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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Project Sylpheed is serious win. If I had a TV right now, I'd be playing it constantly.
  2. You mean Gouken? Yeah, Shen Long was just a goof-up. Ryu and Ken's master is Gouken, brother(I think) of Gouki(Akuma), and yeah, it would be awesome as all hell if they were in there as well. Apart from that, being that it IS Street Fighter II characters we're talking about, it wouldn't make sense for them to JUST add Fei Long. I'm sure they'll include Cammy and the others. Dan is awesome, but if they add Sakura(I like her, sue me) as well, well I'll be a happy man indeed.
  3. The old-school was fun, but it's just that: Old-school. Although I still love the hell out of the new remake for Rondo(hooray for switching stage BGMs), and like Arek said, the new games no matter how many they may churn out are like crack to me, I really would like to see IGA go in a new direction. Of course like I said before, his past 3d iterations weren't exactly the greatest ever even though I did think they were somewhat good, although with somewhat boring gameplay mechanics. I'd like to see them really approach Castlevania in a real horror-type setting. I wanna see werewolves that make me shit my pants every time I'm unlucky enough to run into one. When I sea sahagins, I want to know that these guys will try to rip me to shreds and that I should fear them beyond all reason. I want the latest iteration of "The Creature" to not make me laugh at how easy he is to beat, but to freak me the fuck out when he's literally smashing through walls trying to get his deformed hands on my arm to rip it off my shoulder. I want to know that this is NOT the place I want to be right now.
  4. Yeah, this IS the classic problem. I'd like to see 'em go with something different as well, hell even trying to make this a 3D version(although asking IGA for a good 3D CV game is ludicrous at best...), although I'm glad he decided to revisit the idea of a MAIN female character(no, Charlotte doesn't count) even though I wish it would have been Sonia instead. Who knows, maybe he doesn't wanna touch her character 'til he's finally achieved perfection on a 3D platform... Which means we'll probably never see her again. Hey I know! What if we made Dracula a decepticon?
  5. This game will be no different in delivering awesome. What's more, I expect amazing things from this one.
  6. Saw this about a week ago. I'm excited.
  7. Yes it is very perplexing. I should know, I AM me after all. I have a slim, which is the problem, so unless I score a pandora's battery and a magic mem stick, not much I can do until the homebrew gang works a way around it.
  8. Ok, 2 things, but first this: I did not know that you could download game demos, and even PSOne games onto your PSP from the Playstation store. I feel somewhat lame since I JUST found out about it, but I feel even more AWESOME since coming across the demo for God of War. Seriously. This game is amazing. So amazing in fact that I can only describe in the following fashion. It's like sucking down pure sugar from a straw and having the most amazing sugar shock ever, but instead of sugar, it's pure, unadulterated, gory violence, which is AWESOME. Even the music punches you in the face and then says "Hey listen, I'm badass, and you'd better go play this game NOW!" Seriously buying the game. Now, on to Patapon. I'm not going to tell you why you should buy this game, but rather, I'll just point back to Ifrit's post above my own. The game is great, stupid fun, and it's only $20. Go buy it.
  9. I always thought that suspension of disbelief was a major part of film-going in general. I guess I've been wrong for the past 20 years.
  10. I think it's pretty much a given that you fail at movie-going.
  11. For video games and feminism, you could do some kind of point, counterpoint-styled argument to point out how video games have helped and/or hindered the movement or something along those lines. I like the idea of video games and as a reflection of culture. You could do stuff relating to how games are sometimes subject to cultural stereotypes, in-culture concepts, etc., etc... I think it could be taken to lengths on a number of things
  12. Malaki approves this message.
  13. Yeah, but in terms of Star Wars, they've just been churning out "Clone war this" and "clone war that" over and over. Of course I'm really excited about The Force Unleashed if just from a technical standpoint and I'm going nuts over the new next-gen Indiana Jones game that's coming out eventually. Although I wonder if it's just time to close the curtain on those kinds of adventure games. I mean, I haven't played the latest Sam & Max games, so I'll reserve my judgment, but I thought that Escape From Monkey Island was a bit lacking compared to Curse of Monkey Island. Maybe it was the art direction and the jump to 3D, maybe it was just me, I dunno.
  14. Requesting prices for all lucasarts adventure games, lemmings, and Myst games.
  15. It's a mixed bag, whereas there are games that rely greatly on music as a theme(games like Eternal Sonata and Rhapsody come to mind) and thus take great care to make sure that it's done very well, there are games and developers who don't really worry too much about it. I can see why in a game like Metroid Prime 3, there wouldn't be that big of an emphasis, rather it would just be good enough to provide the right ambience and let the game flow from "scene A to Scene B" without making it awkward. I think that in general, that's the main idea behind composing a score for a movie or game. Sure, the music would definitely do a lot for the work if it were something memorable, at least I think so, but more important than that I think is that it has to "work" if you get my meaning. Those are my two cents anyway.
  16. Has anyone mentioned Full Throttle yet? Seriously. Anything Lucasarts put out pre-1998 or so was pure gold. Honestly I don't know what happened. I wish I could find all these games again. And damn that desert in King's Quest V. There was one part that I was stuck in that I could never for the life of me figure out. King's Quest VI was pretty cool as well. Never got to play the others.
  17. The movie was beyond incredible. Simply put, the best Indiana Jones movie made thus far, and you can believe me when I say there WILL be more. Everything about the movie took everything that makes Indy awesome and turned it up a notch. And rest assured, Shia Lebouffe is no slouch. He does his role and he does it well. I loved how everyone pretty much admitted that Indy is now old, and just played with it by having him do some seriously outrageous stuff.
  18. Hey gang, here's another one for ya. So I don't have a TV at the moment, and being that I'm trying to be as light as possible in terms of stuff, I don't really wanna buy one at the moment 'til I settle down back home in January. Now here's my solution to not having a TV to use for my 360: USB video capture device to output the video from my laptop. My question is, what kind of device is best? I can't use any PCI or desktop interface being that I'm using my laptop. I also here that certain devices have lag on them, thus rendering play quite well, unplayable. Was wondering if any of you were familiar with or are using this kind of setup. Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  19. I predict this movie shall destroy the box office. And it will be good for everyone.
  20. I cannot stress it enough. Critics are not to be taken a full 100% ever. Look at all the crap going through videogame review sites.
  21. Well you can't really compare the two. They're both very different in execution and audience.
  22. Sounds like a plan. I'll give it a shot, thanks.
  23. I'm pretty sure it's a given that everyone here has seen Gundam 00. My vote for best Gundam series so far(fuck all y'all haters). I'm thinking there's a storm coming up ahead, but I doubt Saji is gonna in the eye. If anything, he's gonna be damned close, but not quite there.
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