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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Eliot joined!!! $20 that he'll friggin blow ur socks off with whatever he makes.
  2. Ditto, same here. Proper grouping and bussing, with minimal amounts of natural/transparent compression goes a loooooong way sometimes. It's an excellent way to make sure your low end is in control and solid.
  3. He had sent me emails once every few months. He eventually dropped his track citing he didn't he could finish it in time or make it up to snuff. His last WIPs of it were decent. I received a PM from him about 3-4 weeks ago stating he was going to brazil for a year for some stuff for his church. Not only did he create the project, he did a tremendous amount of work in the first 6 months of the project and was very active. IMO his senior year of high school and subsequent first year of college really didn't give him the time or mental framework to run a project. Those are prob the two worst years of someone's life to try and coordinate a project, considering the sheer amount of change and craziness that happens. Just in case for people looking to run a project, I'd say I sent in the amount of 350-600 emails/pms while running this thing over the course of 3 years. Some people you'd sent multiple messages for an entire year before you get a word back. It's kinda grating after awhile, but if you can run the marathon it's worth it in the end. Some times people go through "life" for 6-7 months and are unreachable but usually come out the end of it rearing to go and churn out some sonic goodness.
  4. HOLY CRAP! http://store.dontcrack.com/product_info.php?products_id=272 Does anyone have any experience with these?
  5. Here;s a good place to start: http://www.sgxmusic.com/tutorials.htm Check out Siamey's page as well. IMO make a separate 14:2 mixer for each of your "groups." Then route each of those mixers to another final 14:2 mixer. Each "group" would consist of says percussion, leads, bass/kick, pad type sounds, FX, etc... This way when you add a new instrument it just gets added under your group. This also make mastering a helluva lot easier. If you want your mix to sound clean here is one simple trick. Use 1 type of long reverb (big and lush), 1 short reverb, 1 short delay, and 1 long delay. This will help make sure everything sounds like it is being played in the same space, which will in turn make things sound MUCH cleaner and bigger in fact. Good luck dude!
  6. Nah it never was. By the time he started on that track both of those source tunes were taken anyways.
  7. ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... :)

  8. u picked the most disturbing avatar ever

  9. Ah that's the beauty you don't have to be! nerdrage seems scary
  10. Huh? 10 characters We'll let you dudes know the release date once we know everything has progressed. No use getting peeps hopes up.
  11. Any project mixer who did not get a PM from me with some cool stuff let me know! ~Shaun
  12. Was it a trance song per chance? Jewbei made a Gerudo Valley mix around the time you're referring to.
  13. It's not round robin. You'd have to set velocity to filters and/or amplitude. Check out the Jordan Rudess video. It has like 40-60gb of samples I believe. All of Spectrasonic's Omnisphere is in it too.

  14. Yeah he gets passed around quite a lot.
  15. Yeah it's incredible. It has a couple of Spectrasonics sample libraries in it such as Distorted Reality and Symphony of Voices. I also has TONS of raw wave samples for from various synths; it's own synth engine etc...

    Def go to Spectrasonics site and check out all of the vids they have on it. IMO it would really add an incredible edge to your sound. I have had for about a year and have used on every track since without fail.

  16. I keep listening to this and I don't know why? It's like Energy 52; it just grabs you and then sits you down and you chill with it. Building up expectations, but is ultimately a really chill track with some awesome dance influences. Cool concept dude, and KUDOS for pulling it off!
  17. Yeah that's what I was busy doing... Actually a whole mess of shite went on during the course of this project. It really outlines a crazy 3 years for me. I am getting motivated to finish the game now. The damn 5 mins per battle started to grate on me. Only if they made this thing into a full fledged anime oh WHY!
  18. Haha, I still have to play the the final 2/3 to 1/2 of the game. DAAAAAMN
  19. Haha yeah I lived there last year when I went to grad school. They also live in Galway which is best friggin place on earth...for alcoholics.
  20. ...the whole point is that it's on Christmas. It's mainly for those of us who don't have family who live near us or for those that do not celebrate Christmas.
  21. ditto ;)

    (10 characters)

  22. What an international affair! Surely this is better than all the sliced breads in all the lands.
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