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Everything posted by linkspast

  1. Try getting the driver from the companies website.
  2. try looking online for a driver.
  3. I am thinking this would be much different on a laptop...
  4. More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time. What the hell do you want? A FPS? A RTS? I mean, its zelda, if would not be zelda if there were no dungeons and items. What the hell do you want ? A flower aranging game? Pikmin...
  5. Ninja-san where did you get that book... Its awesome... especially the last one.
  6. I have neither the time, money, nor PS2 to do that. Sad... I wanted to see your take on the games. I have much liked your works in the past.
  7. then I say you should take about 10hrs and play Shadow of the Colossus... Its short and sweet.
  8. Awesome. I have just one more colossus to kill, but I am sure that I have to kill that voice that talks to you in the end.... I expect to see some amazing pieces of work here. Are all the winners from the past months save? If so I think it be cool If after FAC12 we got to vote for the best of the year. Or if we did that this month so it could be a December thing. Just an Idea.
  9. So. I think I want to learn to play the harmonica, but I have no musical know how. So I was wondering if any of you could give me some input... And I figure since I can I might as well open this to talk about what kind of instruments you play.
  10. Well If i remember the Ps1 competed with the snes for a bit then with the 64. then the ps2 came along and competed with 64s latter days as well... Sony is really good at keeping a system last for a good ten years.
  11. I always thought it was Falcon. I hope he makes a return. It be kinda lame if they just got rid of someone . Kinda like Pluto.
  12. That would suck royally. Yeah, they'd better at the very least bring back all of the classic characters. Why would they get rid of anyone?
  13. could not get a ps3 use your 1337hax0r sikilz to get on3 http://ps3.shimpinomori.net/index_en.html
  14. http://www.therealps3grill.com/therealps3grill!_000003.htm This is lol
  15. Well Today is launch day... and I bet there sold out already. Anyone got one or know some one who dose?
  16. There's no way that deal will go through. No way. People aren't THAT stupid. The bidding history should say enough. Just look at the feedback. I bet its a fake account. No one with Zero feed back would do that.... well this is the internet.
  17. I was positive that they said that it would not use the wii-mote. It better not throw off my smash
  18. The game or the girl. Ummmm What happend to Deku seeds... Its now Pumpkin seeds. pg 31 of the manual
  19. hahaha oh man, what the fuck? EDIT: I mean.. if taht's Taiwan, I wonder how many are going to be shipped to central and south america, 1 for peru, one for colombia, one for puerto rico, and a half a ps3 to the Dominican Republic. If you managed to get a ps3 in some country like Columbia or some place like that you would get shout if any one found out you had one.
  20. TP manual. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v325/bigopinion/TPManual/ Enjoy.
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