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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Gogo for uber character.
  2. I still have no idea exactly what kind of game Dissidia will be, but my best guess is that yeah, it'll probably be Smash Bros. ala Final Fantasy. It looks cool, but it had better have more than just your lead antagonist/protagonist from a paltry set of only 6 FF games. I'd better see either Zell, Tifa, Irving, Sabin, or something else in there, or this will just scream letdown. Does look pretty though.
  3. Yeah, I was kind of looking at Guitar Hero to be a much more guitarcentric series as well. You're not gonna get an awesome guitar fix playing Don't Fear The Reaper on Rock Band as you would playing Sweet Child Of Mine on Guitar Hero II. Also the Rock Band guitar really does suck pretty badly, so I'm glad I still have both my GH2 explorers handy. That being said, you don't play Rock Band for the guitar experience. You play Rock Band for the BAND experience(i.e. play with friends) and in that department it is massive win. Serious fun can be had with 4 people whether online or off with that game, and the DLC just makes it better. I wasn't that impressed with GH3 though, so I doubt I'd be happy with GH4 if Activision is just gonna try their hand at a Rock Band clone. I'll stick with GH and GH2. If they really wanna make me happy, they should port Rock The 80's to the 360.
  4. Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia. I still go back and play 'em from time to time. Also any Castlevania or Megaman game. They're just fun quick ways to kill time.
  5. I know, dude. I'm just goofin'. But it's still true that a bunch of games can indirectly educate on a bunch of different subjects. I don't know of any games that might help with educating students on biology save for the one that I helped write music for that the game department here on campus was working on. It was a cartoony RTS that took place inside the human body and you played as armies of antibodies trying to eradicate viruses and diseases trying to kill the body. Think Osmosis Jones meets Starcraft. It was a pretty cool concept, but it was just a student project that they were never able to finish from what I can tell...
  6. Hey man, don't knock Parasite Eve. I aced two of my 9th grade biology tests thanks to that game. True it wasn't the game so much as it was the curiosity of what mitochondria and cellular mitosis were really about, but if it weren't for the associations that I made through the game... Well I might not be giving a shit about biology at all today.
  7. Wii fans have been getting crapped on since the system's inception. Deal. Anyway, I'm agreeing with DarkeSword on this one. I don't remember any of the latest Mega Man games sucking(although I never did get a chance to play X7...). I actually liked MM.exe as far as 1-3(never played the others), and I love the hell out of Zero, maybe moreso than the X series, and ZX is something I've been dying to play. Not so interested in Star Force though. I still want Legends 3, damnit.
  8. On the topic of TWEWY, is there a general scheme to determine how certain pins will evolve? Like for example, pins you can buy evolve through shutdown or mingle PP while pins you get through events or battling evolve in their own ways, etc. Anything like that? 'Cause seriously, I don't want to have to go through a damned Wiki chart every time...
  9. I'm still waiting for MMLegends 3 over here. Come on, Capcom. Send some love this way.
  10. So far Karen Strassman, Liam O'Brien, and Yuri Lowenthal are the only confirmed voice-actors. ...I wouldn't be surprised if John Di'Maggio and Tara Strong show up in some form, though... >.>;
  11. I can totally see the same treatment for FFV and FFVI. This is gonna rock.
  12. Ok so back to the awesomeness that is FFIV DS...
  13. Maybe 'cause they keep churning out the same game with a different roster every single year. I dunno, there are plenty of reasons one might have Yeah, power to people playing games they like, but I see sports games as counter productive to sports anyway(and even my fighter genre is borderline here). If I wanted to play football, I'd go outside and play football as opposed to a virtual football simulation.
  14. This is quite possibly my favorite FF of all time, save VI, and I go back and play it regularly. That being said, I'm eagerly waiting and counting down 'til it gets released here on the 22nd. Didn't I say it was coming? DIDN'T I!? With all that being said, the English voice-acting sounds atrocious. I sure hope it grows on me. Of course I'm still going to buy it being that it would be the first actual remake as opposed to every other port of it, and it would be the first time I actually own it.
  15. Fixed. Hurray racial stereotypes. No but seriously, who cares? The Madden series(or any sports series) of video games are pretty much churned out on a yearly basis for the sake of making money for a company so they can focus on some real good shit. It's like the comedy film genre, and it's akin to how college football indirectly brings in more money for other departments in any given campus. We should count ourselves fortunate that the ignorant and barbaric outnumber us so greatly. That being said, I've never liked the fact that EA is becoming this juggernaut of a company what with all it's practices, but again who cares? It's just a dumb football game.
  16. You know if there's one thing I've noticed, it's there isn't that much stuff on classical guitar here. Come on guys, where's the love?
  17. Best. Shit. Ever. Times infinity.
  18. The movie was ok, but I don't think I'd see it again. Jack Black has never been that funny to me, and I'm glad there was enough action and decent(Eh... What can I say? It's Dreamworks) animation and not too much Jack Black humor in between... Or maybe there was, but I just didn't find it too funny. I give it a 7 out of 10. Go see it if you have nothing better to do on the weekend.
  19. I disconnected the pad and it worked fine. Edit - Although playing without the pad would be uber lame. Time to make a bug report.
  20. Nah... The game's running just fine on my Mobility X1400 with 128 megs o' RAM. Just change a few settings. It's definitely a worthy attempt and many props to the guy for making it. I was actually thinking about this kind of game earlier in the week, although my idea was a bit different.
  21. The World Ends With You. Really great battle system, I'm really lovin' it. Jeanne d'Arc. It's a pretty fun Turn-based strategy game, almost done with it I think though. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max. REALLY well-done port for the PSP. Glad I was able to find it.
  22. Well given that I'm addicted to the combat of TWEWY, then I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy Ninja Gaiden DS for what it is. I'm gonna need to grab a screen protector now...
  23. Hey gang, Game Days sale at gamestop is still going on, and you can get some serious discounts on a few games(like 50% off at times) like Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max for the PSP. Only 10 bucks right now for a new copy. Seriously, go grab it. It's Street Fighter Alpha 3 with like 13 game modes and 37 characters, several of which were added to this version from other capcom fighters. It's actually a very good port. You can also grab games like Odin's Sphere for the PS2 for 20 bucks n' stuff.
  24. Wow... I am seriously impressed with The World Ends With You. I mean, I know I should be going through the story, but the battles are just so damned fun. This game really takes the DS functionality to a serious high. I'm also really digging the atmosphere. Bravo, Tetsuya Nomura and Jupiter. Bravo. Also, has anyone tried out Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword yet? I'm thinking of grabbing it next, but I haven't really gotten that much feedback on it yet other than ratings on IGN n' stuff.
  25. Funny this topic comes up after I've seen videos for The Force Unleashed on all systems including the PSP and DS. From what I've seen, they've managed to keep most if not all the next-gen features such as DMM and that advanced A.I and place them all on "inferior" hardware(save the DS). Which leads me to believe even more strongly that we can still get great gameplay experiences from even last-gen stuff, and hardware really only limits certain aspects of video and audio, neither of which have to be too big of a factor in good fun... It also kind of pisses me off that we didn't see this stuff in last generation's hardware... At any rate, I guess I'll just echo the sentiment that it all depends on the games released on said platforms. Right now I'm honestly not seeing too many hits on any one system enough times to warrant preferring one over the other, so it all depends on what games you DO want to play. I'm kind of sad that I'm not seeing that amazing of 3rd party line-ups with anything but the DS and PSP.
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