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Everything posted by linkspast

  1. most anything from DDR... That came in to my head before I saw your sig...
  2. Nobuo... Is he doing only the main theme?
  3. Or Missing# from Pokemon, where when you pick it up it messes up the controls, for instance up would be a R or something completely random.
  4. You dont have to be. No one says "Hey you be poor"
  5. Yeha no problem. I mean If they got could to work. this is no problem, at least there from the same world.
  6. 1.Ban all members. 2.Nuke all forums. 3.sell on ebay. 4.??? 5.Profit
  7. So is this a new game or another port with added features.
  8. or a tie wearing ape, or dinosaur.
  9. Mgs3 had camo you could download for the Ps2. Why not, It be cool if you could win it in some sort of tourny a week or so before it is released to the public.
  10. Crap... You guys need a life... So what hes a dictator, You don`t have to make a huge deal of it. Just play the game. Or not. Its that simple. But I would of liked to see a true winner. Heres to this tournament getting finished.
  11. Yes you have... I have spent the last Hour or so playing. EDIT: 2 hours now.
  12. Hey. Any one know what to do If your camera happens to get left out in the rain?...
  13. you say that like you were planning on getting one. I have to get at least two. one to play, and another to keep safe so when something tragic happens to the other one I can keep playing.... at which point Ill go get another one. duh.
  14. When I said this I could of swore I was putting this in the OCR the musical thread.
  15. Should make it like space invaders. Where each name is an invader.
  16. Mmmm... Epic composer.. Is there any way SSBB wont be amazing, I mean Hideo, Miyamoto, and Uematsu...
  17. I think he was getting past the 10 character minimum.
  18. Who made Katamari? Id say its pretty innovative
  19. Hmmm I like the way that sounds. "Super Smash Bros. Chaos" EDIT: Friendly Hunter, watch these. they may provide some back story for some of the moves, Ie marios cape. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=CrappyCaptureDevice
  20. 1.Watch this http://fatalitiesthreehundred.ytmnd.com/ 2.be happy 3.? 4.Profit!
  21. Nope your not the only one... In larger stages this bothers me more. and I knew exactly what you meant
  22. Ok But Seriously these are pretty cool. compares SSBM with their origins. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=CrappyCaptureDevice Oh and Skullkid could be pretty awesome.
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