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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. here's an update Stevo sent me- http://level99.thestuffoflegends.net/Finals/Level%2099%20-%20The%20Mighty%20Mighty%20Pokemon.mp3 please re-evaluate, Dr. Tamer.
  2. Yeha, nice samples, and solid use of them. There was a decent dynamic curve, but still a ton of headroom- more than it really needed i'd say. Nice adaption, and some cool textures added, but it does get a bit static near the end. I'd like to hear some further expansion as it progresses throughout. I think Larry covered it pretty well. Also, nice source choice, I really like it, and it's completely new to me. yes
  3. I'll second the overall-too-quietness, and I did like the texture, but it didn't seem deep enough, with a lot of the action happening in a narrow frequency band. Adding some higher and lower elements to give it some more interest would be cool. The brass was pretty weak, and though it did lend a bit of 80's to the proceedings, it sounded awfully dry and cheap compared to some of the other elements. There was some care put into some of the articulations, but the sample wasn't doing you any favors. The lead synth tone itself was cool, but a little one-dimensional. I think really cranking up the modulation in some spots to give it more character would help, as well as some stereo delay. The shakuhachi was awesome, i love that sound, and it meshes well with the rest of the track. The arrangement trends liberalish near the end, but overall i'm down with what was presented, my main issue is the sample and production use. Nice stuff, but needs some polish. no, please resubmit
  4. I'm just bumping this one to say how much i love it. Polar, do some more mixes, please!
  5. A really strong arrangement, and a great treatment of a solid source theme, it sounds like there's some live trumpet in this too, but I could just be fooled by some super sequencing skills. I'm still not super down with the intro, but the rest of this is excellent. Great work!
  6. ok, so i saw VJDJ was all excited and so i clicked the mp3 link and then I had to listen to you idiots instead. ;_; Sadly I had so many tabs in my browser open, i couldn't find and close the mp3, so I had to listen to the whole thing. Nice work. Nice work indeed. >___> (nice work)
  7. I was already convinced with the previous resub, so my vote stays the same as before, but the additional percussive additions only strengthened things, and a lot of the previously missing elements the other judges mentioned i think you've filled in. Hopefully they think so too. yes
  8. I really like the arrangement, but it seems strange to me that for as much care that went into the rest of the track, that the intonation on the recorder was so overlooked. :/ Soundfield-wise, it also seems a little pasted on to the rest of the track. One thing that sounds really nice is the bass- i love that tone a lot, and everything else is clicking for me, it's just the positioning and intonation of the recorder. Even finding someone to pitch-correct it, and to match the reverb of the rest of the track would make this solid. As-is, though, I can't let it slide. Sorry. no, please resubmit
  9. What really struck me with this one compared to the (super excellent) part 1, was that the energy was really static after things got going. The main culprit i think is the drums, as the samples seem really flat and lacking depth, and the velocities being pretty static. The guitar leads are good, and decently humanized, but they don't have any good rhythm backing, so there;'s not a lot of punch in the low end. Fishy and Nutritious had this same issue for a collab aw while back. One thing that was really missing from this one that the first did very well was the massive crescendos and transitions. This one had some drum fills, but the beat itself was pretty similar throughout, minus the kick drum and tom breakdown, which was pretty nice. I think arrangementwise this is great and where it needs to be, but the production issues are holding it back. I'd revisit it and see if you can give it some more punch. no, please resubmit
  10. This is a stellar arrangement with excellent guitar playing, and relatively good production. The amount of details added is perfect, and it's obvious a lot of care went into everything. The fact that the source is both obscure and awesome is just another bonus. I think the string stabs could be a little drier, and the synth lead give a bit more verb, but otherwise, Things fit pretty well together. The guitar tone was a little unconventional, but sounded good to me, and fit the track. I really like it, thanks for submitting this! yes
  11. Very much an improvement over the original- some of the samples are still a bit thin, but there is a lot more filling out the track, and it retains it's feel. A little more stereo delay on the synthy lead would have been nice, but really, this is a lot moodier than the first iteration, and I think some good progress has been made. I'm cool passing this. yes
  12. I admit that I abused the "take your clothes off" sound file way too much in both of my larry mixes. XD I might actually use it in a real mix sometime. It'd be a LiOAntamer collab.
  13. http://ocrmirror.org/files/music/remixanator/Sonic_3_IceCap_FaceMelting_Male.mp3 took me 4 clicks. Though a cool suggestion for ReMixinator 2.0 is the level of heart the ASS pours out. Add to the dev wish list I guess. It is simply selecting the optimal ReMix given the parameters. Quite simply, given the settings, it is creating the perfect ReMix.
  14. Go ahead and phase yourself out like a good little ReMixer. The release of this is a little bittersweet for me, since i've had fun working on the site and helping out, but a lot of genres that I was previously completely incapable of before are now as easy as a few clicks. I mean, hiring a call girl to do the vocal intro to my DKC2 project track was kindof expensive, and now I can get female vocals instantly? Amazing work.
  15. Epic on a scale i've never seen before- it's really awesome you guys landed this. Great tracks, and congrats to everyone!
  16. Took me about 45 seconds, thanks to the ReMixinator. You guys are doing it wrong.
  17. Dude, i love it, very creative, but the fade out just seems sloppy to me.
  18. original resub: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25793 Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18725 ReMixer Name: Fallen Seraph Real Name: Wina A. Kamlongera Userid: 21396 "The Streets of Rage" originally composed by Yuzo Koshiro; ReMixed by Fallen Seraph (Wina A. Kamlongera). Third time's the charm? (Though I do think it would be fitting,ironically, if I had to go through this process a fourth time =P). Just wanted to add in my thanks to the judges for the previous critiques - when does one get lucky enough to have seven judges weigh in their opinion on a track? Much appreciated! Hopefully this version stands better than the last. I believe the Streets of Rage intro has held itself in my mind since I first heard it. If anybody mentions SoR to me, that's the track my mind immediately brings up. Therefore, I wanted the first mix I submitted to OCR to have a special significance to me...and I think this does beat having another 'Sonic the Hedgehog'/'Final Fantasy'/'Chrono Trigger' first-timer track submitted. As I started the mix, I knew I wanted to do something a little 'gentle' and almost reminiscent in feel. So as the track fleshed itself out, the whole idea of getting an overview of the city four years after the first game came about (hence, 'Four Years Since...'). I started by expanding the two chords from the source into eight and ran with it from there. I really don't believe I have done much different to it than add a little more meat to the source material - the original track always felt it would be an actual RnB sort of track if mega drive music had that fancy glossy finish that games nowadays enjoy (some may disagree with me there...but I guess that's why we enjoy the benefit of hearing so many varied remixes). The police sirens at the beginning are of course meant to represent the coprruption of the city, the trio (though they were ex-cops...hm...) or even cops patrolling the city if you like; and the waves at the end represent the final scene of the good ending, which I believe involves a shot of the beach, if memory serves. The helicopter effect was added for multiple reasons but mainly to add to the sense of the track being an overview/scan of the city...or now I think about it, it was to create the feeling of a helicopter flying overhead as the listener/player walked through the city after so long...cliché, I know. Anyway, enough ranting, I hope y'all enjoy. ----------------- source http://project2612.org/download.php?id=53 - "The Street of Rage"
  19. Funky and fun; this goes to show that when you got it, 5 years won't take the edge off your arrangement at all. Very cool stuff, I like this one.
  20. Absolutely beautiful, this is one of my favorite Zelda mixes on the site. Thank you so much for submitting this. <3
  21. This was a completely epic way to open the album, and I love the track. It really captures the feeling of FF IV for me, and the way it soars always makes me think of airships. Awesome work, man! Excellent stuff!
  22. Damn, if the good doctor had access to a great trumpet player, he'd be an unstoppable force of brassy rock goodness. The brass itself was totally fine when it was part of a unison line, or was backed up by guitars. The only part that they sounded weak was when they had the high solo lines, but it was not enough to drag down the song. The hat dance section sounded good, might have been a soundclip, overall fun stuff. Production is solid, and the playing is great, with good tones and a lot of variety. Though the arrangement plays it safe in a lot of ways, there are as many if not more daring choices that make this a really compelling track. I love it, nice work! yes
  23. cool arrangement, but ouch, that production is stabby. I dig the track, but can't listen to it a second time.
  24. Some production choices I don't completely agree with, but the synths are very cool, and the percussion and arrangement ideas are both interesting and well done. This is a mix that really pays close attention to the details, and ends up a lot stronger because of it. The "come on" section was pretty cool, and there was a lot of great variation in each of the parts. Consider me a fan, this is a really fun track.
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