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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Assign Pencil tool to left mouse click. (does everything listed above; AND you can double click on a note to delete it) Enable right mouse click to be a tool. Assign Eraser tool. (can be assigned to anything) Switch the "command" button on the keyboard to be the Select tool and you can select large groups of notes for editing then. And these settings can be kept so you don't have to switch things every time. ( Logic 8 )
  2. Reaper is on Mac as well. And there are plenty of VST's on Mac as well. There are a few VST's that aren't ported to Mac, namely z3ta+. But then again there is always Rapture which is very similar to z3ta+. Most of the major software synths are coded in VSTi PC/Mac and Audio Units. (Mac Only)
  3. Hey thanks dude! When we originally set out to make this project this was our #1 intention. We wanted to make the album a nostalgia trip for those who really loved FFIV. Thanks for the comment it really means a lot that the album got the nostalgia juices flowing!
  4. Delphi* Gol the coder has said before that he won't recode it in C++. Given Logic's hold on the apple DAW market it prob isn't worth it to recode FL from a financial perspective. It's def cool to see FL incorporating more of a linear workflow without changing it's own unique style of doing things. That along with it's audio editing and massive # of windows was a big complaint by many former FL users myself included. If FL developed macros like Cubase has that would be the bees fuckin knees right there. (unless it already has em by now)
  5. Hey dude you might be able to upgrade to Logic 9 based on a grace period. It's a small chance but it's worth a shot.
  6. The only thing this update really seems good for, for a non-guitarist, is the new audio editing on the main arrange page. Are there any other features people know about that don't coincide with the new audio editing and beat matching?
  7. Agreed. Someone is never in the wrong trying to compensate off of their hardwork and intellectual property. Compared to the options and prices 20 years ago getting quality sounds nowadays is laughable. Anywho Synth1 is free.
  8. Splash page was def sweet. Oh yeah btw happy bday dude!
  9. Don't lie you liked the happy music! Stevo approve me on ur forumz dude!
  10. After listening to the project with some non-gamer friends this is the one track where everyone wanted to know who produced it and who sang in it. Nuf said, keep it up dude!
  11. My favorite off of the entire project. Remember all of the sudden this finished mix popping up one day. You did this theme justice; and that's damn near impossible to do. P.S. Now go do Star Stealing Girl...zomg (please)
  12. Well many of the tracks have similar motifs throughout, so when we as arrangers sculpt and define a new arrangement we are sure to make some tracks sound like others. It's really the OST itself that's very similar. Read somewhere this was Nobou's intention. For example bunch of people picked out a Red Wings reference in my track; but it was actually just my rearrangement of the "Cecil Becomes a Paladin" source; or better known as the beginning of the Cry in Sorrow source tune. Tis all good; at the least the main motif in the OST is fuckin AWESOME!
  13. mmmm blasted guitar. Ya got a new album dropping soon sometime dude?
  14. I got wavs and info from everyone but I still got to put it together. My masters thesis is due on Aug 17th so that is taking precedence right now. As soon as that is done I can update everything in about 2-4 days easy.
  15. Both have completely different work flows. One offers the possibility to use lots of different tools while the other give a you limited number of tools. Some people prefer the limited number of tools because it allows them to just focus on making music and not on what tool to use. Def try out both demos and give it some time. These programs can take a little while to make "sense."
  16. Loved the sound design on this with all the synths, excellent pacing as well. Awesome title too! Kudos for putting together such a great track....epic driving music FTW.
  17. It should be released in the next 1-2 months. The project is done except for updating the website; and there might be 2 more tracks that trickle in but that depends on the mixers. Thanks for the interest! :)

  18. Thanks to everyone who has taken a huge amount of their time to make this project as big as it is. We never imagined when this first started it would get such an awesome response; especially from so many people who shared such a deep love for the game and it's music. Thanks dudes!
  19. Wine with my last name on it, bwhahahaha...I still treasure that bottle. :)

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