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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. The world is telling me that I need to get an iPad more and more everyday. Do want.
  2. Yea... I would like an answer to this, I've been told by a guy that super huge pro guys get $500 per minute of music... I suppose it depends how much time you spend per minute of music and stuff.
  3. that kick is beeefffyyyy!!! (the drums don't really need to come up, in fact you could probably reduce the volume of the kick by about as much as you boost the snare. That kick REALLY comes through, especially on my setup) I think the snare could be upped a small tad. EVER so small tad. (same with the side sticks) Other than that, oh man OH MAN OH MAN!!! I really think you got some winrar here. '
  4. Needs more kick drum. Also, there is this ridiculous low end drone that's happening like that's amazing. If you can keep that but still have a successful kick drum, that would be bad ass.
  5. Crowbar, can we get the portals we have to the nether working over in our area? Do they automatically work? I think we may have 2 in the Noctis Tor area.
  6. Okay, so she's not a bad singer....... THEN WHY DID THEY DESTROY HER IN THE STUDIO?!??!
  7. oh... Ke$ha is being ironic? man I'm learning all sorts of new things. I'm not hipster enough to like irony though.
  8. Oh, its an indie thing? I thought it was a major-label subsidy. Carry on. Still if she has had 3 years of vocal lessons I'm sad.
  9. OH yea, its making money but LORD HELP ME. I still hate it. EDIT (from their website and why I hate it even more) Underlining added for emphasis. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh.
  10. No it is not, on par possibly but not worse.
  11. I vouch for Epicenter, he's a cool guy. He won't grief or nothin.
  12. I also vouch for troy, he's a cool guy. Also: :D
  13. OH MY FFfffffffffffffffffffffffffff. I knew someone like that, like in a discussion about earthquakes and inner earth activity blamed Global warming on their increased frequency. But yea, people are stupid.
  14. Can I get a whitelist? I <3 this game far too much and need more than one server to make epic in. I am cyrilthewolf
  15. Minecraft destroys productivity. On the other hand, I now have a nice stone structure surrounding my mine/place of residence. If I could actually make a nice living room we'd be set.
  16. Cut out the high end. Usually 8 - 16 khz is the problem areas. Do EQ sweeps to find the harmonics you need to destroy and kill them.
  17. Interesting. I have fire monkey just so I have a fire type, though I may phase him out as Blitzle learns Flame Charge. Which, by the way, is friggin badass.
  18. Trainer Name: Cyril Version: Black Starter: Oshawatt My Cousin is Trainer Name: Squishy Version: White Starter Tepig Friend Code forthcoming
  19. Oh man, I wish I could. But I've got limited resources and live on the opposite pole of the US east coast. Maybe some year, I mean I know a bunch of people who go and perform who I'd love to see.
  20. I was kidding man. But yea, it's true, I seldom do more than two becuase I'm 1) lazy 2) not inventive enough to get a good enough variety of tones at this point. On the other hand, I have quad-tracked bass, so I suppose I should stfu now.
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