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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Awesome stuff Dan. And you only used one source tune this time..... The mix is simplistic but captures and expands on the feel of the source. As usual the arrangement and part writing are top knotch.
  2. The orchestration is really good along with the composition. Incredible arrangement of mutliple sources. Some more drastic variation in the velocity could add some flava to the mix. There is something about the soundscape that feels a lil odd. The low end could use a boost in volume. This feels very thematic but the power in the low end is lacking to give the mix the power it needs. Bass drum could use a rais in volume. Prob some more harp in the beggining, the harp def sounds awesome in other parts of the song. 2:18 to 2:23 the background crescendos to quickly it drowns out the melody. Nice choir and expansion, great part. 4:07 those last notes cut off waaay to fast. 4:50 was a great part. IMO from 1:24 on is def the best part. The first minute, especially the intro needs some more attention to really grab the listener and keep them interested. There is some great writing writing in the first minute but everything form 1:24 on packs a much more significant emotional punch to really pull in the listener.
  3. Haha I thought you were goin to say Jan 15th is too soon. You don't have to submit your project mix to the judges panel. You can if you want.
  4. Holy crap that's awesome. Great idea for the game, seems like a combo of warcraft and all those lil space shooter type games. The multiplayer aspect was a nice touch too. Nice music btw.
  5. Yeah this is def a good arrangement. The flow from section to section is spot on. There is too much sustain on the high notes on the melody IMO. It creates a wall o' sound. If you are wanting to keep a similar feel with the chiptunish sounding soundscape then these remixes might be good examples to go by: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01485/ http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/shnabubula/?&offset=0&limit=0&sort=dateasc http://ocremix.dreamhosters.com/songs/Final_Fantasy_5_Dark_Butz_OC_ReMix.mp3 http://ocremix.dreamhosters.com/songs/Mega_Man_2_Too_Hot_For_Heatman_OC_ReMix.mp3 Basically everything by Shnabubula and AeroZ. Your arrangement is good but there are lots of lil things missing that set the good lo-fi jams apart from the memorable ones. Go for some expansion on the melody, really get it moving up and down the scale. Some more drum fills etc...
  6. The intro was great. Expected a much bigger kick to come in at :27. Great work on the filter movement. Overall in the mix it seems like you rely on one dominant sound for each section. The supporting material is feeling stale. Add some more counterpoint or various drum sounds or FX. Marcato strings might go really nice. The whole build-up in the middle takes way too long to advance some more. The basic feel is great but it needs alot more ear candy and variation on sounds used. The guitar/pads/filtered drums aren't carrying the song for the full 4 mins. Kudos for trying some new genres and tricks though.
  7. Yeah the friggin kick is enormous but it does sound good IMO. It reminds of that gigantic ass mammoth in that stage. The entire song is very LOUD but it's still enjoyable bc of the arrangement. The arrangement and production both pack a lot of energy. Tricky Swamp Style has a similar in your face kick, but there aren't an enormous amount of crashes happening all the time taking up sonic space. In Tricky Swamp Style there was enough space and give and take between the sounds to give the song a more dynamic feel. Maybe ease EQ the crashes or use them less in some of the build up sections. The energy from this mix is great but with a lil more TLC for dynamics it could be even better IMO.
  8. The mastering is much better dude, I really like the general sound and the composition. Nice intro. Overall the thing that gets me is that the same sounds are used over a 6 minute piece. Your arrangement def covers the full 6 minutes but the sounds don't. Maybe introduce a nice violin lead or guitar somewhere. In a week I promise you'll be able to make some sweet lead/plucked guitar action in this only using Reason. A nice big boomy kick used in select places will up the energy level and dynamics alot. Like at 3:35 and 3:43 for ezample. Strings at 3:03 are very thin compared to the intro. It's too much of a drop off in terms of energy from that crazy ass synth solo to those strings. Make em thick and full and stereo image em like a mofo. Any type of FX rain, thunder, whispers etc... might go well there. That synth solo still kicks serious ass...
  9. The first verse with the flanger sounds off. The timing of the effect feels really off. IMO I'd use a vocoder on that first verse. Prob vocode the the vocal from 3:46 and on too. The high end on the vocals feels a lil dry throughout the song. Some more noticeable delay on parts of the vocals to emphasize certain words would go really well. The doubled vocals really add some nice variation to the mix.
  10. Sweet. Did you use chorus and delays for the scratching? Haha speaking of vanguard I made an Insert FX that basically sounds like it. You can route in whatever samples you want for the sounds to use. I might make another version after looking at Nexus.
  11. Congrats dudes this is one helluva song. Doin a hybrid mix like this isn't easy to pull off. Gotta commend ambient for making Schala interesting again, and Skryp for da mad beatz yo.
  12. OK so a lot of people have struggled with the last few WIP deadlines due to the fact everyone has very different schedules. Another quick WIP deadline won't do any of us any good. Come next JAN 15th we need near finished songs from everyone. If an artist does not show any progress on their WIP, their tracks will be reopened for anyone to choose. If we can get in around 25 solid tracks come this date then the project will be released shortly after. Obviously if you just joined this might be a tight schedule. If you need more time to finish your song after JAN 15th we'll give it to you. For anyone else who needs some time after the 15th who has shown progress on their track time will be given to you. If you need feedback on your mix between then and now please post it on the private forums. If you are not getting enough feedback on the forums it's ok to PM or IM people you know to get feedback. Happy mixing dudes.
  13. Ok so the first couple it was pretty good. Then the more I listened to it the more I friggin loved it. It's been getting better everyday. The melody kicks complete ass and is insanely catchy. The song def has 'it.' Great song dude I've been enjoying this for ahwile now.
  14. Yeah dude I'm def up for it. I'm not the greatest but I should def be able to get this sounding pretty good. Whenever you're ready would you send me the RNS file along with the guitar parts as seperate wavs? The instruments except for the strings at the end are sound great. Everything is complimenting each other very well. I might use some of my samples like on those strings if that's ok with you?
  15. Happy B-Day...now go make some more friggin FFA music dude.
  16. Orginal title eh? A lil movement in terms of the soundscape in regards to the Brainwork LP (take out the awesome drums). This def a strikes a tone, which is the hole purpose of ambient music anyways. I could def see this being used in ICO when you are beneath the castle. The light airy piano was def my favorite aspect of the mix.
  17. I started out using Fruity Loops 3. After using it off and on for awhile I decided to try out some other programs as I was getting frustrated with FL's workflow and set-up. I then started using Reason and loved it bc you can literally create anything with. But I still was lookin for a DAW that could use VST's. So I started to try out all of the other options. I tried out everything except Cubase and Digital Performer. Logic was good but I don't own a MAC. ProTools midi and workflow didn't suit me. Sonar felt very bloated, way too many buttons and 'things to click' to do simple tasks. Project5 was something I really enjoyed but I eventually settled on Live. I demoed it 3 different times before I got it's workflow. Once I got used to it I enjoyed working with a linear based time better. Also when using Live I really enojyed the feeling of being able to do anything I could think of in just about 3 clicks or less. It got me concentrating more on the music instead of what buttons I need to click. The single screen setup in Live is something I prefer also. At the end of the day I still use FL for midi sequencing but that's about it. I use Live and Reason(rewired) for everything else. Basically every DAW can do the same basic tasks. It's really about which DAW has the best workflow for you and gives you the greatest creative inspiration. Basically try out all of the demos multiple times so you are certain progam 'X' either works or doesn't work for you.
  18. Great mix guys. I gotta be honest it took me a couple listens to get into it. I always loved the intro (1st movemen) it took me a few more listens to get into the others sections. The cinematic feel is def a nice tribute to all that is the complete bad assery of Guilty Gear. If I had to add one thing is that the 2nd movement could have used some nice sustained chords especially where everything starts to tail off. The dynamics of the piece are great. It always nice to hear a mix with a nice dynamic range. Harpischord FTW too.
  19. Hey it's cool dude. Speaking of taking too long, I'll have an update on Aveh in the next day or two.
  20. Hey Prometheus check DSK Brass over at KVR. Florestin(butchered that spelling) French Horn is pretty good IMO. We got two more mixers joinin up. Andyjayne is going to give an 80's prog style rendition of Leftovers from the Dreams of the Strong. Nutritious' mix will be electronic based on the gears disc. The source tune has a lot of depth so regardless of your tastes you should find one of the mixes to your liking. Also DragonAvenger is goin to lay down some vocals on myself and Jewbei's trance style remix of June Mermaid. I'd like to Welcome Nutritious on board. He's gonna do a remix of 'Leftovers of The Dreams of The Strong.' Available Tracklist: My Village is #1 In A Dark Sleep The Blue Traveler The Jaws of Ice The Sky, The Clouds, And You Solaris: Eden of Heaven Pray For The People's Joy The Beginning And The End Star of Tears
  21. I'd like to Welcome Nutritious on board. He's gonna do a remix of 'Leftovers of The Dreams of The Strong.' Updated Available Tracklist: My Village is #1 In A Dark Sleep The Blue Traveler The Jaws of Ice The Sky, The Clouds, And You Solaris: Eden of Heaven Pray For The People's Joy The Beginning And The End Star of Tears
  22. Unless someone has better samples than Battery's Rock Kit I'd be more than willing to do it. Maybe someone can play the bass live? Prophet of Mephisto can play bass. It'd prob best to get the bass played live, since the other guitar are played live.
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