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Frederic Petitpas

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    F. Petitpas
  • Location
    Saguenay (QC)
  • Occupation

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    Vocals: Male

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  1. Long time no see. Just passing by, thought I'd share what I've been up to for the last 2 years since it's pretty sick and is actually relevant here. Not me in the video, the infamous Mr. Steele. But I do have the same kind of equipement, it's alittle more expensive than a good gaming setup. This is 100% a video game, technically. And if you run through someone's head at 100 miles/h, the person will not respawn, cause it is for real. We do have goggles, but they aren't "VR". Is it like controlling a helicopter in a VG ? Absolutely not. Is it hard ? Yes. But it becomes a second nature after a few hours. "My uncle has a drone". Yeah. This is not your uncle's DJI drone; this is a 100% manual quadcopter. If this video sparks an interest, simulators exist, and the "gamepad" used in real life is the same you use with a sim. I suggest you get a T8 Pro by RadioMaster (Mode 2!!!) or something similar. For a sim, I'd strongly suggest getting "Uncrashed : FPV Drone Simulator on Steam" Please enjoy the video : )
  2. ^ For your synths you could just pan one left, pan the other one right and put a delay plugin 100% wet with 8 to 20 ms. For guitars, record twice and pan left/right. No delay. Doesn't matter if you use only one amp with the same settings. But play twice. That's how it's been done for thousands of albums...
  3. They'll never get money from me again after their ST3 fiasco.
  4. Hi peop, just wondering if you guys are already fiddling with augmented reality or is it "almost" still a thing of the future ? I mean, appart from Pokemon Go, some options in my S8 when using the camera, I don't have much experience with augmented reality. (don't count Pokemon Go, I tried it about 2 minutes). I'd gladly take your suggestions though. I have android (Galaxy S8). I got the 3D helmet for it, it's cool. It's very cool, but that's not augmented reality. I did try one app last week though, I guess it's augmented reality cause it's using the GPS but not the camera. Solar System Scope (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.eu.inove.sss2&hl=fr) You can track the sky, live. Am I late or what ? hahah
  5. Isn't it funny to know that some of the people here were simply not born yet when you started coming here ?
  6. Finally, at the end of the month, this will happen : I have nothing more to say because I'm speechless. I want the beta so bad (hey Ansonou ).
  7. I had a whole month to go through Horizon Dawn while I waited for bestbuy to get some Nin, but it did not happen. Fortunatly, a good friend of mine got it after waiting 3 hours at gamestop (they were waiting for the delivery guy, 5 units, he was the 6th person waiting there but then a woman gave up cause she had to go back to work lol... and it cost him an hour of "no pay"). Plugged the Nin 20 minutes and it was not his style... YES. He had the grey controllers tho, which saddens me cause I've got a boy and a little girl, the blue and red ones would have been great for those 2 fighting lil fuckers ¬¬ ... Regarding the console, I wasn't impressed at first ; i really hate the dock, the glossy screen is a pita when taking a dump, reflecting the bulb right above. Zelda... omfg, the controls, wtf ?? After about 4 hours I switched the Jump button. It makes more sense but still, terrible gameplay... BUT, I beleive, of course, it's gonna grow on me and become a 2nd nature, but right now it's so hard ! I made my way to the cocorico village, but it took me a lot of time... when I got the bombs, the boomrang, I was like yeahhh, this is zelda, at last ! It's funny how it reminds me of the very first one.
  8. Have you by now ? Such an amazing game
  9. Well, YouTube is 192 at least. The gap between 128 and 192 is enormous, it's not 320 but you still retain enough lows and highs to be appreciable.
  10. Got this because of the shortage with the Switch and wow... That Switch can wait a few weeks
  11. You could make your own PC and kill any Mac, if you don't use any Mac specific software. Maybe you don't like the Windows environment, I dunno, but I'd consider it if you need more horsepower. But it's ok to prefer the Mac OS, I guess. That's what we see people use in movies so it must be better.
  12. But why a MAC ? Do you think it's better for audio ?
  13. If it's to play guitar and looking for a plugin to make an amp, I suggest https://www.tseaudio.com/home for an all-in-one solution. And it's great. If you want to compose with a keyboard/mouse and have something that sounds great, Zircon made this and Sixto plays the samples https://impactsoundworks.com/product/shreddage-ii-absolute-electric-guitar/. I have to idea how hard it is to use tho, but I heard really convincing tunes with it.
  14. I already feel limited by the lack of legato which I need 75% of the time and the Symphony Essentials don't have true legato;
  15. That's 1500$US though... for the "series" otherwise no legato. Not ready to pay that much hahah
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