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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Or X-Men 3 for that matter.
  2. Most of the stuff coming out of SE is gonna be 360 stuff, so rest assured that there will be at least gameplay footage for SO4. That much is confirmed. From what I've read about different developers, it looks like the 360 and Microsoft are going to be dominating E3. Also how would a new version of the DS be awesome? That just means spending $130 more on something you already own.
  3. The word on release is for sometime in September for Japan, but I'm sure it'll either be a simultaneous release or relatively close.
  4. Already in the appropriate thread, but the motherfucking Mega Man 9 is coming to the XBLA arcade! Talk about echoing statements about lack of money...
  5. YAY! It's been confirmed for the XBLA!
  6. This wins so hard.
  7. If I wasn't hooked on Puzzle Fighter like a crack addict is on... well... crack, then I'd give Puzzle Quest a shot. Besides, there are WAY too many 360 games(aside from other systems' games) that I wanna buy coming soon. Oh boy... My wallet is gonna hate me.
  8. I think BBB really brought back what made Futurama so funny to begin with. I thought BBS was just trying to keep current with internet stuff and tried to be funny at the same time. I didn't appreciate it that much.
  9. For all we know, they might never connect the two together. I also doubt that they'll be of the same reasoning as "Well X is the roman numeral for 10, so it HAS to connect it all!!" I mean I want some kind of closure just as much as the next Mega Man fan, but in a way, I'm kind of glad they left the gap wide open on what happened, who dun it, etc. It lets my imagination run wild and rampant! The next thing I'm about to say is going to piss off a lot of people, but it must be said. ...I think the Mega Man: Powered Up style could be pretty cool for more classic Mega Man... There I said it!
  10. I don't see the problem with the Star Ocean remakes for the same reason I don't have a problem with FFIV DS. They're not the same game anymore(save Second Evolution, which is almost a port). In my book, FFIV DS and at least First Evolution are definitely worth another buy, while I'd only really recommend Second Evolution if you never got a chance to play the game(like myself).
  11. Well uh... You know the hacking might have had something to do with it... There's a reason they say "at your own risk" at the beginning of every hacking guide.
  12. Agreed. I'm a total MM junkie.
  13. Is it wrong that I want a Patapon 2...?
  14. They are indeed the Star Ocean remakes. They've gotten some decent scores all around, so I'd recommend 'em.
  15. Well I knew it was just a matter of time, but Star Ocean First Departure and Second Evolution have been confirmed by SE to be hitting the US in the coming months. October 24th and January 6th respectively. YAY!!
  16. I have the pro with a 20 gig drive, and I'm already wanting more space for demos, videos, live arcade games and xbox originals. I'd go with the elite if I were you.
  17. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?! And yeah, I've always pronounced it ei-do-lons.
  18. I think I've been counting this down with a friend of mine for the past 2 months. 13 days left...
  19. Wait... You guys liked Bender's Big Score? I thought this one was a huge improvement. I almost died during the whole cotton candy bit.
  20. I don't think this is possible. I mean, how much smaller could the Japanese ever get?
  21. I'll be buying Ninja Gaiden II, Battlefield: BC, and Soul Calibur IV in August when I get my TV(yes I know I've said I'd get it eventually, but this time it's for real). So far I've been playing the demo for NG2 and BF:BC. Ninja Gaiden by itself already had an awesome action formula, and they stuck with it for the most part in Ninja Gaiden II, which is a very good thing. Even better is all the tweaks they made like adding finishing moves(epic), excessive amounts of gore and limbs flying everywhere(epic x2), and an even deeper weapon system with many more weapons added this time around(the demo gives you the Dragon Sword, Falcon's Talons, Lunar Staff, and Eclipse Scythe right off the bat). What can I really say about BF: BC from what I've played thus far? Well, it's more Battlefield, and I love the hell out of it. End of story. Seriously, if the PS3 never gets its head out of the sandbox, then I'm willing to wager that the 360 is this generation's best.
  22. Good answer. Good answer. We'll be watching you from the shadows, mister. Ok with that said, we've got a pretty solid lineup of upcoming gaming(and an impressive lineup of games already released) for the rest of the year. Infinite Undiscovery Gears of War 2 Last Remnant Tales of Vesperia Soul Calibur IV Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Rockband 2 Too Human Banjo Kazooie And add that to the list of great games out thus far like: Ninja Gaiden 2 GTA4 Battlefield: Bad Company Getting some serious love for the 360 Don't forget next year is gonna rock with Star Ocean 4, Resident Evil 5, Halo Wars and maybe Silent Hill 5.
  23. We at the kiddy table do not approve the previous post.
  24. itt we dismiss others' career choices as being "easy" and thus of less value than their own.
  25. But here's the kicker: I thought Lament of Innocence was a good game that just had two or three crippling flaws. The biggest problem obviously, was the level design, which while repetitive designs might work in the 2D Castleloids, they don't really translate that well to 3D. More variety in level design. For that matter, more levels period. We had a few cool spots, but there were like what? 6 different levels. The game pretty much looked the same in every room. Another big problem was the backtracking you had to do to get certain items that were for all intents and purposes worthless. The relics were pretty lame and didn't really do much except the rare ones that you had to get by fighting hundreds of the same enemy in the only room in the game they ever appeared in. Sure, it's easy to backtrack in 2D, but it's a pain in the ass in 3D, especially when it's long, boring, and unrewarding. A warping system would have also been nice. Finally, we have the combat. I think Iga was really trying with it, but he just couldn't deliver. It's just not rewarding to the player to be able to pull an enemy towards you if you're just gonna unleash a string of whip attacks anyway. Let's see some more weapons and a deeper combat system. The whole concept of different orbs giving different powers to subweapons was great. let's keep that, but add a few refinements here and there. How about dual sword and whip play? Think about pulling an enemy to you by using the R trigger or Wiimote, then to unleash a flurry of sword strikes to literally slice and dice the skeleton? How about being able to whip weapons out of enemies hands or bringing back swinging? If Iga really wanted to, he COULD realize that awesome 3D game, but instead he keeps pumping out 2D vanias which eventually WILL end up stale. It's not that he's uncreative, but rather that he's a lazy asshole who doesn't want to admit it and instead uses lameass excuses that only serve to make him look like more of a lameass.
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