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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. Uwe Bolls pacing kills it for me everytime. I should not be Bored by a movie called dungeon siege. Though I have not seen Postal, I really don't think that blatantly showing bush and osama skipping off into the sunset constitutes good satire or movie-making. Wang jokes are funny, yea, but he himself takes his own work far too seriously.
  2. I like the gordon freeman one better than the other one. lol
  3. http://williammichael.net/aocc_2k9/aocc2k10/12_-_Cyril_the_Wolf_-_Midnight_Snowscape.mp3 <-- Freeze Man (rough, not subbed but you guys are being boobs ) http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/10-12-MAGfree_Month/14-Cyril%20the%20Wolf-Mega%20Man%207-Seventh%20Climb-DoD.mp3 <--- wily 3 and 4 enjoy the slight lameness. I'll finish them eventually
  4. I'm going to write some metroid fanfiction and pretend other m doesn't exist. screw that crap man, I want my samus to be super gruff like good ol' duke nukem. except female and hot.
  5. I desire another B-Day episode for me. I promise I won't stomp all over any other guests who may be on with me. Perhaps I can bring my cousin on with me as well.
  6. I think ANYTHING includes dispensers Chili.
  7. OH YOU'RE ON!!! *gets stoned by the guys he owes tracks to* OKAY OKAY god.
  8. Totally surprised to see you come up and do it up. Sadly I was too busy headbanging in the crowd to watch you play. But I caught glimpses. I can't wait to see your entire playthrough!
  9. Cyril comes from me using a naming etymology site to find what it meant for a short story. The wolf came becuase I thought wolves were like dogs, but cooler. Of course now everyone things I'm a legit furry, but I think its hilarious so it stuck.
  10. So many awesome things. Got to jam with Prince of Darkness, DrumUltimA, prophetik, couple random good drummers, audio_fidelity, Brandon Strader, Aislean, norg, Stemage, Kirby Pufocia, Adam Henry (stemage's bro), diotrans, and a couple random dudes who were amazing at their respective instruments. I tried doing some vocals with varying degrees of success, I performed for OCR, got an abominable picture commissioned for the OCAD panel by one Kevin Bolk, did the ThaSauce panel becuase I am on the radio station. I only played one game of magic the gathering during the con, what the hell. haha. I also had a great time seeing some of the bands particularly metroid metal and powerglove. And I hung out with some of the metroid metal dudes a bunch. Which is interesting kinda. What a scattershot magfest, but so fun.
  11. I like it in general, I think there's too much low end going on with the guitars. Not a lot too much just too much. I also find the guitar to be a little lazer-y, cutting down above 10khz a little would work nicely.. As for the vocals, he's gotta sing less from his throat and more from his diagphragm. I think there is too much reverb on the snare. As for the song itself, its basically a slow alt. metal song. Not really metalcore as it doesn't really have the obligatory metalcore breakdown. I do like it, but your singer needs to practice a bit more, and send you dry vocals instead of reverbed the craped out of.
  12. 5 - 10 hours for a polished instrumental. 14 years for a good vocal. Seriously though it takes me for ever and ever and ever to finish vocals. :\ Getting better though
  13. Maybe, but they still fear. They play so quietly. And they have to be in bigass groups when they play loudly. Seriously, one sax guy can only play at one volume, but when you get 6 or 7 they finally start playing loud.
  14. Its all wrong notes. Obviously. Its true, being a saxophonist, I must own up to the jazz conspiracy. *sigh*
  15. Thanks bLiNd! I was a little.... suspicious to say the least when I was handing over my metal and acoustic tracks to a primarily (at least from what I've seen but you've showed me other stuff before) to a nominally trance guy... But, you come well respected and holy crap that gear. I wish I had that gear ;_;
  16. I did freezeman's stage from MM7. Just for OCRE.
  17. Super Metroid. I don't really consider them cutscenes, and then they don't last that long. Just sayin.
  18. The Super Metroid Movie Soundtrack Right here. Sorry but some of these are really really cinematic.
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