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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Littering is bad. Littering with teeth is worse. >:-(

  2. necroing an almost 1 year old thread is cool, bro. PS. I am lying.
  3. Seconded. I am a strong proponent of Monobrow, the booze fairy. She is a mythical creature who travels the dreams of all MAGfesters, spreading good cheer and Jägerbombs. Also, WTF Wes, 15 minutes after the DoD listening party? Hellz no, I will be too tired (and maybe drunk) to run at that point.
  4. link to more info about the game? Is it just like civ, basically?
  5. if you guys need to find me from noon to 6pm on friday, i'll be drafting MTG, pwnin bitches and getting mythics. Actually, I promised I wouldn't draft this year, based on complaints last year from just about everyone. FFFFUUUUUUU
  6. Pretty energetic and powerful take on a pretty solid track - the percussion really drives this track in both the original, and is even more prominent in the remix. The soundscape and percussion is excellent, though I think the string attack is way too slow, and it is bad enough that I think it needs to be fixed before posting. Otherwise, solid. The variation on the original is pretty interesting, and the track itself is cool. The variation of instrumentation on the different sections is effective, and the flow is really nice. I like it. No (please resubmit)
  7. What's wrong with that? It's a blade with TWO edges! You can cut twice as much! There is no downside here!
  8. Pretty good source that suits itself well to metal, good choice. I think the bass performance could be a little tighter overall; there are a few instances where it isn't completely locked in, especially at the beginning where it is more exposed. The rhythm guitars are good, and the drums are well programmed. Some of the lead playing is a bit timid compared to the other performances, but it works well enough. The arrangement plays it close to the source, but with a solid expansion and a super heavy sound. Nice expansion overall though. Production is decent but not mind blowing, the frequencies get a bit messy in the low mids and bleed on each other quite a bit, and since things are so muddy, it prevents the drums from being as punchy as they should be. The guitar tone is good, though the bass could be a little more bottom heavy; just a preference thing. I think the concept and overall execution of this are sound, but the production needs to be cleaned up a little bit for it to really shine. I'd cut the EQ around 250hz for the rhythm guitars, and take it from there, to give the drums enough room to breathe. THis is very close, just needs a tiny bit of TLC to finish it up. No, please resubmit
  9. I love how the source is a total homage to the Rocky 4 training montage, which is a permanent resident of my ipod shuffle. There is a pretty good personalization of the source, and some nice chord progression enhancements. The arrangement is generally pretty good, but each section feels a bit on autopilot, with not a ton of details to get caught up in. It's not bad by any means, but it could be a lot more. Additional drum fills would be good too, seems like the snare is way prominent but that beyond that, it's a little static. I think some stronger builds and breaks would give it a better dynamic impression as well. So the arrangement is good but not great. Production-wise it's pretty solid, with a good solid balance and some cool synth choices that generally mesh together well. I think the bass is a little indistinct overall, and maybe the snare is a little loud, but otherwise i'm feelin' it. Overall, it's a pretty good mix, but I can't help but feel it could have been better executed and more exciting. I've gone back and forth on it a few times and I think that you are definitely capable of making it more exciting, considering your talent. Shouldn't be much more than adding some additional interest to the track No (please resubmit)
  10. Nice dreamy and spacious piano sound here, it suits the melody well. This is a very personalized take on the source, and the adjusted tempo and minor changes to the melody are immediately apparent. It's interesting how the source music reminds me of kid icarus, and the remix is more like something i'd hear in a final fantasy game, but it's a good fit for the material. I think the pads are a touch on the loud side, but they do give a warm, enveloping feeling to the song, and while the flute sample isn't the best, it gets the job done. Pretty good use of the different source themes, and blending them together with original materiel. Yes
  11. Happy birthday Ryan, i'll see you at MAG, got a lot to update you on. Have a great day!
  12. TMNT for NES. Like there was ever a question here.
  13. I don't think that'd work - the mechanics of the cane bounce are conducive to the dance pad. I am pretty sure he mentioned this a few times earlier. also, i vote for shatterhand or yo! noid; not that you are taking requests XD
  14. you need to do some sort of run through a game at the DoD listening party. Having the game up on a projector would be legendary.
  15. Now this is some chill, easy livin' - excellent crunchy percussive textures along with serene pads and a cheerful melody make this a relaxing and pleasant mix. The alterations were well thought out and the flow of the song was very smooth. Nothing but approval for this mix from me. Yes
  16. Drums fit the rhythms and patterns a lot better this time around, and the track feels a lot more cohesive to me as a result. The lo-fi samples are charming, and the arrangement choices are as always the strong point of Ziwtra's work. The panning is a little more controlled for headphones this time around, and the bass that comes in around the halfway point is fantastic. This addresses all of the issues I had with the first submission, and I think sees the song through to it's full potential. Very nice work. Yes
  17. The rhythms were nicely altered from the source, but I have to agree that it feels really mechanical and lifeless for a lot of it. The sounds used were decent but generic, and could have used some EQ to be punchier and fit together without some of the bleed. Overall, it's way too stiff right now, it needs to flow a lot better. You have a decent grasp on the concept of arrangement, you just need to let your other skills develop as well. I'd hit up the WIP forum and get some additional tips. No
  18. Overall there is huge potential here, but the track overall needs some polish. Deia has mentioned a lot of good point, though I did hear a few sour notes in a few spots. Your voice is lovely when you have it under control, and the counter melodies are excellent. The overall feel of this is excellent, but I do agree that the accompanying instruments sound overly staccato and thin. This is a prime candidate for a resub, as the foundation and vision is very strong, but it just needs to be executed cleanly. Please give this one another shot, it would be amazing with some touchups. No, please resubmit
  19. well, we were only about 25 reviews away from the final photos, but you know, just as well. I want to thank everyone who took the time to review this month, we kicked ass and had a ton of new reviews posted. Next December will be "review OA's songs and write how good they are" Month.
  20. the pool party had better not be during the OCR staff meeting against this year, or i will be disappoint
  21. insanely good. Why you only sub 1 track a year is beyond me, that is so not enough
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