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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Confirmed... See look over here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ocremix#p/u/0/1bjnE3VECTo
  2. Don't let Taucer hear you say that or he'll have a coronary. FYI everyone the project release is scheduled for 10 days from what I originally told everyone.
  3. Haha...IKEA. That's one hell of a se-up Harmony! I am literally sitting at the exact same desk right now.
  4. Hey dude he's just trying to let you know how things kinda normally pan out here. While dates and goals are a good thing; they have a tendency to change bc "life" gets in the way of many remixers plans to finish tracks on time. An OCR site project is an absolute crazy thing to run.
  5. No thank you, and Troy. Please tell me you guys subbed that track to OCR?
  6. Awesome song dudes! I really like the eclectic soundscape. The synth melody wankery was a highlight for me. Keep em coming!
  7. What no velocity on the MASSIVE synth solo! (some mighty sequencing there my friend)
  8. Thanks dude! It was def a fun interview. The project was quite a rocky road looking back on it. It was def a privilege to interact with and meet so many cool people. The 2nd track was Echoes by Fishy. The third track was suppose to be Welcome to the Human Race by John Revoredo and Paul Weaps; but I guess ya guys got the full Akkadia Rising track instead. Akkadia Rising is by myself and the Prophet of Mephisto. The project will be released as soon as everything is all loaded up and set into place. There are no delays for anything except how much work it takes to prepare the OCR site for a new album. There is also a text based interview Square Enix Music will publish in the coming weeks. It goes into some more specifics about the project.
  9. 7-9 EST (US Eastern Time) http://www.8bitx.com/RadioFreeGamer/
  10. Well I picked out one of the tracks, and Justin will pick out the other. The one track I picked out is not a debut track for the project on OCR (the mixes that are posted on the projects release) BUT It is worthy of a debut track and I think this is a track that deserves as much praise as it can get. I only had so many slots to choose project release tracks from, so I wanted to use this opportunity to give an awesome song part of the limelight.
  11. Doing a Live interview tonight sometime from 7-9pm on Radio Free Gamer Podcast. Two tracks will be debuting. C ya'll there!
  12. Got pushed back a week from what I told everyone. The powers that be are working like crazy to finalize everything.
  13. Thanks dude, ended up not doing half bad for barely studying! (god i hate standardized tests) Oh BTW, just talked about you in an interview for this project bwhahahahahaha. EDIT: I talked about you again!
  14. Yeah there are pretty much demos for most things. Some of the products that use dongles you can only demo if you have said dongle. DEMO AWAY! P.S. Even Sample Logic has kinda a basic demo pack that covers all of their products.
  15. Good read: http://prorec.com/Articles/tabid/109/EntryId/343/Over-the-Limit-2-The-End-of-the-Loudness-War.aspx
  16. I had a dream about this project last night...it was hott...
  17. It's on their website: http://www.reaper.fm/userguide.php
  18. FFMQ never heard of that, NICE! IMO Skrynyk does have a point. While people shouldn't give up there is never a use for beating a dead horse. Hell someone could release a project called "Unfinished Business" with collections of 4-5 games. Of course that would break all kinds general conceptions about projects. At this point I don't think there are any mixers left for anything. The last time things were like this was around 3 years ago and while some of those projects are gonna be released alot of others are still going... Kind of a shame really; but hopefully this thread inspires some people to finish their shite or maybe pick up another song.
  19. OMFG having noobs on projekts meanz it suckaz
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