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Everything posted by avaris

  1. It's a german website for those non-german speakers. Regardless with a lil common it's easy to find your way around. http://www.yellowtools.us/cp21/cms/index.php?id=782 2gb of free samples. Reviews on KVR are pretty positive. It works for both Mac and PC. Def something to check if you are looking for some quality sounds for free.
  2. They said the Beta is extremely limited so def sign up ASAP. I got in it but I won't be able to check it out until I get off work. You get to not only beta test Live7 but all of their other goodies too. http://www.ableton.com/home From what I have read they have implemented the majority of user requests. Many work flow features and interface enhancements that were present in other DAWs but not Live. Their new approach for rewire and external device routing seems to be best I've seen so far. Nothing crazy with the new version coming from the Cycling 74 partnership though. Have to wait another year on that one.
  3. In the words of Monty Python: YOU'RE A LOONY! After reading OA's comment this def sounds like a good idea. IMO some people might be reserved about it bc it could possibly change the perception and function of OCR. It's not the site isn't afraid of change or making implementations in an attempt to do some cool things.
  4. We've got around 10 updates from people over the last few weeks. Keep it up dudes.
  5. For Reason Refills here is what I know of: http://www.samples4.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=92 http://www.bigfishaudio.com/4DCGI/detail.html?350 http://www.sonicreality.com/viewDetails.php?ProductID=187 I own the Sonic Reality one. I can let you Demo it at Magfest. I also own QL Rare which contains some of the instruments in EWQL Ra. Those sounds are absolutely amazing. Although it really sucks NNXT can't play GIGA format. Although maybe just maybe you could buy Akai samples and use Reload to change them into NNXT format? http://www.soundsonline.com/ProSamples-Vol-52-World-Instruments-2-pr-PS52.html
  6. I really like the feel of it. It's very ambient in structure and sound though. There is nothing that really jumps out as the lead. Everything sounds pretty distant or muffled right now. In different places I've read when you are going for a really moody track such as this it's always good to have at least 1-3 dry elements to give the piece a sense of balance. Also with so many background elements it might help to stereo image a few of them. Maybe try to set up the stereo imager as a send with the low -20 and the high at +35. Have th cutt off around 225hz - 400hz. Feed different amounts of the background elements to help give some of them more space and overall make the track feel bigger and carry more presence. It's kind of an unorthodox method but IMO seems to work pretty good in Reason with certain tracks. It's really relaxing and sounds like it could be a really good mix with some more tweaking and attention to detail.
  7. Ogre Battle 64 - YES This was an incredible game! The story is one of the best ever IMO. Great plot twists. If anyone was a fan of FF Tacitcs def give this a try. This sequel is better than it's legendary predecessor in almost every area. The graphics would still hold up today as appealing. The gameplay is simple yet addictive. Legend of Mana - NO One of the biggest let downs in games for me. But regardless of that this gets a no for a couple of reasons. The story is very thin and unmotivating. An rpg without a good story is just a game with a leveling system IMO. The 'build your own world concept' sounds good on paper but was not executed well. The gameplay is fun with the different combos and the music is good. This is def a game to rent to have fun with. It will not make a lasting impression though. Mega Man X4 - Yes (Borderline) Almost voted NO because the voice acting is so god awful and annoying I actually stopped playing for several occasions because of it. I could go get a drink while the cut scenes were playing but the voice acting during the game was a abig annoyance. This has way too many positives. The gameplay is fun as usual. It is challenging but no too hard. People will enjoy playing with MegaMan or Zero. Zero is really fun to play with especially as he gets his upgrades. Who doesn't like swords? The music is really good and enhances the mood per usual for MegaMan games.
  8. For 'Defective' look here http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2819 If it gets accepted it will show up in green. If it gets rejected it will show up in red. The June date for 'Torn Apart' is the date it was submitted to OCR. It should prob be posted sometime before the new year.
  9. There is also another remix of the same theme that is being done for the Xenogaers Project. It's in the Judges Panel right now, it's called 'Defective.' It's def an awesome theme, and it is very easy to remix also.
  10. Oooh marching band not my fav thing but I'll give a listen. Sounds pretty cool so far. But IMO don't know how listenability a marching band type song has. Cool arrangement ideas though.
  11. I'm down yo! Been working on trying to make pathces that Emulate the Roland D-50 (Enya) so I'll def have some unique hybrid patches to test out. Yeah I know the Deepflight refill is already sampled the D-50 but damn it it's enya! EDIT: Also trying to make some patches that'll have some really smooth and silky sounds that are hard to find in Reason IMO.
  12. Yeah you can route audio from other sources and use anyway you feel like it. You have to use the mod matrix on thor to route the audio where you want it. You can route it in almost anywhere. You can also use external audio in to as frequency modulators for Thor's oscillators. To run audio through Thor you also need some type of midi signal being sent to thor at the same time the audio is coming through. Stupid? YES. But then again it prob boiled down to some crazy thing with the programming. IMO the best way to do it without sacrificing the step sequencer in thor is to have the same midi being sent to thor and whatever device you are using for external audio at the same time. Make sure under 'trigger' you have the midi box selected if you choose to use Thor as an FX device. If you want to use Thor's OSC in combo with external audio right now this is the only way I know how to do it. If you don't care about using Thor's step sequencer as a modulation source and just wanna run other audio through it here is a combi as an example. Make sure the sequencer on Thor is running for it to work. http://avaris.studios.googlepages.com/GlockenThor.cmb
  13. Ah ok cool, thanks dudes. AS guess that means I'm heading out that sunday afetrnoon sometime.
  14. Hey quick question for those who have attended previous MagFests. Sunday is the last day of Magfest. Do you guys leave that day or stay the night? What usually happens?
  15. You'll def have to unistall R3. During the beta you had to uninstall R3 and when I installed R4 over the weekend I had to uninstall R3.
  16. Nice vibe on this one dude. Yeah I gotta second the live guitar on this. It would really just put this over the top. Not to say the sequencing on the guitat isn't already impressive but actualy guitar would really kick ass.
  17. I concur! If you get the chance head over the user forum at the props site. eXode just posted a sound demo using only 5 thors as a supersaw type sound unisoned out the yang! Awesome stuff. EDIT Here is mp3 demo that lizard from combinatorHQ is goin to be doing. It is emulating the Oberheim synth. All of the synth sounds were Thor. http://www.combinatorhq.comdemos/Thor_OB_Demo.mp3
  18. Searching for Final Fantasy and Secret of Mana music on Kazaa. The three songs I came up with were: Graylighting, Pixietricks, Sephfire - Final Fantasy 10 Journey's End mp - Secret of Mana Dirge for the Frosty Plains Russell Cox - Final Fantasy 10 To Zanarkand Once Again
  19. Ooooooh FFIV! The whole first half of the song is insanely catchy, as usual your writing style shines through. IMO this song is great to listen to but it has room for improvement. The bass line while insanely catchy in the beggining starts to sounds very dull by the end of the song because the sound is used so much. Also the rhythms suffer the same fate too by the end of the song IMO. 1:59 great idea for a breakdown. But the orchestral parts need to be thicker. Really expand the chords up and down the entire range of the piano roll using all of the string instruments. The song has some very thick and emotional textures the writing in the orchestral based sections should make good use of it. 4:12 the hit is too loud. Liking it so far but the 2nd half could use some more contrasting elements to help your excelllent individual composition shine through more.
  20. Yeah that would def be cool, I'm down. Everyone has there lil tricks they do it'd be cool to share those in a more personal setting.
  21. The NN-XT should work just fine. Or just use multiple NN-XT's in a combi. This way pitch won't be affected. Or multiple Redrums in a combi. Or make a Rex file if you got Recycle.
  22. Listened to this all morning, and I normally don't listen to this kind of music.
  23. Bwhahaha.... I find this ironic Anso you live in the same town as the Props headquarters yet I got mine before you got yours. To quote the great OverCoat OOOOOHOHOHOHOHO :V I'm gonna bring my work labtop with R4 loaded on it to Magfest! There is gonna be lots o' music making. Rob Hubbard did do the remix! They got tunes from eXode (my fav) JB, Arabian Prince, DJ Babu, Jeremy Ellis, etc... A bunch of the demos use patches made by Peff too...go figure. FYI my only complaint is it takes a lil while to pipe external audio through Thor. It took me almost an hour to figure out how to do it. You have use the same midi to trigger both thor and whatever you are using for the external audio. And the in the matrix you have to route the audio input to wherever you want it to enter into Thor signal processing chain. Which is time consuming but also very powerful. Oh yeah I had an Academic version of 3.0, but I bought a commercial upgrade and everything went just fine. For those with academic versions wondering if they can upgrade. "Rebuilt from the Ground Up" http://www.propellerheads.se/products/reason4/index.cfm?fuseaction=get_article&article=main From a proggraming perspective I couldn't imagine them making something like Regroove without recoding a majority of the program.
  24. Hehe so much fun! I don't know about the other beta testers but IMO in the beta I thought the sound quality was better...please no flame wars. So out of curiosity I did a phase inversion test with song a song ripped to 44hz 24bit in 3.0 and 44hz 24bit in 4.0. The phase inversion test failed! I did the revese polarity in FL. They said they rewrote the progam. Def try some phase inversion tests when you get a chance def want some more proof on this. Oh yeah there is C64 commando remix as one of the DEMO songs by Rob Hubbard! Woot. I have just been listening to the demo songs so far...and they all awesome. The sound quality is awesome and the songs are actually wicked catchy. There are two Orkester DEMO songs too. All the use is NN-XT patches and 2 reverbs set as sends. Def take a listen to that when you dudes get the upgrade. Opened up some old R3 songs and CPU usage was the same. Even though I Beta tested it I never had the chance to really work with it bc I was doing songs on R3. The regroove kicks some serious arse. It's even better than Peff's trick with using DR Rex loops to control volume automation. Both of them used in combination yields some awesome results.
  25. Yeah I can def see how the vocals feel like they are floating. IMO I am not insanely experienced w/vocal tracks but here is what I think: The vocals seem to sit rather wide in the mix. Try to use a stereo imager to make them dead center. Make them almost mono. Another big thing is your voice, your voice has a very strong mid range. So IMO you gotta be really careful with the other instruments you put in the same range. This is a great song by the way. If someone never played this game they would think the lyrics would never be about racing. The composition and flow is spot on and extremely well done.
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