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Did anyone actually see Speed Racer?
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Avatar of Justice's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, RAIN was pretty cool(at first I thought RAIN was the Japanese girl...), and John Goodman was doing what he does best: Being John Goodman(which I love). All and all, I thought the movie was good family fun, but not to the point where my friends and I couldn't enjoy it. I also thought that for all the times that the movie was over the top, I thought that it managed to pull together a gritty racing drama quite well, and I applaud the Wachowski brothers and the entire film crew for making a great movie. Also, critics are pretty much retards, and a general rule of thumb is that you take everything they say with a grain of salt. -
This might be a bit annoying. My aunt took her old PC(it's a Sony Viao circa 2002 running WinXP) out of storage and has been having some problems with it. Yesterday it was just getting on the net, which wasn't that big a problem, but now she can't even get the system to respond. It's stuck on the main display with the only command available is to ctrl,alt, del the sucker, there are no icons or even the start on. At first glance I thought it was just in safe mode, but since i'm not there myself I can't really get a feel for what's going on. I'm thinking since she hasn't updated her anti-virus software(or hasn't bought one) and being that her comp is that old, it might have been hit. I know this probably isn't enough info, but it's all I've got to work with. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Just saw Frontier Ep.7. Holy god awesome dogfighting. This is the kind of action I like seeing.
Did anyone actually see Speed Racer?
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Avatar of Justice's topic in General Discussion
Seriously. They want some Johnny Depp drama, go watch something else. This movie was never intended to be the most gripping film of the decade. Speed Racer was an awesome movie with some awesome effects, visuals(ditto on the F-Zero, but more like Mario Kart mixed with Hot Wheels), acting, and appeal. I'd go see it again if I wasn't gonna go see Indy 4(probably best Indy movie yet) this week. And fuck all y'all and your Spritle hatin'. -
Banjo is Back! "Nuts and Bolts" detailed!
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to SwordBreaker's topic in General Discussion
Looks pretty cool. The graphics are damned purdy, although I will admit that the build your own vehicle idea sounds a bit gimmicky. Still, I'm sure at the very least it'll promote some interesting pieces of creativity. I do kind of hope they maintain more of the mechanics of the first game, being that I thought it was pretty great all on it's own, but hey, if innovation works, it works, and it definitely looks cool thus far. Here's to hoping for the best. -
There are a few RPGs out for the 360 like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect and Oblivion, and more are coming out like Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean 4(possibly), Fable 2, Infinite undiscovery, Last Remnant, etc. Only problem I'm seeing is that these are all from the "big guns" publishers and developers. Nothing niche is really coming out for any of the new systems, which is disappointing to say the least.
While I'm loving Vampire Knight a lot, and it's getting progressively better each episode, Code Geass R2 is like OMFGLOLWTF. Seriously, it's like every week's episode is awesome, but somehow the next episode manages to be 10 times more amazing. I love this director and his no holds barred attitude.
Wow... I'm seriously starting to like Macross Frontier.
Thanks for making a thread about it.
I'm actually a bit skeptical of that one, but please give us some feedback on it. I'm sure it might be pretty cool(I hope anyway). But I'm backlogged in terms of Strategy RPGs. Gotta go through Jeanne d'Arc, finish Tactics, then tackle Disgaea.
It does. I don't know why though, but it has some massive slowdown on most of the abilities. Bad porting on SE's part. After awhile it doesn't phase as much. I won't be able to use the custom firmware on my PSP 'til someone finally comes out with a crack for the slim that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
Opinion: Has the new generation been jilted?
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Salluz's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, but look at that example. You showed your younger brother Zrlda 2 and he went nuts for it. All we have to really do is give all these games some exposure. Nostalgia doesn't make a good game a good game(it might make a shitty game a good game), a GOOD game makes a good game. If Zelda 2 was great back then, chances are that if you show it to someone who never got a chance to play it back in the day might go nuts over it. I've been letting my little cousins play Mario Bros. every now and then, and they love it. -
I'm actually starting to appreciate the remake for Rondo of Blood much more after having gotten through the original just now. This really is the best old-school Castlevania game I've played. It's a shame they never released it over here when it first came out in '93(I think). Oh well, at least it DID finally make it over here. That being said, Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, as well as Maverick Hunter X and Mega Man Powered Up, was worth every penny I spent on it. Really great set of games. I've already gone through it several times and I still love it. On another note, I've managed to pull in around $1,000 for Sony via free word-of-mouth advertising just by demoing everything this sucker can do. The PSP is a seriously awesome little handheld. I salute you, Sony.
Opinion: Has the new generation been jilted?
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Salluz's topic in General Discussion
I don't see what's wrong with this generation in terms of stuff being cranked out. As everyone has said, there have been bad games up the arse in every single generation. If anything though, I expect more in terms of gameplay, A.I., level design, and the like, given the power of the current consoles as well as looking back on what we've already managed to achieve in gaming thus far, and I think we're getting that in a bunch of different games. This is a good generation for gaming. Also, more games with dinosaurs. And Islanders riding them. Fuck, could we please just have another Adventure Island? And Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia? Those were fun games. -
Yeah for some reason I'm enjoying the hell out of the original Rondo of Blood more than the actual remake, but it's fun playing the remake using the music from the original game. I still prefer the SNES version of Bloodlines though. Anyway, impressions time yet again!!! This time it's Mega Man Maverick Hunter X(Who loves ya, Penfold?), which as everyone knows by now is a 3D remake of the first Mega Man X game... Which was an awesome game to begin with. If you're familiar with the original version of the game, then you'll be able to pick this one up and beat it relatively fast no problem. Almost all the stages are the same as their SNES counterparts save for a few details here and there, although there are several stages that are rather different entirely(won't say which), which is a pretty fresh idea. IGN says they moved around the power-up capsules around different areas this time, but it's not that hard to find 'em again. I just wonder if the hadouken is still in the game. Being that I'm a weirdo, one thing that always bugged me in the original version was lack of motivation and purpose if you will. Of course they added plot in later games(like MMX4) to explain certain events in this game, but it feels that much better to have actual cutscenes and text to explain why the hell you start playing the game on that highway! >.>;. In terms of extras, there really isn't much save for some movie that apparently explains everything(I haven't unlocked it yet) and Vile Mode(ditto on that one). Vile mode however, is supposed to be a hoot to play... Also very hard. He's able to equip different weapons before beginning a stage, shoulder cannons, leg cannons, arms cannons, etc. His mobile armor also has a machine gun in addition to the standard punch, so that makes it cooler I guess. There is one downside in my opinion to the game, and that's the control scheme. I can never seem to pull off a dash jump off a wall with the PSP buttons for some reason. I have to awkwardly change finger positions to get it to work. Somewhat annoying, but the command can be switched. I could go on, but I'd rather keep playing. Anyway, verdict is: If you enjoyed the hell out of MMX the first time, then this will leave you feeling very satisfied. If you can't find it in a store near you, then grab it off Amazon for 15 bucks. Happy gaming, all.
I just created my first test stage in MM: Powered Up! Hurray! It doesn't really work that well, being that apparently it's not a good idea to put ladders so far from eachother above a spike pit, but meh... I'll get the hang of it.
Yeah I own Portrait as well. One of my favs. But I've always been a huge fan of the old school castlevanias.
you mean she's playable in Rondo or in Symphony? 'Cause I know she's playable in Rondo for a fact. Also, been playing a bit more. This really is the best Castlevania I've ever played.
Impressions time!!! Today's impressions are of Mega Man Powered Up and Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles. I sure do love me some 3D side-scrolling action! Whew anyway, so I've spent about an hour and a half with each game so far, and I've gotta say, if you loved the originals, then you're gonna think these are faptastic. I'll start with Mega Man. It's Mega Man. It's totally remastered. It's totally awesome and now portable. So I guess that makes it portable awesome. I'm sure most of you have played the original, so we're all familiar with the story. Nothing new there. What IS new however are two new robot masters, Time Man and Oil Man(who looks like a duck), as well as multiple difficulty levels, and a choice between old-school and remastered levels. Not only that, but there's a challenge mode that gives you assorted goals and handicaps as you go through different levels and whatnot. Better yet is that you can play as all 8 robot masters! Yeah, go through all the levels and challenge levels with Cut Man, Guts Man, you name it. And just because this game is a remake doesn't mean you'll be having that much of an easier time. Let's just say there are a few surprises along the way. Not to mention a stage creator and being able to upload and download stages from players around the world on the network. Yay. So far, the verdict is a winner. Now on to Castlevania. Well, it's a 3D remake of the original Rondo of Blood, as well as including the original PC Engine Rondo AND Symphony of The Night(although it DOES suck that it's the PSX version and not the Saturn version with Maria playable and two new areas... phooey). It isn't called "The Dracula X Chronicles" for nothing. As with Mega Man Powered Up, the game has been given a total makeover, including remastered music, cutscenes, voiceovers, etc. The voice acting isn't all that great thus far, but I think they made that intentional what with the piss poor dub for SoTN. At any rate, the game is(in my mind anyway) the apex of old-school Castlevania, and is definitely still fun. The coolest addition I've seen thus far is the FMV introduction, which is pretty much the intro to the original, complete with German narration, but in FMV form. Unlike Mega Man, there isn't that much of a departure from level design and difficulty(which is challenging enough as it is). Oh and I forgot to mention that both games have an auto-save function, so that should be useful for some people. Verdict: Very nice. Ok I've rambled on long enough. Back to playin'. I dunno if this stuff has been posted thus far in the thread, but here it is. Both games are relatively cheap at Amazon(MM was 15 while CV was 30), and I think they're worth it. Stay tuned for my impressions of Maverick Hunter X coming sometime this week. Out.
I tried getting into Golden Sun, and I think I made it a fair deal through the first one, but I dunno... It just wasn't doing it for me. I guess I thought it was too simplistic in scope.
I shall give you my impressions with much haste in the PSP thread once I get the game sometime this week(ordered it from Amazon along with the others), but suffice to say that I loved the hell out of MMX, and being that it's relatively unchanged I think(gameplay-wise), in 3D, has anime cutscenes, remastered music, and now you can play as VILE, I'm sure it will rock out loud. You can grab it new off Amazon for $15. In fact, Amazon is probably the best place to grab PSP stuff right now save for new releases and the like. Gamestop has almost nothing for it. Although in terms of better remake, I think MM: Powered Up is more of a winner, but then I'm a goober who likes that kind of crap. Edit - Wow! My Megaman Powered up and Castlevania stuff already got here. No Megaman X yet I'm afraid(shipped separately). Should be here tomorrow though. However, I shall give impressions on the first two either tonight or tomorrow. Huzzah!
If I didn't just grab Megaman Powered Up, Maverick Hunter X, and Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles for ma PSP, I would have picked up the World Ends With You along with Revenant Wings. Too bad I lurv me some sidescrollers...
The Black Mages III - Darkness and Starlight
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Animae's topic in General Discussion
Bombing Run from FFVII Neo-Ex Death from FFV The Extreme from FFVIII Premonition from FFVIII Distant Worlds(no idea) Assault of The White Dragons(FFIX) Darkness and Starlight(FFVI) Life Grand Cross(FFIX) Kurayaminokumo. -
The Black Mages III - Darkness and Starlight
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Animae's topic in General Discussion
Heard the album earlier... Very underwhelming. I can't say that I'm not disappointed. Just didn't have the flair of the other albums.