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Everything posted by linkspast

  1. So I never noticed how awesome the SC sound track was until I listened to it with out playing the game. SC2 Needs an awesome soundtrack.
  2. I think so. It says Japan time... which Is sooner right?
  3. Wow... I think Blizzard rivals Square when it comes to CG. That looked amazing. I cant wait.
  4. So when Nintendo Power shuts down and I still have 6 months left then what happens?
  5. ok Ill do it. Shadow of the Colossus. Its beautiful, to look at and to play.
  6. It tick me off. I am going to Buy a wii only when this game comes out. no sooner.
  7. They'll announce another character. Luigi. or some one we assumed we were getting.
  8. Why do companies make cell phone games? I have never seen one that even sparked an interest. The only game for cellphones is tetris.
  9. Jack Thompson LOL Finally he has his own thread... LOL
  10. Or double jumping... believe me..
  11. My guess is its from a sword. they kept saying that Sylar was the scapegoat for peter, so I dont know maybe Peter and Sylar were in the same room, both as Peter and hero had to slash them? or something along the lines.
  12. Do you guys watch this show? Its pretty amazing. The last episode was awesome... I figure a few of us watch it, so I am making a thread. oh and its almost 2am so if i sound like a retard thats why. But for reals. This show is amazing, I want to see how they can end this season and still leave it open for the second one. Any ideas?
  13. if Starcraft were to become an MMO Id have to say a large portion of Korea would die in front of their screens to starvation...
  14. mmmm Nostalgia every fanboys weakness....
  15. Is it an acer? mine often thinks there is no sound card... you just have to reinstall the drivers.
  16. This is a pretty out there project. How long do you plan on taking...
  17. I was saying to the guy in the ocr shirt in the picture to identify his self.
  18. Nice one... You in the picture... identify your self.
  19. My friends aunt owns an extreme machine... Its amazing how much better it works when no little kids play on it.
  20. I always hated this show for some reason not sure why, I just did
  21. I had the swap magic slid card for a while.. and it worked just fine, If you have the disk you can make your own card its not that hard at all. do a google for Swap magic 3 and you should get results
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