deluded minds think that they're doing everyone else a "service" by breaking into networks and futzing around with people's private info for shits and giggles because fuck the rest of the world. Wonderful. I hope it brings them as much enjoyment as this letter says it does.
  20. I think that in order for the Wii U to be successful(and I think it has a good shot despite my concerns), Nintendo will have to bank on its quality first-party titles as well as deliver them in a timely manner to coax the people into biting. To keep them, get the compelling third-party support, and that means more Metal Gear Solid, Bioshock, and Final Fantasy, and less Carnival Games and other such crap. Basically everything they didn't do with the Wii at first. I think that despite everything, the Wii U could represent the "one console" future that I'm hoping against hope for, due to it's multiple control set ups as well as being the Wii HD we've all been waiting on. It's kind of like what the PSVita represents to me in the portable gaming space. The question is however, whether it's too late for the system or if we've finally reached the point where audiovisual fidelity is no longer the driving force behind console generations. If the latter is the case, then maybe Nintendo will be on top again.
  21. I thought Majora's Mask was already on Virtual Console. It was their 300th game in NA I think or something like that(maybe 200th). I don't know if Wii Virtual Console stuff is compatible with the shop for 3DS though. At any rate, there are 2 kinds of dark to me in the Zelda universe: The gritty, foreboding dark of Twilight Princess, and the dissonant, somewhat unsettling creepy dark of Majora's Mask. These two are probably my favorite entries in the series, but I think MM's setting just "does it" for me the most. I also feel that the game took OoT's time travel schtick and turning it into a nifty gameplay mechanic, as opposed to just using it as a plot device.
  22. Truer words have never been spoken.
  23. Those were just dumbass examples I came up with on a whim. If anything, shame on you guys for taking "possibilities" to mean anything more than that. Ocarina of Time is probably one of the greatest games ever made, that much I can agree with. I was actually thinking to myself earlier this morning that I could probably go back to it right now and still enjoy it from start to finish. But that's just my point. If I wanted to, I could go back to it right now, at this very moment. I don't have to spend another $40 bucks(not including the $250 for the 3DS) if I want to experience the EXACT same thing. Furthermore, I'm personally against giving Nintendo anymore money for nostalgia trips. I've already done plenty of that and I kick myself every damned time. I'd like to see more. I guess Darkesword is right. I'd like to see a new Zelda game, or at the very least a more compelling reason to grab OoT for the 4th time(many more if we count every Zelda entry after it). I guess I apologize for raining on everybody's fanboy parade, but Nintendo's "new" strategy of giving us every old thing they have is a bit annoying to me.
  24. New dungeons. New Weapons/items. Reworked sword combat mechanics, AI, and/or increased difficulty. A mode that lets me play as Sheik. Include an online Four Swords as a separate game. Just to name a few possibilities. Giving it a (mildly)fresh coat of paint, changing up the Master Quest here and there, and tossing a 3D filter on it is hardly anything to drool over, especially given that they could have done something really special for the game given Zelda's 25th anniversary being this year and that you'll probably be able to get it for 25% of the asking 3DS price on the Wii Virtual Console anyway.
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