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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I agree the samples in the intro are a bit weak. I hear what you are going for, but it's not quite clicking. The build reight before hard synth version of the theme was also feeling a bit off. I really liked the trance take on the theme, and I think the minor changes were pretty nice. I agree with Deia that the snare is not cutting at all and needs to be stronger sounding. Some of the track is sounding a little muffled as well, and is lacking some shimmer. The hihats are in the right spot frequencywise, but they are a bit lonely in the 5k+ range. Overall i think it's an excellent start, with a great style, it just needs polish. No, please resubmit!
  2. I think some aspects of the soundscape feel a little thin, and a semi-clean rhythm guitar would have really made the song gel, but the arrangement itself was really nice, and I think most of the sound choices were clicking. The panflute was a little too exposed, but I enjoyed the lead synth, and the backing elements were all on point. I recognize that AD drum sound, and I think it works, but was almost too intense and dirty of a sound to match up with the pristine synths. Overall though, I feel the production just barely clears the bar, and the arrangement and combination of the 2 themes is very well done. Yes
  3. I spent a lot of the track imagine the screams being autotuned, and I think that'd be really fun. Between how over the top they sound, and the lead vocals, and then this laughably 'spooky' synth comes in, and I just cracked up. The background screams are well integrated, but the lead vocals sound a little too dry, or something. They sound pasted on top and thin, which made those sections feel very empty. Another layer of vocals down an octave or something would make it feel a lot more filled out. This this vocal style is usually used in blackmetal where they have a ton of keyboards filling out the BG. Musicwise, the rhythm playing was pretty tight, and I was feeling the guitar and drum production. I really liked the breakdown section, and the rest was a good genre shift of the short original theme. I do feel the arrangement itself dragged on for a bit too long, but overall enough new stuff was happening for me to not completely lose interest, which i think is something DragonAvenger was feeling but was unable to describe. I think the song is pretty good overall, but either the BG needs to be filled out, like the breakdown, or the vocals need more presence. Close, but No, please resubmit
  4. The song is definitely hot, but I feel that the source melody is very buried or obscured in a lot of instances. On further listens it's more apparent, but I would be a lot more comfortable if the melody itself was prominent for at least some of the arrangement. Some of the transitions were very awkward, and the ending was pretty lazy sounding. For all the attention and care that went into the rest of the track, tripping at the finish line was one of the last things I expected. :/ I really like this, but i think the main melody needs to be more prominent more often, as this feels like it's mostly coasting on the chord progression. There are moments of cool melodic craziness, but the first 1:45 or so is all chord. I really want to hear this tweaked and resubbed, so please make it happen! No, please resubmit
  5. This was solid, though i think a bit plain. Everything is well executed, but I was hoping to hear some more embellishment and craziness, mainly because the source is very familiar to a lot of people. The mix of acoustics and chips was cool enough though, to really make this unique, and I think the track itself is above the bar. Production is clean and the arrangement is good, it's just that the two of you have tempered my expectations to be pretty high is all. Yes
  6. ReMixer name - Midioker real name - Prefer not to say website - none userid - ? Name of game(s) arranged - Final Fantasy XII (Squaresoft) Name of arrangement - The Drum of Basswall? Name of individual song(s) arranged - The Tomb of Raithwall Additional information: Original Composer: Hitoshi Sakimoto. 2006, PS2. Link to the original soundtrack - Your own comments about the mix - Deep, minimal drum & bass style remix. Created with Ableton Live, VSTi's & effects.
  7. PROJECT BADASS 2 ReMixer name - Mak Eightman real name- Max V. Kravchenko email address- corp8 "weird A".ru userid: 32137 Submission Information: Title - "Skull-Head" link to remix - attached Name of game arranged - Doom Troopers System: Genesis Name of individual song arranged - Boss Fight, Venus Link to the original soundtrack - Yeah. I know. Again Doom Troopers. Yeah. I know. Sounds not so good. I'm pleased with this one. The feel of small studio room, imo. I like it. Piano could be suck. Best of all!!! )
  8. ReMixer name: Siesta Lane Real name: Gary Delisa, Brenden McBride, Kenneth Hughes Email address: Website: http://www.soundcloud.com/siestalane Userid: 49312 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Mega Man 2 Name of arrangement: Heatseeker Name of individual song(s) arranged: Heat Man Stage Comments: Long time listener (of OCR), first time submitter. I wanted to do a rock interpretation of one of my favorite VG soundtracks, Mega Man 2. I chose Heat Man's theme for two reasons. First, it was challenging. The song is very short compared to most of the other Robot Master themes; this meant I had to be more liberal and dynamic with my arrangement in order to keep the song interesting. It's also a little bit out of my comfort zone, musically; a few of the songs from Mega Man translate very easily into rock, but Heat Man's theme is almost like drum-and-bass (in my opinion). The second reason I chose this song was because it was one of Mega Man 2's less-frequently remixed songs. I thought it deserved some love! I hope you enjoy. Guitars were done using an Axe-FX II, and drums were done on a Roland TD-10 (with Addictive Drums).
  9. This is pretty good, but i think the velocities on the piano are way too high, some sections that should be more delicate are really hitting hard and should be toned down volume-wise. You can probably just edit the midi data and it'd be ok. I do think the second half's arrangement is more refined that the first, and maybe while you are in adjusting those levels, you could embellish the first half a bit more too. No, please resubmit
  10. RemixerName: katethegreat19 Real Name: Kate Covington Website: www.erutanmusic.com ID: 26717 Submission Info: Game: Silent Hill 2 Name of Remix: Where the Demon Sleeps Name of Game Track Arranged: Music Box Comments: A short vocal arrangement of the Music Box puzzle theme from Silent Hill 2 that I arranged a few years back. While the piano at the beginning seems sparse to me now, I'm still extremely happy with how creepy this track turned out to be and how nicely it came together. The violin and frame drum are real acoustic instruments, and the piano is just played on my keyboard. All vocals are mine. Hoping it meets standards, thanks for considering my submission!
  11. she actually made a fire flower first - it was pretty cool, but this one is cuter
  12. Yeah, this is really nice, but the namedrop made me roll my eyes pretty hard, and the second half felt like a bit of an arrangement cop out. I was definitely feeling this though! Please make some minor tweaks and send it back, I'd love to see this on the front page! No, please resubmit
  13. I think Deia has some insightful commentary here, and I do believe that a pass through the WIP threads could do this some good in filling out. The structure seems ok, but the rest feels like a skeleton of a track. The sounds chosen are good, but everything is very very sparse. No, please resubmit
  14. I didn't really dig the transitions, but everything else was the hotness. Cool parts, a nice soundscape, it's all here. Yes
  15. This is really borderline for me - i thought the arrangement was very cool, but I do agree that the guitar arpeggios need to be less robotic and smoother. The strums sound good and are well sequenced. I think Vinnie has some good critique you can follow up on, but I think this has potential to make it on the front page! No, please resubmit
  16. She isn't that kind of girl. Mostly Polish, actually.
  17. hey guys i am super drunk and really love dragonavenger, she is the best and you should love her too. share your best dragonavenger stories.
  18. I've listened to them all, and there are a lot of trends on which games are popular to be posted, but the main trend in the past few years is definitely album releases are so much more frequent, so there will be big chunks of them posted at once. Echoes of Betrayal's release more than doubled the number of FF4 mixes on the site, and Nights's ratio was even more insane.
  19. woah guys, i am in the animus! http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/119/3/d/adult_aang_in_the_court_room_screenshot_by_skysayer-d4xy59v.png im lookin fiiiiiine
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