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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Remixer: Gario Real Name: Greg Nourse UserID: 22898 Games Arranged: Mega Man, Mega Man 3 Name of Arrangement: Drag Me Up (to Heaven) Tracks Arranged: Wily's Tower (Mega Man), Magnet Man's Stage (Mega Man 3) Comments: Wow, 2011 has been one heck of a ride for me, musically... yet I haven't submit anything to OCR since May. No clue why I haven't been submitting anything as of late... oh well, time to remedy that. Darkesword's Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011 has been producing some of my best work of the year, and this particular piece is the cream of that crop. I worked a lot with the sound design on this one, using few of my normal synths or premade Reason synths, instead building my synths them from the ground up. Oddly enough, I actually didn't know what I was going to do with all these synths after I made them, so I just started putting chords together and really liked the atmosphere it created. From there I forced the Magnet Man theme into it (Strange compositional process - make up chords first and add the source later... worked for me, I guess), and added Wily 1-1 for texture. I'm very happy with the resulting track - it's happy, it's soothing, it's exotic. It just doesn't sound like most of what I do, and I like that. I hope everyone enjoys the resulting track as much as I've enjoyed working with it.
  2. Here is my first submission to OCRemix in years and years, hope you guys enjoy! This is a collborative track, I have delineated both participants below: ARTIST INFORMATION Remixer: Dj CUTMAN Name: Chris Davidson Email: Website: www.DjCUTMAN.com UserID: 32956 Remixer: Spamtron Name: Guerin McMurry Email: Website: www.iamspamtron.com UserID: N/A SUBMISSION INFORMATION Name of Game: The Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Link Name of Arrangement: I Am Error Name of Individual Song: Palace (aka "Temple") Composer: Akito Nakatsuka Comments: I love Zelda II, as a child I approached it with no prejudice, enjoying every minute of bizarre 2D adventuring. The core concept of this remix was to take a timbre close to the original NES and make it bob and weave through organic drum production. This project was unique for me, the leads and basslines were creating by Spamtron using tracker software, exported as stems handed over to me for drum programming and mixing. Spamtron and I have never met in person, this remix was created entirely through the Internet. It was originally intended to be a fun afternoon project but the first track just turned out so darn cool, we took a few weeks and released a free EP aptly titled "Bagu and the Riverman" .:. Dj CUTMAN www.DjCUTMAN.com www.VideoGameDJ.com
  3. Console: Nintendo Game: Rambo Track Title: Main Theme Composer: Unknown Arrangement: Trance style Remix Producer: JT Mixing/ Mastering: JT Source info: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/index-classic.html Scroll down to "Rambo" Classic remix of a very progressive track from the Rambo video game. Driving synths, Crisp highs, And punchy low end make this a win. This is my first submission so if I need to change anything about it for the next time please let me know. Been wanting to get a remix into you guys for a while now. I just created a profile for the forums as well. When I tried to view my profile It says "may not have sufficient privileges", so I do not have an ID Number to give you. I hope to be working with you soon. Regards, -Jeff (JT)
  4. SO Some big news! This album will be released in Late January, and a few days prior to the actual release, we will be having a listening party on Sunday, the 22nd! More details after MAGfest, but it'll be sweet.
  5. If our panel is really at midnight, I guess the kids are in bed and I can drink beers while up on stage, right?
  6. Awesome rundown of the food places, can't wait to eat some things and hang out with friends!
  7. Yeah, this is awesome. Arrangement and mixing are great, I think this is Direct-Post worthy, no discussion needed. To contradict my last sentence for the sake of discussion, i'll slap a vote on here. Yes
  8. In the wake of the extremely high profile and hilarious PR blunder that happened a few days ago, this sort of service is even better to hear about. Nice work, Musician's Friend, way to live up to your name!
  9. Absolutely beautiful. An excellent arrangement, and a great performance. Fantastic work, you guys should both be proud.
  10. WHAT? This cannot be! I...am...invincible....How could.. you.... defeat me.... ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! DEFEATED OA! Now it's time for the Loot! If you want to rub it in, keep reviewing, because each review through Dec 31 (forum time) will count as a raffle ticket towards winning either a $35 eStarland credit, or a custom OCR forum avatar! The rules are that you can only win once, but the more you reviewed, the better your chances of winning are. The raid leader, Deia " " Vengen, will announce the winners on January 1.
  11. The samples are about on the same level as the original, which feels a little lo-fi by today's standards. When the synth comes in, it feels pasted on the soundscape, and then the solo hits, and I really just can't wrap my head around what you are trying to say musically there. It doesn't really fit the key, and seems to not even fit the style of the song either. The other judges have given some solid advice, so I recommend giving this a bit of time in the workshop forums to get some assistance in tuning it up. No
  12. fuckin sweet that you guys are able to all pile onto this one. Where have some of you been for the other 100+ subs up for voting?
  13. No worries, the conservative nature was my only issue. Yes
  14. I definitely agree, this is an excellent mix, but it's just too conservative for OCR. I loved the playing, and If you guys were to submit that was closer to the OCR scope, we'd be all over it. No
  15. RMS is pretty ridiculous, this is insanely loud. Things are still decently clear sounding, but ouuuuch this is painful. The arrangement is solid overall, but the issues Emu brought up are pretty valid, and are holding this back. Synching the bass up shouldn't be too difficult, and bringing the levels down overall would help with the distortion. This is pretty darn close, but needs additional polish to make it over the final hurdle. No, please resubmit
  16. I think overall a little bit of trimming on the arrangement to tighten it up a bit would be welcome, but I think it passes muster. I really enjoyed the bass and drum playing of the rhythm section, and while the synth lead could come up a bit, the mixing was pretty solid. Yes
  17. I AM INVINCIBLE! You fools will never stop my reign of destruction!
  18. No real need to hold this one back, vote-wise, as it's very charming, and while I think it may run a little long for an actual intro, it works very well with the mental imagery described, and the woodwind and tuned percussion base is perfect for conveying the lighthearted feel of the mood. Playful and fun, this is pretty nice! Yes
  19. Some timing issues with the drums put a damper on the otherwise great intro. the oooh-waaahs sound good until it's obvious they are completely cut and pasted; really ruins the feel for me. Sax playing is nice, and the arrangement is generally good for the first half, but the polish on the track isn't really there, mixing-wise, and in the details. The second half of the track is just like a solo where you are losing breath support because you are trying to rock out so many notes. I think this has promise, but it feels like a good WIP rather than a complete track. I think some additional revision would do this good. No, please resubmit
  20. Emu has given some pretty solid advice for improving this; The plucked strings sound very mechanical, and are mixed in such a way that they pierce through everything else. The intro also goes on far too long, though the transition of the tempo increase is a solid idea. The repetition is the main issue, as you'll want to add some additional musical ideas into this to keep it unique and interesting. THe sounds chosen are decent overall, and there is some personalization, but it's too cut and pasted right now.. No, please resubmit
  21. I think the level of detail that has been added to this is pretty remarkable, and the song feels a lot more interesting. There is a lot of new variation, some additional instruments, and some new harmony. The beats feel a lot more dynamic, and the transitions are solid. Each time the melody returns, there is a slight variation on it, keeping it feeling fresh. Pretty solid resub, nice work! Yes
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