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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Samples aren't great, but the beats are really nice. For being as old school as it is, it has a lot of charm.
  2. Excellent mix. From the detuned piano intro to the perfect synthwork, this is complete quality. I love the descending synth line that get doubled a little bit as it progresses especially, and all the filters going crazy here. Super pro.
  3. Nice use of tuned percussion; it really gave this mix a unique feel. Lots of snare as well. I wish the main theme was used a little more prominently, but the mix overall captures a lot of excitement of the original. Maybe a little less brass that i'd like to hear, but my personal preference doesn't change the fact that this is a really good mix.
  4. I'm not really digging this one- some parts are really loose and some are extra mechanical- either way would be fine, but combined, it just distracts. Sorry, this one wasn't for me.
  5. This one plays it pretty safe arrangement-wise, but that bass groove is really hard to deny. Just when it's getting going though, it ends. Easily loopable though, so listen a few times.
  6. Breathtakingly creative and mature arrangement. I love all the subtle shifts at the beginning on all the familiar themes, all the attention paid to the details. Great transitions and even though a lot of themes are present, this is way more than a medley. Top honors to this one, highly recommended.
  7. Thanks for the very nice reviews everyone! Simon and I are collaborating on another song, and this time we'll make it easier on the judges.
  8. A little bit jazzy, a little bit space opera, this this is a really cool and unique sound for OCR, and it still has that distinct Darkesword quality to it. Some parts almost give me a FF6 OST vibe, mainly the bass and that slidin' synth, while the choir-backed sections were distinctly Metroid. DS is bringin' it, and i'm groovin. Solid.
  9. I've thought this was awesome since first hearing it at magfest, and it is still awesome. Great work, super full sound.
  10. Solid beat on this one, and a lot of cool background ambiance. Interesting choice of lead instruments, I wouldn't have expected it, but it works really well. A little extra harmony in some parts would have made it extra cool, but it's still interesting enough for me to repeat it several times. Great groove.
  11. Really intense and well produced. Great sound to everything, and this thing is packed with great arrangement ideas. I've no idea what the source sounds like, but this stands so well on it's own, it's not really that much of a concern to me. All the pieces fit together well, and the performances of each instrument are great. I love this one.
  12. my copy of the status bar is at work- i can't update it until monday.
  13. good stuff for sure- lots of variation, some very cool ideas, and that level of Tweek polish. Nice playing, and plenty of rock. This one is a keeper.
  14. There is some timing strategery involved, but yeah, the date will be July. It's later than we were initially planning, so there will be a few special previews- I was interviewed by Justin for the upcoming 8 bit radio show that airs on on May 4, and I gave him a few full tracks to play, including a sick bLiNd track, and there might be something or another coming around early June as well.
  15. Shauuunnn~~ I knew you were capable of some really cool stuff, but please please please do more super beatz like this. Great soundfield and attention to panning, as well as handing off instrumental interest. I honestly never thought i'd ever get to hear this track, but here it is, and it was worth the wait.
  16. omfg dulcimer- and it sounds awesome! Please share your dulcimer secrets with me! ;_; Excellent lead in with a great blend of instruments, nice and beefy gated synth and a lot of well-chosen percussion. Though melodically it really isn't doing a lot for me, the textures are exquisite, and the mood is dense and hypnotic. This would be perfect for looping all day at work, except that there's so much cool stuff going on that I keep stopping and focusing on the music. Great stuff, in a passive-aggressive way. I think the jungle statement earlier is pretty apt- no one element really stands out completely, but you are completely surrounded in this one.
  17. All hail the King of Sweden! This is exceptionally classy work, great beats and the pure and clean sound of some excellent synths, all fit together perfectly. So many great original contrapuntal ideas in such a short track, and it really shows that not only was a lot of care put into it, but also that you really know what you are doing. Loving it.
  18. This is an awesome game! This project is moving slower than the evil wall!
  19. sweet, something to waste time on instead of recording dodgeball guitars looking forward to listening!
  20. This was decided in Japan like 25 years ago, with "Original Sound Version".
  21. Pretty cool- what did you make that with? Decent mix as well, our version of that track has vocals.
  22. heh, so you finally *FIIIIINNNAAAALLLLYYYY* get your project out the door, and now it's cool to talk trash!? Did Tales even have a WIP in yet at the 1 year point?
  23. zomg just 1 track left!! Go, Jay, go!!!! While he works on that, I'll be fixing up the website and we'll get this thing ready to launch.
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