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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. Show's at 10 on http://areciboradio.com voice is worn out. Some karaoke may occur. We'll see how I feel after I'm done with my sleeps (long trip home was long)
  2. I agree with OCAD-tan... in so many ways
  3. I'm a fan of freeze man and the Wily Stages (except 2)
  4. I'm going to melt your faces off so hard. After the first round, I have such a good idea for a rap beat with Blade Man's theme lol
  5. Of course, you know full well I can't keep my damn mouth shut. :3 I may end up making every song a lyrics song depending on what happens. I think I've lost this contest already
  6. I just put Blade Man on loop for 30 minutes. I'll be damned if I don't get this so ingrained in my subconscious that I'll be able to medley/combine it with any melody imaginable.
  7. Normally, I disagree with you when it comes to inflating the boobs. But given how sexy and raunchy OCAD is, I agree. On the other hand, this form is perfect for OCAD too as every kinky girl ever looks like that. /stereotype
  8. The show starts in 25 minutes!!!! http://areciboradio.com I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING. Everything to be decided eventually! Still, it'll be fun.
  9. On that note, is the GCN version the best version to go for?
  10. Where can I purchase this, for how much and can I play it on my wii?
  11. Well Geez. This is awesome news. Congrats duo of decibel devastation.
  12. They should suck it up and play live, that's where the real money is these days. Unless they wanna do TV Ad jingles and shizz, that makes a crapload of money.
  13. Apparently in an alternate universe, My girlfriend is a super fighting robot:
  14. For GRMRB you'll need more soundscape filling. The pad used really doesn't take up much space, but then again that could be the side-chaining. Ah who am I kidding I'm terrible at electronica, sound good to me.
  15. it does. Yea, its me, but the vocals were also done really fastly, so I will definitely improve on these thanks.
  16. Premiered this on my radio-show back on Tuesday. Its back with a vengeance! My arrangement - http://cyril.arnoldascher.com/covers/moonsongwip1.mp3 Original Source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONSUW8yzV0w My lyrics - http://cyril.arnoldascher.com/moonsong.txt Keep in mind: (updated 10/10/12) This is all like, 100+ hours of time put in. I may do some little tweaks before subbing it to the good ol' OCR (and my YT) but right now... Idk I think its the best that I can do at this point in my musical career tbh UPDATE: 7/17/11 --> SC: http://soundcloud.com/cyrilthewolf/moonlight-wip DL: http://cyril.arnoldascher.com/covers/moonsongwip2.mp3 UPDATE: 06/07/12 --? SC: http://soundcloud.com/cyrilthewolf/moonlight-wip update: 6/9/12 --> DL only: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4968788/moonsongmaster2.mp3 update 10/10/12 --> DL only: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4968788/moonlightfinal4.mp3
  17. I have not been able to make LWC protect any block other than doors and chests, and protecting Iron Doors gets useless unless you flag the redstone or something.. just sayin
  18. and one of lapis. Becuase lapis is amazing.
  19. Massive is good. KVRaudio has a bunch of free ones. Triangle I and 2 by RGCAudio are pretty cool... I don't know if htey are RTAS, good luck finding cheap RTAS plugins Minimogue and Synth1 I guess. Get massive though, it rocks.
  20. S'alright species. My recording works, though I would still appreciate it if you could also record them so that I have a backup in case mine poops for some reason if that's cool. @Brushfire I knew you were at poopy work, I expect you to be back someday! @Garian its true guys, we all get together and BS for hours and hours while playing minecraft on Skype. @BS It was, hope I wasn't too rude to you.
  21. Look, a stream! Basically: performance for the first 45 min, the rest is regular show.
  22. Don't forget about Cyril's Silly Show tonight at 10PM! Chat at #arecibo on Esper.irc.net The live set tonight will consist of acoustic selections, including a new release that will hopefully be recorded for realz by the end of the month. Cheers! http://areciboradio.com
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