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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Yeah I never spell ur name wrong either...hehe (nice one FireSlash)
  2. Yeah I'd love to give you guys a copy of the song without the moans buuut...my computer that had the only copy of the finished master file literally blew up last year. So the project file for this song doesn't exist anymore, unless Anso has one of the earlier versions lying around somewhere in the dark crevices of his hard drive.
  3. Just FYI on Cubase; its Academic version does not allow you to use it commercially. Although, you can say upgrade Cubase 5 Academic to Cubase 6 (non-Academic) when it comes out at no extra charge. Kinda the cheapest way to get a retail version IMO. Not all academic versions of programs have this restriction though.
  4. This is by far the lamest thing I have ever read, but I support it 100%!
  5. Happy birthday dude!

  6. Thanks dude! No biggie; if I was in your position back then I would have taken a similar approach, especially if the game was one of my all time favs.
  7. Quickening was actually specifically made bc there was no Small Two of Pieces mix. Even though it's only an instrumental of the melody/motif that is prominent in Faraway Promise it was the best we could do. One of the things in running a project that covers *all the tracks* is that it extends the life of the project considerably. Given the already 3 years this was out; I did not think waiting another 1-2 years woulda been a smart thing. Given the HUGE soundtrack and the lack of wide spread support in the beginning it would have been impossible to deliver a quality project in a reasonable time frame. it's kinda all about checks and balances and working with what ya got! Luckily everyone worked their asses off on their mixes. I am truly thankful for all of the awesome people who made songs for this project. Thanks guys!
  8. Sorry dude I'll have to decline. I'm pretty good in the sounds department, so I'm alright without any of the presets. :) Darkesword is referring to using words like "sumting" instead of "something."

  9. ZOMG thanks dude! My 5 year old niece is enough for me right now haha.
  10. Hahaha...pirates. This mix literally changed how I viewed sequencing the what a "lead" could accomplish in computer based music. INCREDIBLE!
  11. Congrats on you mix posted solo mix dude! (as crazy as that is haha) Will be listening to this song for quite some time dude!
  12. I think this has to be the best song with the most unoriginal mix title on the site haha. For the love of god you better finish your other version of this from 3 years ago! Although this version captures the despair and dark feel of the original source to a T. You really breathed some new life into a well used source tune dude!
  13. Ziwtra did the website and Jose the Bronx Rican did the video.
  14. I remember talking to Eliot about this track a long time ago. He did this entire track before Omnisphere was even announced. So even the throat singers are from somwhere crazy...maybe someone with a ridiculous knowledge of vocal libraries could point it out. Or it could just be autotuned.
  15. Nah actually I am perusing the site. :) Your timing is impeccable my good man.

    Why are you watching me...in the shower...always...ho my.

  16. From the eternal glory of Patrick Swayze: "Ditto" John Revoredo and Prometheus are the same person. He asked me to use both names since the tracks were completed so far apart. Sorry about the tagging Nathan. Thanks for listening everyone!
  17. WOW thanks dude. That is basically my oldest track. I started that over 3 years ago; and finished it well over 2 years ago, back when I had absolutely no business writing anything orchestral. Almost pulled it from the project as well.
  18. Thanks dudes! That first track (Quickening) was done ENTIRELY in less than 24hrs about 3 weeks ago. Level 99 composed and performed those guitars in about 2 hours on one take. The mastering involved a little bit of Guitar Amp Pro used on a bus to add in that early 90's alt rock feel. Don't let Level 99 read your comments otherwise he'll prob cry...no seriously! Yeah ziwtra is a pretty amazing dude all around. That website is basically entirely him.
  19. ZOMG FINALLY EVERYONE GETS TO HEAR THIS TRACK! Been listening to this track for a couple years now dude! Love it!
  20. Welcome to the Xenogears: Humans + Gears feedback and opinions thread! You can download the project and read more about it here: http://xenogears.ocremix.org/ An album trailer can be viewed here: Thank you to all of the mixers, staff, and everyone involved! This has been one heck of a ride! Feel free to leave your thoughts about this remix album here! Thanks!
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