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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. No lies there. In fact, many of the more famous composers like Vivaldi were pretty much financially fucked towards the end of their lives, and when he wasn't in that state of affairs, he was in the audience of the fucking prince of Germany during the time. Look guys. I'm not trying to denounce your musical education(although I REALLY disagree with needing to go to college to actually "learn" music) and if you've got talent then go for it, but to think that you'll be able to find work easily is daft beyond all measure. My sister has a master's degree in opera performance. She knows her shit for the most part, and she practices constantly, has an amazing voice, etc. Fast forward to a few years after graduation and she's back home for the summer trying to get a job somewhere, but she can't do anything other than basic stuff, being as she never bothered to study anything else.
  2. It's not even a question of chauvinism as much as it's outright misogyny(apart from him hating everything he never touched... He's like an unrealized Tomonobu Itagaki). There is no reason to retcon anything from the Castlevania canon at all, and Sonia was an up and coming(har har) character that had a lot of story development as well as the vampire killer AND magical powers. Hell, if you look at the introduction for CV3(which includes IGA's favorite Belmont no less), it says that the Belmonts were exiled from their home due to fear of their magical abilities ala Sonia. What about her relationship with Alucard? Clearly that could go somewhere. If anything, the fact that Sonia WAS a woman only reinforces the concept of exile being that she could have easily been deemed a witch and burned at the stake. So she fled with her son and ended up training him to be one of the most badass Belmonts around. I mean shit, is IGA that big of a moron?
  3. News flash: Instead of spending all those years studying music, you could have spent all those years making music and gaining experience that sets you above the rest. It doesn't take a master's degree to make some decent music.
  4. He needs to get off his woman-hating ass and unretcon Sonia. She has a lot of untapped potential.
  5. I'm liking the 8-bit feel. I just hope it isn't TOO 8-bit in terms of control. It'd be great if they made sure to take all the cool stuff they made up to MM7, plus add a new feature here and there or something. Still waiting for an XBLA announcement.
  6. I don't disagree that the story was convoluted at times. But the game was purdy...
  7. Wait wait wait just a minute here. You assholes didn't like Chrono Cross? Lame.
  8. Actually now that I think about it, based on sales numbers and popularity of the RPG genre on the Advance and DS, it probably is a better idea for them to release it on the DS.
  9. They should just release it on the Wii Console and be done with it.
  10. Now we're getting constructive here. You also just solved your own problem: A throw command ala SC-style. But here's an another idea: let's say there was an actual button or button combo that was assigned to be the throw command. Ok so you press the command, right? depending on where the characters stood in relation to the arena or the opponent, thrusting, pulling back, or twisting the Wiimote could activate one of several possible throws. What if while playing as Alucard, you could thrust the Wiimote forward several times to activate a sword flurry, then finish it off with a slash, or block and even parry an attack by holding the Wiimote in a defensive stance. That would be the hardest command list to understand though...
  11. For the record, I still think Castlevania Dracula X has the best version of "Bloodlines" ever made, I also thought the graphics were pretty good. If anything, the original Rondo of Blood had shit graphics compared to CVDX, although it IS true that the gameplay was neutered(for lack of a better term) for the SNES game and I still don't understand why they omitted most of the stuff that made RoB awesome, but meh. It was cool when I played it back in '96 anyway.
  12. You know what would really suck? If it turns out that the game is pretty badass, and I don't have a Wii to play it on. I'm actually thinking that with a few concepts, they could really make it awesome. Think of a hybrid between the 3D movement plain of Soul Calibur mixed with the craziness of Guilty Gear XX, and toss in sub-weapons, magic attacks, and whip-slinging. Think about it. Maria Renard and Grant Danasty could be low- to mid-tier speedsters while Maria can double jump and Grant can CLIMB WALLS, Alucard could summon poison mist or transform into a werewolf(or Cornell could) for a limited time or something, and I can think of several whip techniques like blocking projectiles, grabbing arms or torsos and pulling your opponent down to the ground, or something to that effect. They could toss in Sonia and give her some kind of time stop or flame shot ability. Hell, I dunno. I think it could be pretty awesome if they really work on it.
  13. And I'm glad they remade it, 'cause Castlevania IV was boss.
  14. Didn't you get the memo? That's what we do.
  15. Or better yet, take Castlevania 3, give it a 2.5D upgrade, new artwork, maybe some new abilities and new levels, and have the original 3 NES games as unlockables.
  16. So I started playing again since I have a TV for a weekend. I have one message: Fuck Pyros. That is all.
  17. Not only that, but he did say he wasn't going to give up on the 3D Castlevania games 'til he "got it right" or something to that effect. Now he says he just wants to stick with 2D CV, THEN he goes ahead and makes a 3d castlevania fighter. itt IGA is a flip-flop
  18. Wait WHAT!??!?!?!?!?!
  19. They should just include a Belmont or something IN Soul Calibur IV as an unlockable character. That way, no Castlevania fighter, but Iga still gets to say that CV had something to do with one. Everybody wins. I'm still shocked that he wants to release this on a system whose hardware isn't up to snuff compared to its competitors. But that might mean that IGA might really be trying to use the Wiimote in plenty of creative ways, so let's not count this one out just yet. Who am I kidding? This game is destined for failure...
  20. It's not even that I hate her. I mean, as long as you feel SOMETHING towards a character, be it loathing or appreciation, it means the creators made a good character. But Nina... They could have created Code Geass without her character entirely. She serves NO purpose other than being the random _insert Japanese racist_ moment. Her appearances are just as random and pointless, so why not just do away with her entirely?
  21. Could someone remind me why we're hating on C64 and Legacy of Darkness please? I still don't understand why those games are "bad."
  22. I just wish they'd kill off Nina. God I seriously hate that crazy fugly lesbian whose sole role is to be the crazy bitch that pisses me off. What a wasted character. But so far they've managed to keep that "Holy crap I wanna see next week's episode NOW!" vibe, although admittedly it's been rather light over the past few episodes.
  23. This is an awesome word and I'm glad it's usage caught on. Also way to ruin my argument, Sephfire.
  24. Well let's look at the remake for FFIV. Not only has it made the obvious jump from 2d to 3d as well as a seriously improved OST and even a new vocal theme, it has new plot scenarios, a new ability learning system, new summons(Whitkin) that you can even customize via minigames, and voice acting. There are plenty of things that can be done in a remake besides audio and visual enhancements. Chrono Trigger doesn't have to do everything here(or anything here), but it had better do something akin to these things in order for it to be a remake. Graphics whores? Check out all the hype and drooling for Star Ocean First Departure and Second Evolution. By today's standards they're visually archaic with 2d sprites over 3d backgrounds, but they're still cool remakes nonetheless.
  25. No, I totally agree. I probably won't be buying this if it's essentially the same game. People are lambasting me for wanting to buy the DS version of FFIV, but it's probably the only version I'll ever buy being that it's an ACTUAL remake as opposed to the constant streams of ports that it and the other FFs have been getting. I'll definitely grab FFV and VI if they do they same that they did for FFIV and Chrono Trigger as well, but if it's the same game verbatim, then I'm passing on it. That's why we have ZSNES and whatnot.
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