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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I am too busy to help, but I PM'ed you the email of one of my talented coworkers. She's really good, and I linked her the thread. She said it'd be pretty easy and is interested.
  2. well we did pretty awesome this month, with around 550 reviews. It's hard to get an exact number due to multiple new reviews for certain threads, but at least FIVE HUNDRED REMIXES got a new review in December, which is almost triple of a regular month, and over a quarter of the entire site. All the tracks have a least 8 reviews to them now, compared to when this project was first started by BGC a few years back, when there were some with only 2 reviews! For everyone that did a review, I personally extend my thanks for helping to strengthen an already excellent community. Nice work.
  3. I had a super great time this year, and it was fantastic to meet everyone. I'd make a list to show how serious I am, but really, if I met you, I was really happy to. This is an amazing community, and a good chunk of it coming together in person at a great event is indescribably excellent! Thanks to everyone who was so welcoming to me, I can't wait for next year. ps. <3 to you too joecam, I'll seek you out next MAG and we can have a fraternal chest bump or something.
  4. I got home from MAGfest and this was in my mailbox. Pardon my french, but Fucking Epic. I strongly encourage any and everyone to check this out; his arrangements are phenomenal, and he takes some songs that are good, such as 'Area88', and polishes it into a flawless diamond. I'd love to hear what tracks are original, but some of my favorites I don't recognize, like 'Yeah he did Fanfic Bye', so it's likely he's just as good at composing as he is arranging. If you guys like other artists who rock a strong chiptune sound like AeroZ and Schabubula, do yourself a favor and pick this up.
  5. hmm, you were supposed to just rofl, not give a semi-serious answer. You are doing it wrong v_v
  6. So you are trying to do it then? Better a known hack than an unknown one. ps. i love you, little spoon.
  7. It was great, I won a VotL cd because I embarrassed myself by knowing some Cheetahmen trivia.
  8. i had a chance to play a lot recently and i'm in the giant of Babil (finally, i know ). I hope to finish it on the plane to or from to magfest.
  9. They met my expectations that I had of him. ...Which means they are some of the best trance tracks i've ever heard. He took some real stylistic risks with Golbez that I thought worked out really well. The 'vocal' breakdown totally confused me at first, but on second listen i loved it.
  10. I love this song too. It's on my "to do" list for certain.
  11. ok, back in the saddle! I've updated the track statuses (statii?)in the first post and have been hard at work on the magfest promo 'video' that will showcase a few of the tracks on the project. What I have right now is basically a black screen, so to make it more exciting, could everyone please post some of their favorite screen shots from the game? I'm sure there are a ton of sites out there that have them, and there are like 5 versions of the game out, so even preview sites should have some stuff. DS, SNES, GBA, it's all good, but i need some visuals for this thing so people don't fall asleep!
  12. everything sounds like it should on this one. The extended bass vamp really had me anticipating the beats, and they fit in perfectly. Great mood to this one, it's languid and smooth, and the performances are great. I love the counterpoint and live performances make this great. Excellent work all around.
  13. Way slow build, and some very sophisticated beats. Nice sound choices and very judicious use of space. I think the rap was decent, the effects were cool but a bit loud in the mix, and i think the suggesting of peppering snippets around would have improved things, but I really love the chill feel on this overall. Great beatcrushing at the end, super cool way to finish it off. Nice work, Pretty awesome debut track.
  14. Nice Manicure! Super congrats you two, I wish you both the best!
  15. I uploaded a bunch of scenic shots for coworkers to check out, might as well link here too. There's one "oops" shot in here, but i don't feel like ftping in to delete it. http://oceansend.com/5502/temp/wow/
  16. hehe funny you mention that, my wife is a Sega girl, and I am firmly entrenched in the Nintendo camp. It's going to be a battle I think. Thank you all again for the well-wishes, this whole thing is intense.
  17. lol. Guys you totally missed my winking face in that post. Kyle gets the joke, you should too. EDIT: oh crap, i just was told that most people didn't know it was a joke. I'd never ever step on toes like that. I'm apologize to everyone who thought I was serious.
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