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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. I rather enjoyed playing them. I haven't played them since I was quite young, but I enjoyed them
  2. Chameleon Twist (1 and 2) Mischief Makers Lufia 2 (to an extent)
  3. Also, tonight the beginning live performance section (with varying degrees of success) will be: End of the World (original) Never Stop (MMZ2) All Together Now (MMX, X2) Crushing Gravity
  4. oh god that image kills my eyes. srsly.
  5. SWEET! KyleJCRB is all up ons my show maybe tonight. :3 Remember go to http://areciboradio.com to listen to the goodies. It's fun times for everyone!
  6. General electric GRAHHHHHH!!! Corporate Taxes are a touchy subject that I will not go into lest someone gets offended that I don't think the entities themselves should be taxed as everyone else who runs it also gets taxed. I do think CEO compensation packages typically award more than they ought. If you feel enraged by that, PLEASE quote it and make a topic in off-top or something. lol (ninja-editnote: that doesn't make GE's evasion of taxes correct, just want to be clear on that, if its the law its the law and people should not skinny around them) Anyway, yea, so this is where I'm glad I never owned a sony system (or even a walkman) in my life
  8. I recommend. Even though its a State school the rates are still rather competitive for out of state if you don't have a lot of money. SUNY Potsdam's Music Business Program through the Crane School of Music. It's Bachelor of Music degree so you get a lot of music history, aural training and keyboarding training in addition. Crane has a good reputation and will teach you composition if you audition with compositions, but more likely you'd audition as an instrumentalist. You can also do the Business Admin Major with Music Business Minor as I am Or, SUNY Oneonta has a good MI program as well.
  9. I could just rom-hack it to get the effect you are going for.
  10. Hey, I can speak in absolutes and make assumptions based on little evidence to!
  11. This. Like, I consider myself a bassist nowadays, but before I was a throughandthrough alto saxphonist. Now, I play several different stringed instruments, keyboard and wind instruments. And i pretend to sing. WHAT FUN!
  12. Heh, no one is fearless Brandon lol. Sorry we don't keep in touch, no idea why on that point either haha.
  13. See, I am vocalist-bassist. I am very upfront, outgoing... sometimes. haha
  14. itt we violate the #1 rule of listening to/enjoying pop music.
  15. Ugh, I quit. Too many joojs to h8 nowadays. ugh. See ya laterz when some joojs quit. (for real though: enjoy your judge times)
  16. Well, the last show I had Kyle, featured Brushfire and Pete and BrianSpackle. Sooo.... OCAD mostly took over my show. :3 Still working things out, but each show is getting better. I can officially say we are NOW IN STEREO (I had been accidentally broadcasting in mono until recently so lets hope for the best next time lol) THANKS STEVO!
  17. Tuesday's @ 10PM EST! The show where I play video game music, random music, requests and maybe someday interview people who are cool nerd music guys/gals. Just some fun. General show format is the first half-hour to hour is me performing music of the video game cover variety, sometimes with backing tracks, sometimes not. Just some fun, come listen if your feeling it! Tonight its probably gonna be a half-hour of me performing, I'm not well lol. Like it on Facebook beyothces: http://facebook.com/csillyshow
  18. I like CDs. I like having the object and CD audio is worlds better than compressed Mp3s. That being said I am not against digital downloads... provided I can get them in at least 320kbps Mp3. For instance: there is no physical copy of Mega Beardo, but did I still download it? YOU BET YOUR ASS I DID. I'd prefer to get 24-bit/96khz if ever possible. DVD audio or SuperAudio CD works pretty well. I don't mind Records, but the noise floor bothers me. *shrug* </pretentious douchery>
  19. Annnnddddd my interest is Piqued in ways you can only imagine.
  20. FUN??!?! WHO PLAYS GAMES FOR FUN!!! You sir, clearly need to reevaluate your stance on life. <3
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