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Everything posted by linkspast

  1. So I was cleaning my room and found swap magic and DDR extreme the Japan version... Its awesome, I was wondering if the newer DDR games were on par with it..
  2. Samus` Final Smash has a large area of attack, where Sonic had to actually seek out his foes.
  3. Yeha I dont know about that. I mean why would MTV know? Whatever just gives me more time to find a wii.
  4. Sonic is here.... wow, I was hoping that sonic was not going to be in brawl. Not sure why. mostly cause all his recent games suck.... but after seeing his intro video... I am excited to play as him.
  5. http://www.liksang.com/ Well its been nearly a year....
  6. Wow. I dont know much about anything. But It`s official, your awesome.
  7. Master and Commander, I think thats the movie. Never saw it, but the OST is amazing. And like said before Gladiator.
  8. "hey, come here for a sec...." "what" "i need you to stand here for a sec" "why?" "cause your a girl, and I want to be one"
  9. QFE... and this helps recover damage....
  10. final fantasy is the greatest RPG ever. Ever.
  11. Was`t that from some Aprils fool joke? one of my stupid friends thought it was true... Until he actually killed 20 in cruel melee
  12. I always heard "so long me bowser"
  13. Not sure, but you should put this here, http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=18 LT EDIT: Moved.
  14. Wow. So VotL came out... and with it a flood of FF7. Great. Your not gonna believe this, well maybe you are, whatever. I got the game used, so the disc was scratched. when Sephroth came down to strike her. it skipped to where you first enter Gold saucer and see balloons... It was kinda funny.
  15. Cool Three updates in one day... and not only that three Music based updates. Which is what this place is based on. Music. . . December 3rd cant come too soon... only 86 more days.... wow 86 more updates....
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