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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. It repeats a lot, but it really does have a lot of club-worthy energy. I think something like this is a great canvas to do a mashup with that has a lot more melody. It's not something i'd normally listen to, but I think it is well done.
  2. I missed it and the archive video is only like 9 min long ;_; it cut off while Jose was introducing himself.
  3. this is no longer under a project hold! Let's post it!
  4. Very nice arrangement, and cool similarities to a previous song. The different emphasis sections help keep things interesting without losing sight of the original, and the percussive textures were really strong. Some nice crescendos, and good transitions. A very pleasant remix, I like it.
  5. A very sweet bassline, and some nice synthwork make this a pretty great track. Good use of panning, and a relaxed but driving beat make this a good choice for mid-afternoon dayreaming. The ending is super abrupt though, and that makes me . But then I played the song again, and that makes me .
  6. Smooth and chill stuff, this gets looped a lot at work. I really like the lead synth, and the classy textures. Very nice and restrained work. I'd have probably given in to the temptation to solo on this. XD
  7. Totally sweet track- nice flow and some of Luiza's best soloing to date. Stevo brings it in equal measures, and seriously, the synergy is such that you two should just form a band. I'll drum for you. The only thing that would improve this is a slightly smoother ending chord, but dayum, this is nice.
  8. It still needs to be normalized, as I feel it's too quiet, but replacing the brass is a lot better. Thanks for making the adjustment, Cody! yes
  9. I really enjoy this, but I do think that the Magus section is distinctly too close to the source. There are some minor additions, but otherwise it is a straight sound upgrade. Things get more interpretive as they go on, and you reach a nice balance of material, so it's clear you have the chops to arrange. Some samples were exposed, and I often heard just the violins and violas, but no lower string support. It ended up sounding a bit unnatural, so i'm not sure if you don't have parts for those instruments or just aren't having them present enough. There's a lot of good critique on this already, and from the YES's you can tell you are close, but I think a little more work is required for this to pass the bar. Please don't get discouraged from the NO's, but take the advice to really finish this up. no, please resubmit
  10. This track still contains the absolutely ridonkulous effects, but is now something I recognize in regards to source! There are a decent number of melodic liberties taken, but I feel the connection is solid. The flow is good, and it sounds crazy on headphones; some of the stuff you've done really messes with my head, but it all sounds very deliberate and controlled. I'd love to know how you did some of this stuff. Combined with a strong beat and melodic elements, and we've got something that is very quirky and cool. yes
  11. I really like the creative vibe on this, and the overall feel is awesome, but there are a lot of production issues that hold me back from Yesing this. Please don't take my critiques as an indication that I disliked the mix; quite the contrary, I thought the pacing and flow, as well as the different sections were all really cool. There is what sounds like a dropped beat right after the 'playstation' sound clip. I listened to the part several times, and it sounded like that each time. I'm not sure if it's an actual sequencing error, or what, but it's really distracting. I think that the sound effects themselves detract from the overall feel, and the opening Sega and then later the Mario sounds really don't have anything to do with any of the game themes included. I'd suggest either replacing them with thematically relevant SFX, or removing them completely. I wasn't bothered by the synth guitar, probably because it didn't sound anything like a guitar to me, and it was well humanized, but usually when it's playing, it is competing with the cool chippy stuff for the same space. I'd pan one or both of the elements more, so there is a bit more separation. Source use and arrangement are solid enough for me, even though it does get a little unfocused later on; it's mostly just a production tune-up that's required for this, and at least consider removing the sound clips, please. no, please resubmit
  12. It's like 2 different submissions. Nice pacing, some great chord structure adjustments, and most importantly, a pretty natural 'performance'. The piano is clear and crisp, and the arrangement is very cool. Nice work successfully branching out, Will. I'm happy you fixed this one up. yes
  13. Be fair, who doesn't? Grats to both of you guys, I hope your little animated videos end up really cool.
  14. Sorry I missed the listening party- I was at a different party. Just calling Fishy out on saying I used AD compression, because none of the drums there were AD at all. Check your ears, n00b. <3
  15. I absolutely adore the trumpet playing and piano in this one. The first 1/3 is pretty close to arrangement and performance perfection. A few production tweaks would made it flawless completely, but as is, it's still amazing. Beautiful and generally subdued, rocking solo or no.
  16. Pretty nice singing throughout, and a cool arrangement. I wonder what happened to this guy.
  17. some nice personalization, but it's not as deep as a lot of the mazedude tracks i'm used to. I thought the intro personalization was great, but i didn't fell that it branched out much further. It was a fun listen, but not a classic.
  18. wow, great arrangement featuring some really nice performances. Simply beautiful.
  19. I agree with both of my fellow judges, but i'd like to add that in addition to their critiques, there should be an improvement in some of the sequencing as well, specifically the velocities, as it seemed that every single note was pounding in at maximum velocity, and humanizing things would improve things as well. no
  20. I like the minor adjustments made to the source, but I think more expansion/interpretation is called for for this track to really qualify as something substantially different enough than the source. Production was solid enough, it is just the arrangement that needs more juice. no
  21. Man, Jose is so good, I wish he was louder in the mix. :/ Hale is also rockin, but is at the right volume. There's a lot of minor production issues i'd change to make this track better, but who cares that much about what I think? Listen for yourself. This is a great track, with a nice flow, great performances, and a unique feel. I really like it.
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