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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Fun and creative with some great beats, though it seemed to just repeat the second half. The voice acting and overall theme of the mix was great, I love when mixers go out of the box a little, and the production was pretty good as well. I certainly felt cramped into a crazy factory.
  2. Pretty nice stuff, good variations and lots of interesting bits throughout. Some of the early parts seemed to be lacking in modulation and felt a little bit overly synthetic, but this is enjoyable listening.
  3. Another pro-level Sixto rock track? Color me surprised. I love the source on this one, and it's one of my favorite tracks on the SoS project. The three different lead sounds keeps things really fresh, and the solo section was excellent. Drums were powerful and tight, and everything clicked super well. \m/
  4. Finally a Phoenix Wright comrade-in-arms! Nice strut-worthy beats, and I am super loving the counterpoint strings. the lead harpsichord in the more exposed sections might be a little dry, but it's a very attention-getting sound. I love me some harpsichord. Nice and fresh take on this track, and one of the coolest mixes of the theme i've heard. Nice work dude.
  5. Incredible textures; I absolutely love this one. I have absolutely no idea what the source track sounds like, but taken as a single piece of music, this is great. Drums everywhere, some great plucked strings, and orchestra that all clicks really well. Things did sound best when it was going full bore, but even the softer segments were enjoyable. Super recommended, I hope more people hear this one.
  6. Next round is on me, guys! Creative and fun, and the little bits of bottle percussion are my fav.
  7. Thread winner, right here. I also do think that it's sad that a lot of 'no resubs' don't take the time to fix up otherwise awesome mixes. The judges panel is there to help people, but mixers have to meet them halfway. I personally owe the panel a lot for not only encouraging me to step up my game, but giving me some direction to get there. There was a lot of frustration in learning to do some of this stuff, but a lot of fun too.
  8. The rest of your statement was either your opinion, and not something I was inclined to dispute; you having your opinion is fine by me, or it was so hilariously fucked up that I chose to do us both a favor and forget you even said it. As for me being a hack, i'll be the first one to tell you that I need a lifetime of improvement.
  9. So it's ok for you to have the audacity to critique other people when you've also proven that you can't even compose?
  10. I've listed to every track on the site multiple times, and it's my opinion that there is something excellent to be found in every 'era' of the site. Even looking on the front page now, there is almost as much variety as you'd see in a record store (if such things still existed). I think the production really increased around the 1000 mark overall, but arrangements can still be good or bad. Not to get into favorites or anything, butI probably have as many remixes i've downloaded to my playlist from the first thousand as I do the second thousand, and my favorite mix on the site wouldn't win any awards for production. As for Team Gato, it's a classic that I loved so much, we made a track on the FF4 project album that is (hopefully regarded as) a loving tribute. Dale North and Mustin are even thanked in the liner notes.
  11. The fact that it reminds me of Mighty wings is the main reason i love the Ken theme. I mean, if you are gonna bite a riff, might as well take one of the best.
  12. Really nice stuff, but it seems so short! Maybe I just can't get enough of it. Really reminds me of This Star Salz Chrono Mix, especially in the bass and drums, and the more kinds of mixes like that, the better, i'd say. Great partwriting, I be jammin.
  13. Mazedude has a single sine wave mix on the FF4 project that is excellent.
  14. Viva les Bleus! also, Happy birthday.
  15. fishy and i were considering the doom castle track for a collab- once he's back on teh internets, we'll discuss it again.
  16. Dramatic and exciting, this is a really well done mix. I'd have liked a little more room sound, but it's a very minor crit on something that really rocks out. Great rubato and crescendos, and the transitions were really good. Very nice work.
  17. What a classy arrangement! The source is very subtly used, but those chords are unmistakable, and the direction this went in is perfect, and the changeup between the 2 sources was great. Excellent textures that are intricate and interesting. I love this sound. After reading the dramaz about this on the judging history, i'm really glad the URL advertisement was taken out, as it would have totally ruined the track for me. Something small like that might seem maybe a bit drastic, but it sjust shows how powerful this track is to get me so involved. A sudden URL shoutout would have broken that completely. I am completely groovin. Thank you, Diggi Dis~
  18. Well the release is on a saturday, so we'd do it that evening. So get it off early and in advance.
  19. yeah, Logic 7 is teh pwnz, but Logic 8 is looking better and better. Maybe if I wasn't paying $1,300 a month in daycare i'd be able to upgrade. ;_;
  20. we could do it up shizz style and have an IRC listening party. When people comment on songs. We'd need Snappleman there though. It's just not a listening party without him.
  21. glowy ones mean i haven't received a .wav yet- Cain is having computer issues so that one is excused, and Zeromus is in the final stages of mastering. i'm starting to encode and tag them all into MP3s, so we'll have something for mixers to check out very soon!
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