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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Remixer Name: Willrock Game: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney Remix Name: True Evening Comments: Another day, another remix, another 9 month wait for it to be judged on ocr... good times. One thing I have noticed about remixing video game music frequently is that every now and then I come across some theme from a game that I have never played before and like it, and the turnabout sisters theme from phoenix wright is one of them. Knowing pretty much nothing about the game (all I knew was that the main protagonist was a lawyer) naming it involved me researching the series, various stories that I don't remember about cases that involved beating people round the head with clocks, and from all my hours of research I came up with the name True evening, which apparetly is the english meaning of maya's japanese name. Yes I did too much research. Anyway, I like the name think it suits the remix. SOOOOOO.... I was listening to a lot of europe and bon jovi at the point of making this remix which comes out in the means of big synths, big drums and confirmation that I was born in the wrong era. So obviously, style wise, this remix sounds exactly the same as every other remix i've done Hope you guys dig Oh yeah, thanks to OA for indirectly introducing me to this theme through his remix of this track source:
  2. ReMixer: ilp0 ReMix: Morning Walk in the Burning City Game: Mega Man (nes) Song: Fireman stage source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIHh0no7pVs
  3. Submission Information Artist #1 ReMixer name: HALO_ZERO Real name: Cody Walton Email address: walton.cody@gmail.com Website: http://codywalton.com OCR forum user id: 25433 Artist #2 ReMixer name: Dr. Velvet Real name: Adam Walton Email address: gypsiesun81@yahoo.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/doctorvelvet Name of game(s) arranged: SimCity 2000 Name of individual song(s) arranged: Our arrangement is based off of this track (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/786098/OCR/SimCity_2000_Track8.mid), but as I don't have the actual CD I can't be sure of the title. VGMDB (http://vgmdb.net/album/1193) lists track 8 as "Selfish Citizen", but I don't know if this title corresponds to our selected track. The title inside the midi file is "Moogy City". I can say that the source material comes from the PC/Mac version and NOT the PS1 version. Additional information about game including composer, system, etc.: http://vgmdb.net/album/1193 Composer: Sue Kasper 1995, DOS, Windows, Mac Link to the original soundtrack: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/786098/OCR/SimCity_2000_Track8.mid Your own comments about the mix: This is my first submission. I've been a fan of OC ReMix since nearly the beginning, but never really thought I could participate until recently. My foray into remixing came after Trent Reznor started releasing his tracks in Apple GarageBand format. A little over a year ago I created a NIN+FFVII mashup/remix album called F1N4LF4NT4S7Z3R0 (http://codywalton.com/ff7z/). I received generally positive feedback from people on both the OCR forums and the NIN forums, and that just encouraged me to keep trying new remixes (though I still work in GarageBand... for now). The inspiration for this particular track came from my realization that music from one of my favorite games ever, SimCity 2000, was not represented on OCR. A tragedy! This had to be rectified. After a few unsuccessful attempts at doing something in a Grunge theme I settled on Funk (an easy transition from the Jazz influenced original soundtrack). This particular arrangement is a combination of original performance, midi, and loops. Arranged and mastered by me (amateur musician and remixer) with some additional guitar tracks from my brother Adam (Dr. Velvet, professional musician and guitar maestro). Hope you enjoy it! Cody Walton HALO_ZERO
  4. Cool backing synths and good energy, but there are a few choices made by the track that seem like it's not quite where it should be. The main saw synth you use for the melody needs some more presence, as it seems far back, and more suited to a supporting role, especially when the bass is super dry and up front by comparison. I think a lot of levels and sounds could be altered slightly to improve this overall. The arrangement I thought was pretty rockin, however, and expanded well on the original. The added soundclips were pretty neat, and generally I liked the ideas. Not to be a downer though, but the ending was terrible. It just completely stopped mid-section with no reason behind it. Really weak, and i'd love to hear the rationale behind it. While I think this is decent, the weird balance of sound and the ending make me feel this isn't quite ready for prime time. no, please resubmit
  5. Original Decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23538 Remixers: Avaris, Nutritious, Skrypnyk, OA Avaris new website: www.sonic-elements.com The song was remastered from the last submission and is slightly longer than the project version. Here is a basic breakdown of the arrangement and usage of the original's themes and motifs: Normal Chords: A A# Mix: A G A# or A A# G (switches depending on sections to provide variation) (newer chords features lots octaving and strings parts to add a thick soundscape) Piano Arp: E -> F -> D motifs are still there (some are rearranged to fit new chord structure; this is an expansion from the original structure) Breakdown: G -> A motifs in original still present; adds in D note in places to provide expansions Melody: Tempo is slowed down in the mix for a more down tempo feel from 80bpm to 60bpm. This makes the melody take on a different tone. The picture, linked below, shows the original melody in orange at the bottom and the arranged melody in all of the other colours. The only notable omission from the original melody is the ostinato at measure 14. Due to the tempo change and addition of the G chord into the structure this motif clashes with the rest of the arrangement. http://www.sonic-elements.com/images/june_mermaid.png Thanks, Shaun
  6. I really enjoyed the arrangement of this track, and I think your style is pretty fresh and very cool. The issue I have with the track specifically is the balance, where the melodic aspects are a bit buried under the percussion and backing pads. There's a decent amount of panning, and there's a good room sound,but a lot of the samples seemed thin, though that might also be because of the aforementioned balance problems. The arrangement also seemed a little static, as it's the same general instrumentation throughout, and only 1 noticeable shift in energy, which was the (well handled) B section. I think ramping up the dynamics overall would help this. This is close, but it still needs some polish. I suggest checking out the WIP forums to get some advice on both the balance and dynamics, and then perhaps the samples. no, please resub
  7. Wow, this sounds totally authentic. Major props! All it missing, IMO, is the totally spastic piano comping, which I think would actually fill this out really well and make it a better mix. As of right now, it's also super short. Like, it could be twice as long really, and have some expansion in there. Having a piano breakdown would also help it out lengthwise. Production is solid, but a little high on the RMS. You could probably bring it down slightly, but as Vinnie said, it's still pretty clear. You definitely know what you are doing in the genre, but the arrangement needs some more for this to get onto OCR, I really hope you add some to this, OCR needs more happy hardcore. no, please resub
  8. shreddage sounds awesome, and I agree about the synth. Great arrangement though!
  9. Cool intro, and once the theme comes in, it's a very interesting direction to take the source with. I think there were some cool choices made, though I often felt that there wasn't much in the foreground in a supporting role. It was lead and bass, and then a bunch of cool atmosphere effects way in the back. Eventually the rhythm guitars come in, which helps, but they too seemed pushed far back. The drum sound was cool and interesting, but for some reason the beat got really intense for one segment and nothing in the song matched it at all. I think the issue this mix has overall is that it's not focused at all, and it seems like there are a lot of pieces to the puzzle, but none of them are fitting together. Sorry guys, I think this one needs some more work. no, please resubmit
  10. It sounds like the levels are slightly off in some cases, where the snare is a bit hot in some parts, and the leads slightly too quiet. Otherwise pretty decent, with some excellent soloing. The opening synth was mechanical and could benefit from a more natural sounding touch, but it was minor in the grand scheme of the track. Overall things seemed to be over compressed, and maybe call me crazy, but it sounded like the snare was slightly clipping on some hits. The arrangement is really conservative, but has the solo and some minor structure changes. Overall it feels a little too close to the original source, and could stand to be more adventurous. There is a definite sound upgrade, and the guitar performance is really good, but between the very conservative take on the track, and the minor production issues, i'm going to have to give this one a no.
  11. I pretty much agree with everything Vinnie is saying here. The drums are just too static and have been cut-and-pasted to oblivion. I really enjoy the melody and there is some expansion in the second half, but the generic synths and drums really aren't doing the track any favors. I'd never have heard this source without your submission, and it's a great source, so thank you, but it needs a lot more work on the arrangement in the first half, and the backing parts. no
  12. Production sounded pretty solid, though there was a little bit of over compression in some of the more intense sections. Generally the arrangement is overly repetitive, however, probably because of the inherent style. There's a whole lot of untz with offbeat synths, and oftentimes it takes the forefront over the more interesting pads and melodic elements. During the breakdown, it's easier to hear the source, but the main melody doesn't appear until 1/3 through the track. Things do get more interesting later on, but really, the weakest parts of the song are the straight kick with offbeats, and they are used way too much, especially in the beginning. It tends to sound like just filler to pad out the track length, and though that may not be the intention, it is the result. There are definitely some cool arrangement aspects to this track, especially in the middle, but the intro runs way long, and doesn't feature dominant source at all. Production in the mid lows is also a bit crowded, and could use a little bit of EQ work. Just tiny slices, really. This definitely shows some promise, but has a ways to go. no, please resubmit
  13. Nice crisp sound overall, though I think it could stand to be normalized a bit and brought up slightly. Besides the slightly lower levels, I think the production was at the bar. I think doing 2 rhythm guitar takes and hard panning them would have improved the soundfield, but as is, it has more of a live sound to it. Playing was solid, and the solo was great, nice chops and some tasteful melodic parts. The arrangement was definitely on the conservative side, but besides the obvious genre conversion and added percussion, there were some new backing parts, and a early on modal shift. There was also additional harmonies to the main melody added throughout, and a more interpretive bridge section. Definitely a closer call, but this is well beyond a performed midi rip + drums. The other judges may not feel the same way, however, so good luck with that. I'd love to have heard a little more creativity with the arrangement, but there is something to be said about taking an excellent source song, expanding on it in a lot of positive ways, and paying tribute to the original composer with a very recognizable remix. yes
  14. Some weird balance choices, with a somewhat indistinct pad covering everything and mechanical sequencing don't really give this one a lot of hope early on, and unfortunately, the production doesn't get much better. Nothing sounds crisp, and there is almost no high end at all. The leads are buried, and though there are a lot of cool ideas, it is difficult to hear them all through the mud. The arrangement is pretty cool though, though that drumloop gets a bit stale as the track goes on. Basically this needs a lot of production work and re balancing. You will definitely want to hit up our WIP forums and get some assistance there. no
  15. Awesome game and song choice, and the arrangement is pretty amazing too. I loved the glitched out bits, and the overall sound ideas were excellent. Drums were cool as well. The issue I have with this mostly, is the production and balance. There is a distinct lack of some high end, or perhaps the low end is being flooded and your compressor is working overly hard to keep things from clipping. Some surgical EQ cuts in the low mids, and rolling off the sub bass frequencies would help, and some of the balance issues. The leads seem a little too buried, volumewise, at almost all times, whether it be lead guitar or pizzicato strings. Panning is used decently, but could be exploited even more for a larger sounding track. Arrangementwise, the only critique I have is that some of the transitions to different sections lose too much energy, like the first cut to the strings after the metal. Everything else is pretty damn solid as far as arrangement goes. The ending is a little weaker than it has to be , but i'm definitely sold on the arrangement. This remix has the potential to be absolutely phenomenal, but the production issues are holding it back. If you have any questions on this, please hit me up via PM or on IM, I'd be happy to help you out personally to get this track fixed up. no, please resubmit
  16. Nice slicing and dicing of the main melody- it makes itself known throughout, but is new and interesting in a lot of different ways. There's a lot of expansion, Builds and breaks are good, and the increased tempo and slightly mixed up beats propel this forward well. The soundscape stays pretty same throughout, but is way expanded on the original, and there is a lot of variation in the different parts, so it never feels repetitive. The piano was waaay mechanical (especially the runs), but I know it's pretty common to the genre. Still doesn't feel great to me. I think adjusting those velocities to be more human would really strengthen this. The ending is decent, but not awesome. At least some thought was put into it. Overall I'm conditional on this. That mechanical piano really should be smoothed out, but then again, i've heard the exact same thing from professional tracks in the genre, so there you go. you get a yes from me, but if the other judges end up NOing it, please fix up those piano velocities.
  17. I definitely enjoy medleys, but the transitions on this were weak to non-existent, and besides a collection of universally awesome source songs, there's very little arrangement. Production is a bit crowded in the mid-lows, but everything sounds well-performed. I think Vinnie is pretty much dead-on here. Sorry guys. no
  18. It starts out with a nice soundscape and some cool percussion, but a lot of the sequencing was pretty mechanical, including some weak attacks in both the brass and strings. The brass was further plagued by a static sounding sample that was a bit thin as well. After the somewhat bombastic opening, the more introspective section worked very well, I thought. It's mainly that the brass and marcato string attacks that don't hold up. The arrangement shifts I like, but it seems like once the differences from the source are established, there isn't much growth, and instead of a progressive track, it just features some cut and pasting. I think there are some really nice ideas in here, but that brass needs to be addressed, as well as the later stage of the arrangement. This is definitely a good start, so please take the time to polish this up! no, please resub
  19. My mom? Nay, sir, I respectfully disagree. Your mom. This is my favorite Rozo track yet. Everyone should listen to it and then comment in this very thread.
  20. I really do like the simple charm this track has, but I am feeling that the way the lower harmonies interact, that it is too muddy. Even going into the file and adjusting the inversions of some of the chords would help. I do think it's close, and I think the playing is nice and emotive, but it needs a little more work in my opinion. Check the other judge feedback for some good avenues. no, please resub
  21. I felt the drums were a little thin as well, but the patterns were very well done. The half time section was especially awesome, and fit really well with the other sections. Production I felt was pretty solid, but the sequencing felt very mechanical to me, with very little (if any) velocity variance, and the timing is really rigid. Loosening it up to feel a little more human. Some of the shorter string stabs sounded a bit slow on the attack and gross, you might want to look at that to have them sound more natural. The arrangement was a bit blocky, as Vinnie mentioned, and a few modifications could fix this, but overall i'm cool with the arrangement. If you want to make it flow more, awesome, as it'd only improve it, but I think the arrangement half meets the bar. THe main issues I have with this is the execution of the sequencing. Polish that up to sound more natural, and you've got my vote. no, please resubmit
  22. My crits from the judgment still stand, but this is a pretty rocking track, and I love the energy. I am definitely looking forward to more mixes from AMT!
  23. Great builds and releases, solid production, and even though i'm not a huge fan of the source, this rendition of it is very entertaining. Nice work!
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