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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Name: Luke Keever Forum/Remixer name: LuketheXjesse email: lukethexjesse@gmail.com website: none forum ID: 20803 Game: Ninja Gaiden 2 Source Tunes: Act 2-2, Ending Theme This was made for Dwelling of Duels November 2009, so I'll use their link for my song. I simply want to see if this can pass in its current condition. If not, it'll make for some great feedback. (: This is a very conservative remix, so in terms of source usage we'll just have to see what happens. I'm more concerned about the production values, personally. Thanks for listening! -- Luke Sources
  2. Title: Saving A World Contact Information Apollo Apollo Merriwether apollomerriwether@gmail.com http://furaffinity.net/user/apollomerriwether User ID: 31405 Submission Information Game: Startropics It Was For The Children This song is one of many that I wrote for a Startropics remake project that is still underway; a friend suggested I submit one to you for approval. As it's one of many, I decided to submit this tune because I feel it is the best composition of the lot, has the most interpretation of any of the themes, and is the most song-like with less repetition than the other themes (which were written to repeat). Feel free to browse the rest of the tracks posted at the website above, as they're all quite good, I think. But this one, Saving A World, is the official submission. Hope you enjoy. source:
  3. Song Name: This Chase is Haunted Remixer Name: Prince of Darkness Real Name: Tony Dickinson E-mail: tony@tonydickinson.net Website: www.tonydickinson.net Userid: 24705 Name of Game: Donkey Kong Country 2 Name of Original Song: Haunted Chase Here’s my remix of Haunted Chase from DKC2 for the DKC2 Project. This submission is a bit late considering at this time I believe the project is set to be released soon. Oh well! Arranging this song was a bit different, because there really wasn’t much for me to go off of. The source stays around a central theme pretty heavily and I had to add a bit of original work just so the song wasn’t ridiculously short. source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX88hG5FPdw
  4. Contact Info Your ReMixer name: Abadoss Your real name: Kenneth Edward Keyn Your email address: Abadoss@yahoo.com Your website: http://www.abadoss.net/ Your userid (number, not name) on our forums: 1901 ReMix Info Name of game(s) ReMixed: Xenogears Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Flute of Sleepwalk (or Dreamer's Flute) Link: Additional information: Ever since my involvement in the FFIV album, I've been receiving invitations to join several more album projects. One of those was Bahamut's Lufia and Lufia 2 project. I'd played Lufia briefly - didn't get particularly far in it - and I liked the music, but it wasn't a game that I had a strong attachment to. So, while everyone was picking their sources, I focused on several of the other priorities that I had at the time. Come the first WIP due-date, I still hadn't picked a source tune. Thankfully, Bahamut didn't kick me off the project right there. I decided to take a closer look at the source tunes and find one that spoke to me. I found what I was looking for in a strange little track called "Flute of Sleepwalk" - it's also found as "Dreamer's Flute" and all sorts of different varieties. The source is amazingly sparce and has very little content to it whatsoever, but there was just enough to get an amusing idea. I'm personally very found of pipe organs. I grew up listening to a full pipe organ - with, perhaps, one of the best organists in the world, Kimo Smith - at a church down in Southern California, called Loma Linda University Church. "Flute of Sleepwalk" provided me with a theme that I could then build a fugue around. I wrote the piece in a flurry, turned it into Bahamut, and accidentally became the first one done. The title is a play on "Toccata and Fugue in D", by Johann Sebastian Bach, who is a heavy influence on this piece. The entire piece has the presence of the source, in one form or another, with the exception of two transitions in the Toccata that last for about a second each. -Kenneth Keyn (Abadoss@yahoo.com) source:
  5. Remixer Name: Poolside Real Names: Josh Whelchel + Melinda Hershey Email: josh@poolsideband.com OR josh@jwmusic.org Website: www.poolsideband.com UserID: (Josh - 5487) Submission Information -- Game: Final Fantasy VIII Song: Fragments of Memories Comments: This song is about a real girl. I (Josh) grew up playing Final Fantasy and I absolutely loved the music, and Nobuo Uematsu has proven to be one of main reasons I am now a successful composer for games (I've written for the MTV VMA's, Ubisoft's TMNT series, among others, including the indie games Bonesaw and The Spirit Engine 2). Poolside is a project I started a few years ago as a way to express a more mainstream sound that I enjoyed, but it quickly became an electropop-mirror of what I was doing compositionally. When Melinda joined on the Poolside project we wrote a few songs together, but nothing has quite "shined" like this one, and I think that is mostly due to its genuine and heartfelt spirit - instead of singing about dancing and having a fun time, I poured my pen into a feeling that was very real and very, very strong. Naturally, this song fell into place from there. Taking the song "Fragments of Song" which was originally in 3/4 to the more mainstream 4/4 opened it up to some interesting and catchy melodies and I think we were really able to take advantage of it, as well as using the time modulation as a reason to add our favorite "glitch" sound. Production-wise we are sort of looking at a combination of 3OH!3 and one of those more modern rock bands, like Boys Like Girls or Owl City. I also think about all of those songs that become hits on the radio that have samples of other previously popular songs and wonder, how cool would it be if VGM did that, too? This is an attempt to realize that. SIDENOTE: Aquaria Composer ALEC HOLOWKA and I are both on a cancer fundraiser this year called the "Indie Music Cancer Drive," which last year featured Mustin, Big Giant Circles, and 2D Boy's Kyle Gabler (world of goo, anyone?) as well (who may come on again in 2010). Please check it out at www.cancerdrive.org or mention in posting notes (assuming it gets posted). Josh Whelchel www.jwmusic.org / (513) 549-2336 Indie Music Cancer Drive: http://www.cancerdrive.org source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv9llZE5INA
  6. ReMix Title: Dystopian Gaia ReMixer Name: Aether Oxide Real Name: Ben Steed Email: bensteed@rocketmail.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/aetheroxide UserID: 31345 Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy VII Name of individual song(s) arranged: -J-E-N-O-V-A -Listen To The Cries Of The Planet Comments: I wanted to give my remix a gothic element to it, as well as adding my own glitchy flavours to the mix. I enjoy fusing several genres together and it's kind of become my trademark as it appears in a lot of my music, including this mix. sources- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KXiVBA7svc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laOM3UwIXBA
  7. Your ReMixer name: Main Finger Your real name: Jesse Gregory Your email address: mainfinger@gmail.com Your website: http://mainfinger.com Your userid: 337 Name of game(s) arranged: Mega Man 9 Name of individual song(s) arranged: Strange World (Wily Stage 3) Name of ReMix: Sizzling Circuits!! Note: THIS IS A TRACK FOR THE CURRENTLY UNTITLED MEGA MAN 9 ALBUM (run by k-wix) Ok, here goes nothing. So whereas the last song I submitted was tweaked in 2009 but mostly made many years back, this song was started and finished in 2009. This is actually new material instead of tweaked old stuff (well, new as in late August of 2009 anyway). In other words, I no longer have an excuse if it sucks. I made this for k-wix's currently delayed (R.I.P. Sixto's hard drive) Mega Man 9 Remix Project. I auditioned for the project fully expecting to get rejected, but to my surprise he actually let me be on it after hearing my audition track. I got really stressed out trying to make this song good. Having never been on an OCR album before, I was incredibly nervous. But I slaved away in my humble home studio and I think it turned out all right. If nothing else, k-wix seemed to like it writing: "So i've been listening to this for quite awhile, and i really do dig it! Very, very cool stuff. To keep it short and sweet, I like pretty much all of it! I think your leads shine, nice work keeping it varied. Very solid understanding of the fundamentals. I think my favorite part is the lead that jumps in at 1:52 and again at 2:03, that's just really slick. Nice variation of the beats, all-around very cool stuff." That at least put my mind at ease. But now it's time to get nervous again as I submit it to the judges panel. It's always kind embarrassing to think that people who only know me from OCR have only heard my Metroid remix, "Secrets", from 2002 (a song I can't bare to listen to now). Hopefully, I can finally get something new on. But hey, if nothing else at least I will get on in album form (assuming the album doesn't get canceled). All right, I should stop rambling. Goodbye! -Jesse "Main Finger" Gregory source:
  8. Contact Information Name: MMvsUSAF Real Name: Sean Bires & Dave Walwark mmvsusaf@gmail.com http://mmvsusaf.seanny.net/ Submission Information Game: Mega Man 4 Song: Get a Weapon NES version Link to the original soundtrack Dave watched his cousin Wesley play MM4 quite a bit and this was his favorite jingle. Now expanding upon it, that was the hard part... source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=samsrJZRgcs&fmt=18
  9. Contact Information Your ReMixer name : John Revoredo & Paul Weaps Your email address : yesterdaygeneration1750@hotmail.com (John) Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 9896 (john) , Paul has no profile yet Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged : Xenogears Name of individual song(s) arranged : Stage of Death Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: Making this piece was kinda fun. I remember seeing how much love 31 seconds got, and decided a try to do something similar. After creating the whole thing, I asked my friend Paul if he could put some guitars into it. It took him a really long time, but we're both happy with the result (plus...I can barely recall when this piece was finished...probably somewhere back in 2008.). Also, I gotta thank avaris, and the whole team behind Humans & Gears : Xenogears remixed, for creating such an awesome product. We're both, Paul and I, proud of being featured in it! Thanks for reading this out, and excuse me if the format of the text is not the most adequate! John source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3UnCYQAOJ8
  10. It has different and better drum tone for sure, a lot of different balancing changes. vote-edit: compared to the first the drums are punchier and slightly better mixed, rhythm and lead guitars are further forward and more balanced, and the brass is brought down. Overall I dig it, good tone and playing, the brass is bleh but only fills out the back end, and it's not prevalent at all, so i'd call that a wash. The drums are well programmed, but i think the rhythm guitars might be a touch too beefy, and are out beefing-them. It doesn't kill the track, and some judges might even prefer it this way, i dunno; there are some great drum patterns, i'd want them to shine even more. Everything is audible at the very least. Everything worked well for me except the tempo change transition seemed a little sloppy. Not flawless, but it has heart, like a wee psyduck against all odds, and it's above the bar. yes
  11. dude your signature is terrifying XD

  12. Nice melancholy source, and the epiano really suits the melody. I enjoyed the soundscape, and the production was on track, but i think it was missing a lot of the little details that really set it apart. The beats are pretty static, and there isn't much panning on some elements, even mixing in some rotary panning shaker would improve things a lot in the subtle interest field. I'm fine with the string beds, they aren't trying to be the forefront of the track and the realism of them is irrelevant. The sounds chosen are really nice, and mesh well, and the groovin take I thought was pretty nice. I think this could have been taken a lot further in several ways, mainly the percussion, and additional harmonies, but i think it's above the bar. yes
  13. Overall it's pretty solid, with some pretty good production, and nothing sounds bad to me, but the interpretation is on the shallow end for sure. The track is spread pretty thin without any substantial additions. I am enjoying the track on it's own, but I don't think it takes the source much further than a genre adaption. As a genre adaptation, it's really good, as a potential OCReMix, it needs a little more going on, I think. Larry's got some good advice, and he is right that you have a very solid base here, so all this needs is the last extra push. no, please resubmit[/size=4]
  14. I'm inclined to agree with Larry here that there is almost no highs at all- it feels like the instruments are being crammed right in my face without any of that top end present. some stronger panning and more of a room sound would really help this. It is almost like this track is being sent through a straw or something. The performances I thought were pretty solid, with a good flow and a casual attitude, which suits the source very well, but the the arrangement was very basic and besides some minor rhythmic changeups in the chords, it's basically a nicely performed cover. I like the track, but it needs to be a lot more interpretive than this to be OCR material. Sorry guys, I gotta give you the no.
  15. I am not familiar with the original, so I don't have the expectations some might have about how the source is supposed to sound, but I really enjoyed this. The flute could have used some smoothing, but otherwise I really thought it was a good song. Nice work.
  16. A little on the liberal side, but it still carries a lot of excitement. I loved the percussion and the strings. I think a few additional dynamic elements would have improved it, but overall it's a pretty good track.
  17. This update addresses every complaint I had with the production and even some additional bonuses to arrangement. strings were tastefully used to pad out the back, and the guitar tones are solid and the leads more audible. There's even extra source added in, all without sacrificing the core strengths of the track, specifically the awesome drums and heaviness. This is capable of slaying a God. yes
  18. previous decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27967
  19. The Seventh Saga - Port City - DragonAvenger and OA Secret of Evermore - Queens - Audio Fidelity and mystery flute player Saga Frontier 2 - Rosenkranz - OA Willow - Town Theme - ilp0 Legacy of the Wizard - Item Shop - Level99 Faxanadu - Church Theme - OA and Nutritious Lufia and the Fortress of Doom - Field Motif - Avaris and Level99 Luminous Arc - Prelude - OA and DragonAvenger The Lord of the Rings - The Shire - Brandon Strader Bahamut Lagoon - Jojo and God Dragons - Avaris Suikoden - Eternal Empire - Abadoss Ghouls n' Ghosts - The Village of Decay - Vampire Hunter Dan Y's 4 - Bronze District - Scaredsim and OA More info later, but this is pretty much the final tracklist, and we will not be adding any more.
  20. Crazy percussion early on with some funky keys, and then it dives right into a pretty sophisticated soundscape with some nice lead guitar. Leads get transferred to a whole plethora of instruments, but it always sounds logical and fits, even if the lead used is a bit unorthodox. Really nice stuff, chill but intelligent. Thumbs up!
  21. I got this over the weekend and have played for 45 minutes or so. I like Snow, he is pretty cool, and the art is astonishing.
  22. i'll let you know once i've listened. I bet it has been sound-goodered.
  23. I'll just echo DA and LT here and say that the sequencing needs to be humanized more, especially those drums- you've got a pretty solid machinegun going on, and it should be a lot more nuanced with velocities. Arrangement wise you started to touch on what needed to be done, with some cuts and slight melodic fragment usage, but there needs to be more done, especially with such a simple source. It's a really fine line to walk, with keeping it recognizable, but still fresh,, especially given this source. I did like the solo, though the guitar sample wasn't doing you any favors as far as realism. This needs a decent amount of work to fix up, but you've got a good start. no
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