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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Hi, Christian Pacaud and I were working on a remix album some 4 or 5 years ago called "Still More Fighting". Well both of us got pretty busy and we never launched the album. But by the end of it, I had a few tunes in my back pocket that were ready to go. They simply weren't mixed and mastered. This is one of those songs. It's a remix of "Dragon God" from Chrono Cross. I really didn't do much except make a few tweaks, mix, and master the track. All in all it's pretty interesting working with something you wrote half a decade ago. Anyway, major props to Christian for not only bringing these bass lines to life, but also for rocking the guitar! source:
  2. ReMixer name: Guifrog Real Name: Guilherme Arcoverde Country: Brazil ---- Game arranged: Sonic 3D Blast (PC/Saturn, 1996) Ribbit! Y'know, Brazil's a very miscigenated country. In my family, rumors have it that my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was a portuguese pirate; also, there's indian people among my mother's genealogy, and I'd say there's also arab influences from her - just because arab music and culture fascinates her (and me) a lot ;P. So, this time, I decided to create a mix that comes into arab territory. I'm not the kind of person that talks much about serious, polemic subjects. I comprehend that there's moments in which I'll need to have an opinion on them. But, even though I prefer to talk about nonsense (like uh, I wish the ocean was green) and/or less heavy things, I decided that I'd make a song that could pass emotions like peace, love and happiness on such a disturbed context. There's people who interpret "jihad" as a battle against those who don't 'share the same faith, when it could be seen as a battle against the obstacles that we create ourselves when we live. In this case, I'd say the lack of respect to the differences is one of these obstacles, as it can generate a war in which our life is involved. I may not understand everything that happens on the Middle East, but wouldn't it be better if there were no weapons in the middle of the development of a solution to our problems? There's where the title from my ReMix comes from: "Peace (be) upon your heart", in english-lettered arabic. Enough with this and on with the breakdown: 0:08-1:08, 1:28-2:28, 3:51-end => Chord progression's the same as the source chorus's, while flute plays source melody, as does bouzouki (greek instrument that sounds sitar-ish). You'll notice that I tried to give the very low-profile melody line from the original a few more things ;P 1:12-1:24, 2:32-2:44, 3:36-3:48 => Chord progression's from the middle part of the source (as is the piano playing, apart from the variations from the 2nd time it comes). 2:48-3:35 => Everything's original. So, world elements are represented by the arab percussion, flute and bouzouki; the song's chords and synths have more of a western vibe, and besides all that I tried to keep a Sonic the Hedgehog feel during the mix. Not sure if I succeeded, but I hope you like it anyway. Ma'a salama! Song arranged: Title Screen (source links: 1. , 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvg_zTUCSI0)
  3. Paneled to make sure there is enough dominant source ReMix: "Smooth Steel" ReMixers: zircon, Malcos Game: Mega Man 2 Source: Metal Man ---- This mix a real blast from the past. I made the instrumental in 2006 as the source material for the first "VOCR" competition (Vocal OC ReMix), organized by Jill (aka pixietricks). The idea was that everyone competing would write, arrange and record vocals atop a premade instrumental ReMix. Malcos' entry was this track, "Smooth Steel", which I think has some great lyrics, a killer vocal arrangement that meshes very creatively with the Metal Man melody, and excellent vocal performances. My production may have improved since I first made this instrumental, but I still think it holds up after all this time. The style I was going for was R&B/smooth jazz in the vein of Paul Hardcastle, who, at the time, I had just discovered. Malcos' smooth vocals fit perfectly on top of my arrangement, and while I might do things differently today, I really like how this collab ended up. Enjoy! ---- Lyrics: There's nothing you can do to me You've inflicted all the pain That you ever will, and now I don't want to see your face Every second I think about you is Time that I waste There's a smooth steel cage Around my heart The first time you almost got in and that's why I gotta forget about you Gotta leave you far behind Gotta keep moving forward Girl I've got a Smooth steel Cage wrapped around my heart It's not made of stone That can be weathered away Dead cold As only steel can be There's no emotion to see And it's all because of you I don't wanna be your lover I don't wanna be your friend Don't want to be undercover I'm so glad this is the end, girl You don't seem to understand That all you've caused me is pain All you care about is yourself I don't wanna go through that again I said... I don't wanna be your lover I don't wanna be your friend Don't want to be undercover Girl I've got a Smooth steel Cage wrapped around my heart It's not made of stone That can be weathered away Dead cold As only steel can be There's no emotion to see And it's all because of you Don't try to get me back It won't work Don't try to call my friends They don't care No one can do the things You did to me I said I'm dead cold As only steel can be There's no emotion to see And it's all because of you
  4. dude, the last thing we need is more Brushfires. Destroying your crotch is the only way. Sorry, it's just business, nothing personal.
  5. The beats started out a bit repetitive and canned, but it was a decent build otherwise, and though the sounds used were pretty generic, it had ok energy. I do think the intro went a little long, but once it had the theme come in, it was fun. The filtered transition was pretty nice as well. One thing is that arrangement-wise this could do a lot better is that sections seem pretty cut and pasted, and though there are some new variations on the sections, it gets pretty repetitive and doesn't feel like it expands much. Production is there i'd say, but I think the arrangement needs a little more progression, rather than hitting a style and sticking with it. The ending was pretty cool, with the vocoded vox and all, but i think there needs to be more variety in the mix. No, please resubmit
  6. This was a really cool take on a bunch of source themes, and giving them a unique chord progression really gelled the melodies together. Production was solid, and the arrangement was very slick and personalized. The transitions were solid and creative, and besides the brass synth that came in a little later on, things were completely on-point. Good sequencing, especially the guitars, and the beat was tasteful and interesting. This has a really nice feel of a modern take on a classic spaghetti western; and the integration of the source is really natural. The synths are nice, and the acoustic guitars work really well. Really solid, nice work! Yes
  7. From Mike: Section 2:48 to 3:12 is Forze de Male (KH 1) Section 3:13 to 3:24 is Guardando Nel Buio (KH 1) played against one winged angel Section 4:00 to 4:24 is tension rising (KH 2)
  8. I know the Tetris theme is a strange call for OCR because of it's life before it's inclusion of the game, but I thought this arrangement was too creative and well executed to pass up. The arrangement was melodically the same, but as far as backing tracks, counter melodies, and all the little details, it was stellar. The tempo increase at the end, and the well-used samples and maybe even some live performances mixed in? Either way, it sounds awesome. Yes
  9. This is ridiculously classy and well performed. I feel refined and smart just listening to it, and Ken and James did a fantastic job on it. Super props, guys, I always love your work.
  10. some solid riffs here. I dig it. \m/
  11. This really expands on the original in such a huge way that I had to check several times to make sure there was enough source in there, and it seemed to check out. The sequencing was pretty strong throughout, and the super-repetitive bell part that was in the source was hinted at, but not copied, which i think was the right choice. The texture is much richer in the ReMix, and while it retains the distinct feel of the source, it really takes it to the next level. Production was strong and clear, and the dynamics were varied and interesting. The percussion and harp specifically were highlights for me, but the strings also worked very well. Very strong expansion. Nice work. Yes
  12. Plenty of cool arrangement ideas here, but I felt that frequently the sequencing was a little too robotic, and some of the busier low end parts that had a lot of movement ended up getting muddied by the production and room sound. I also think for all the variations thrown in here, that the number was a bit superfluous, and the remix itself could be edited down to about 2/3 it's current size, using the best variations. There is a good sense of drama throughout, which is a strong point. So overall good ideas, but too many of them, and some of the variations are making the low end bleed pretty bad. No, please resubmit
  13. I think it's pretty clear that unless something gives here, this track will be on the panel forever. I think the source use is still a little on the low end, but if the majority of judges are cool with it passing, the strong performances can carry it. I'll change my vote to a yes. Yes
  14. The samples are a little weak, especially that panflute, which sounds pretty lifeless. When the backing strings are brought further forward, there's a lot of frequencies being stepped on in the mid highs, though once the guitars come in, the feel is much improved, especially when the flute gets some life. Beyond that, the arrangement seems pretty short, and though there is a decent amount of interpretation, it doesn't feel expanded enough. I'd suggest adding a little more to the length, and cleaning up those strings sepcifically with some EQ. I am pretty on the fence about this one, but it has some very strong promise, and just needs a little polish to make it over. No, please resubmit
  15. Pretty nice arrangement here, it has a nice melancholy that I always think about when waxing poetic about the ninja way of life. Production was good, with a solid soundscape and well-used samples, and plenty of interpretation. The piano plunking at the beginning was a little heavy handed, but not enough to really be a parody. Besides that pounding piano, the guitar sample is a little weak, but it's well used, and is more for the texture, rather than carrying a melody. The synths and strings sound pretty nice, and it gives the whole thing a smokey and sortof dreamlike flashback feel, along with the gated synths. I'm pretty good with this passing, I enjoy it. Yes
  16. The arrangement seemed a little long, but I did like the guitar playing a good deal, and the references to the source in both melodic and rhythmic ways were pretty solid. Some of the revereb elements bled a little bit, but overall the production was pretty clear. There is a good deal of original material present, but the source melodies are always brought back, and the source feels pretty dominant. Due to the length though, I can't help but think this might be better with a little bit of editing; on the other hand, it's more of an atmospheric piece, which can benefit from a longer arrangement. Either way it's a close call for me, but i'm inclined to give this one the nod. Good luck with the other judges, I have a feeling this one will be close. Yes
  17. Really nice stuff, it deserves all the adulation it's received. The vocal warbling has grown on me, and the rest of the track is as good as ever.
  18. Contact Information * Your ReMixer name: Draconiator * Your real name: Justin Landry * Your email address: musicphreak48@yahoo.com * Your website: http://www.youtube.com/draconiator * Your userid: 20634 Submission Information * The remix: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/egtr * Name of game(s) arranged: Donkey Kong Country 3 * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Rocket Run * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : This was made for the DKC3 project as a bonus track, it took 4-5 days to complete, but I dressed it up a tiny bit for submission. In the event that this is NO'd, leave the link in the post, please. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2fed_Yyujk
  19. Submission title: Green Thrillz Contact Information: ReMixer name: A.COE Real name: Alex Coe Email: acoe@gmail.com Website: http://www.acoemusic.net & http://www.myspace.com/acoemusic Submission Information: Name of game(s) arranged: Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Master System), Sonic CD (Japan) Name of individual song(s) arranged: Green Hills Zone, You Can Do Anything Link to original soundtrack: Green Hills Zone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDvJNpBEu0E You Can Do Anything: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAPRwI3DrDU&feature=related & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I8XpxWuUP4 Comments about the track: There'd be few people who'd disagree with me when I'd call the Master System version of Sonic 2 inferior to the Genesis one. However there was one thing that stood out... the Green Hills Zone theme. God damn... nothing encapsulates the vibe of the early Sonic the Hedgehog games better than this tune. This track was also reprised for a version of Sonic Drift and the Japanese and European versions of Sonic CD (which was a much better choice than that Sonic Boom crap). Shame about the godawful lyrics of the Sonic CD version entitled: You Can Do Anything. Anyway, in my opinion this is what music in modern Sonic games should sound like.
  20. Contact Information * Your ReMixer name: Dj Mystix * Your real name Mansoor Nazar * Your userid 11757 (DjMystix) Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged Sunset Riders * Name of individual song(s) arranged A Rosy Setting Sun, Mountain, Draw Your Gun * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) * Composer : Naohisa Morota, Motoaki Furukawa * System : Sega Genesis * Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) * Original Sources: The Rosy Setting Sun Mountain Draw Your gun OCR WIP Thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30159 Comments: Sunset Riders was a great game and, although not 4-player, but still fun to play on consoles as well. I only played Arcade and Sega Genesis versions but fell deeply in love with the awesome sound track. I didn't want to stick close to the wild west theme and attempted to create a new style mixing modern RnB with western theme. I haven't used anything more than the lead melodies from the sources. One track that didn't make it to this mix is "Face with Courage" ( ) which shortened the mix's length to 4:00 minutes. As for the ending, I had to write something original because no other track made sense. Hope you'll like it.
  21. * BlackPanther * Rashad Hill * 17238 * Legend of Dragoon * Requiem(Emperor Doel's Death) * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjsg4wJy1Lw&playnext=1&videos=-BMlXeRpJ9U Hey hey it's me again ready to sub another piece that was done as part of the Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge 2010, and by request by Jimmy in the "ASK A JUDGE" thread, here's a breakdown: 0:00 - 0:11 -> A cute little drum pattern goin on with some building ambience then you get some sub frequency hits that come in. 0:12 - 0:22 -> The weird organ is based off the 2-3 notes that play at the very beginning of the source tune then I just carry it further with a whole melody 0:23 - 0:41 -> A bassline comes in to try to fill the soundscape a little bit and that continues until the buildup and drop 0:41 - 0:52 -> Ok now the beat comes in and you have a more aggressive dirtier bass which is playing the main two notes from the intro to the source with a little bit of expansion 0:53 - 1:04 -> This is where you hear part of the main melody, I didn't play it all during this section to try to help make the mix longer. Bass is still playin the same notes raspy synth is there to help back up the main synth I suppose I don't really know how else to explain that =/. 1:05 - 1:16 -> This parts mine I guess. Got the organ plain a steady 8th note melody. I have a crazy distorted synth there for aesthetics to help with the mood of the track I guess. 1:17 - 1:28 -> Still my part. The only thing still pertaining to the source is the bass which is in the last section as well. Now there are bells which more or less, is playing what the organ is and that has gotten a bit more aggressive 1:29 - 1:52 -> This section here pretty much is the source not really much to say... 1:53 - 2:04 -> It's the bells again, I guess this would be a melody not linked to the source it's the harmonized version of the bells earlier 2:05 - 2:16 -> E-piano playing the intro notes with a little bit of expansion 2:17 -> Closing So I hope that was a good enough breakdown for yalls xD. I enjoyed makin this track I felt like this was another step up for me, as Jack(tefnek) taught me the art of buildup and now I just need to perfect it, OA gave me some last minute feedback which I hope was enough, and I was constantly tryin to figure out what I could do to keep it interesting with a lot of automation on the synths and whatnot so in return I got a way better handle of FL Studio now. Not much else to say, I hope you guys enjoy, and I hope Hoboka enjoys as this was his request for the FBRC 2010 and I don't know what his musical tastes are and I remixed this in a genre that I was decent at. Enough ranting enjoy please lol! Oh if this doesn't pass can you leave the link up please, and thank you.
  22. Game: Tetris Tracks arranged: Music A (Korobeiniki) Remix Title: The Peddler's Legacy Released this one on my site and youtube back in December 2009. It's yet another arrangement of Music A. I was going for a Russian folk/orchestral style for this one. There are a lot of instruments used and goes a lot of places. I don't know if you want to mention in the write up or not, but I made somewhat of a music video for it and posted it on youtube: It's a little random, but it shows some of the imagery I had in my head when putting together this track. you know the source.
  23. * ReMixer name: Jewbei * Real name: James Joyner * Website: http://www.myspace.com/Jewbeii This remix came to be all because of Jade we were talking over AIM one day and she showed me this track. The moment i heard it i knew i had to do it. Jade also mentioned that this was one of her favorite tracks from that game so i gave it a shot and this was the result. Enjoy the track Jade this one is for you! I guess you can say this came from the heart thanks mother goose and always remember chin up look above the clouds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKsLqbjXCfE
  24. Contact Info Remixer: Souliarc Real Name: Travis Petty User I.D.: 11124 Submission Info Arranged Game: Final Fantasy XI Arranged Song: "Heaven's Tower" Composer: Naoshi Mizuta Greetings. I've been a long time member here and have had the inspiration for several years to submit a ReMix (like many others), but it was only until now that I've finally finished my piece. Me and her have been through a lot together (giving a song a gender, weird?), but ultimately I saw through to it's completion, through thick and thin. This original theme can be a real repetitive one but it also has a relaxing, epic, and ethereal feel to it that I wanted to tap into. It was real hard to (given the monotonous nature of the original) give the song much length but ultimately I think my arrangement represents a hefty amount of interpretation. With it's distinct parts, it almost has a "cinematic" feel, like being used for a trailer or such. Thanks people! Original Song Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Q3GMCPJQM
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