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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Yeah this is huge, it's all about obtaining customer loyalty. In any business doing things to obtain and maintain customer is the key to longevity.
  2. Glad it didn't though. At the very least this is incredibly enjoyable and the guitar tone matches the feel of the source impeccably.
  3. There have also been artists who have moved past these dudes. (check an article by the name of the Aesthetics of Failure by Kim Cascone for some newer insights) Most of the artists you mentioned are VERY eclectic and most people prob will not understand their music. Highly recommend Steve Reich's Electric Counterpoint as a minimalist piece that everyone can enjoy. Good way to expose people to this type of music without driving them off right away.
  4. WTF I always wear at least 2 pairs of pants to make sure I never run out!
  5. You guys done yet? Finally got my shite set-up again after a month of being a vagabond. Can't wait to get started sonically piecing this together.
  6. Love the serpent trench theme. This is a very interesting take on it. It adds alot more energy to a seemingly laid back ethereal source tune. Really enjoyed the ending, felt like the ending of the original star wars film.
  7. F'N AWESOME! This has to be one of the sickest songs on the site. All of the artists made some kick ass contributions to this one. The simplicity and the execution of the song really make this one an OCR classic for me IMO.
  8. Love this track! Completely captures the feel the title and the source. With the drum work I think the track can work as both BGM and active listening depending on your mood and tastes. Always hope to hear more from ziwtra.
  9. A very interesting take on the Awakening source tune. Tends to focus more on cinematic elements than the melody. Given the context of the song within the game this is a pretty cool arrangement decision. Def loving the asian influences within the song.
  10. Def a cool little unkown track from the middle part of the decade. A chill track great for studying and relaxin with.
  11. An awesome subdued piece along the lines Sacratus Bellator. This track doesn't possess the same epicness or evolving textures and climaxes; but it does possess a unique soundscape. All of the little orchestral ornaments are a really nice touch over and increase the listenability of the track. Def one of Gray's better ones.
  12. While the original source is more complex in getting its "message" this track does with subtly and attention to detail. I've always really enjoyed these two dudes work and this track has been a constant on my playlist for quite some time.
  13. Haha, yeah I am a huge fan of that movie and its main theme. I had a goal of making a song in the vein of that theme and found the Aveh source tune to have the proper traditional irish motifs to achieve the necessary feel for the mix. Given that this was a project track I thought it was a great opportunity to take a chance and make a mix that paid homage to different inspirational tracks. I started this track in the fall of 2006 and finished in early 2007. By far my oldest track amongst my stuff up on OCR.
  14. Haha yeah this comment is crazy. The first part is referring to how OA seemed to be on a tear this morning with all of the reviews he has doing. Which is crazy considering he has already reviewed so many OCR tracks. The 2nd part is just wit.
  15. double post...don't care BUT OA is machine!...made of woman parts
  16. Really cool mix. Love the crazy little synth sounds throughout, adds a helluva lot of character. This song has great pacing and changing textures; it is a real joy to listen to.
  17. Very cool mix. Has very traditional classical feeling throughout the beginning and middle. The percussion felt a little to helter skelter towards the end. Reminds me in parts of the CHIPP's and James Guilty Gear mix.
  18. Some really cool composition ideas and originality in this mix. This one's got soul, and no matter how dated some of the production might seem in comparison to blind's current work this will still remain an enjoyable piece of music.
  19. Alot of music is like puzzle that needs to be pieced together. Fatty Acid's music is puzzle with simple well thought out ideas that fit together extremely well. One of my favorites OCR tracks and artists by far. It's a damn shame his best song, Madame Balamb, isn't on OCR as that one is pure ear candy! Thanks dude for making such a kick ass track!
  20. One of my favorite tracks from OCR. Love it how it retains the feeling of the source but expands upon so well to create a new a unique piece of music. Kudos good sir!
  21. CLEVER!!! It's a very good melody to put on top of the chords. With the amount of recorded music our society now possesses every song prob has some distant cousin who shares similar traits.
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