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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Big announcements: First off Jewbei and I are going to collab on June Mermaid for the Gears Disc. It's goin to be a trance song with plenty of crazy FX processing. Also I'd to welcome aboard CHIPP Damage and MaZe. CHIPP Damage is going to do a 'Melodic Power Metal' arrangement of the 'Valley Where the Wind is Born.' And MaZe is goin to do a trance version of Faraway Promise. Last announcement is about the final mastering business. Due to the large track count and time demands of getting RAW wavs of the master tracks and then mastering them we are dropping this from the project. So everyone will be mastering their own songs. As soon as I get ahold of Foxhull we can outline future plans as things develop further. Updated Available Tracklist: My Village is #1 Leftovers of The Dreams of The Strong In A Dark Sleep The Blue Traveler The Jaws of Ice The Sky, The Clouds, And You Solaris: Eden of Heaven Pray For The People's Joy The Beginning And The End Star of Tears If you are interested in any of the other songs please contact Foxhull and myself via PM.
  2. Wow Tensei the instruments are way better now! Nice guitar work. The mastering still feels off. The guitars are a lil loud. I am listening on crap headphones at work but I can't really hear any bass. How much are you using Reason on this? I'll help you out any way I can on the mastering for this because your arrangement is way to good for this song not to kick complete ass.
  3. Haha I think we're both just miscommunicating a lil bit. I def think the smart disable is a great feature. I mean what it does is basically the same thing the VST3 format does...except FL does it with any version of VST. At the end of day I just prefer the workflow of Live's DeepFreeze. In all honesty here's what happens. 1. I load up Reaktor5 with Steam Pipe2 CPU 12% 2. Turn on macro control CPU 12% 3. Wait a lil bit...still CPU 12% 4. Go to vst wrapper for Reaktor5 and click smart disable CPU 0% 5. So prob something wrong with my system or I need to reinstall FL bc that damn macro control 'switch smart disable for all plugins' has never worked. The midi out idea is def a good one. At the end of all this it just goes to prove FL is deeper program than people (like myself) give it credit for. It just does things in a very unique way.
  4. Ahh yup should read the manual a lil more in depth. The lil plug in the vst wrapper has the option to click 'smart disable' and that does the trick. The option under tools macros when selected doesn't seem to switch 'smart disable' on for every plugin. Hence you have to go to each wrapper to turn it on. Regardless though you still have to go and click the off buttons on the instrument and all related FX after you render the wav so when you play the song they won't start playing and eat up CPU. All the clicking just becomes more time consuming. Also about the automation. I record the automation, then the parameter shows up that I automated which is fine. Can you edit the parameters within the piano roll without having to record it or tweaking and then selecting tweaked parameter > edit events? How would you be able to edit the mod wheel on a synth such as Vanguard(doesn't have a visible mod wheel) if you don't have a midi keyboard to trigger the mod wheel? http://hosting.thasauce.net/users/avaris/FL%20Parameters%20Pic.JPG It would be great if when you bring up the parameters like in the picture above if all of the automated parameters related to the synth/sampler came up. It would save a lil time.
  5. Good point. My perspective and opinion is coming from an Ableton Live users stand point. I don't really know how in depth other programs Freeze functions work besides the obvious implication of what freeze does. Basically with deep freeze in Live it's one click and whammo it rips the audio right away and then all of the CPU usage from the plugins is cut off. Just like Smart Disable except you don't have to go and click off all of the Intruments and FX. On the track that is deep freezed you can pull midi or audio(once it is frozen) data from the track. Say there is a note you need to change. One click unfreeze, and then another click to change the note. And finally just hit the freeze button again and you're back to square one. Thinking in depth, FL does have work arounds but they all require alot more clicking. It's piano roll is god and is fast and intuitive. Basically I'd prefer if FL made the process a lil quicker and more intuitive. This goes more so along the lines with how I like to work in songs.
  6. Thanks:banghead: Kind of a wierd way but it def works. Having 'time streching' of midi notes would be pretty cool. Really helpful when working with different midi data based on vastly different tempos.
  7. Great idea but it's already been done. http://sonic2.ocremix.org/ Go to Projects then Albums at the top of the page.
  8. DEEPFREEZE similar to Live. There is a work around with Smart Disable and Rendering an individual track to audio and then bringing it back into FL. The same basic end result as Live's Deep Freeze except it takes longer. I agree with Gecko’s point. Although they should really add a 3rd arrangement style option similar to Logic/Cubase/Sonar. Hence they should keep what they got bc it is a pretty powerful creative tool in some respects. You could copy your pattern and it would paste all of the audio/midi/automation data from the pattern in the Linear Style Arrangement page under each respective instrument/audio clip. This allows for people to still use FL as a creative tool, but gives another option to easier arrange everything in a visible organized manner. Having another Arrangement Page in a linear style would allow for easier implementation of Deep Freeze functionality. It would allow for better organization of Freezed track too. Drag and drop FX channels…this is another must. Solo buttons for FX Groupings and Instruments. Have an option to give the readouts in DB levels instead of %’s for all of the volume and FX knobs. Have all automatable parameters for the instrument show up in the piano roll under pattern control. Besides those FL has lots of really strong points, but when it comes down to creating an efficient environment for full on productions where you have the options and flexibility to really craft your sounds it fails miserably. It really sucks to have to split up your project file in parts just to be able to listen to what you are doing while you are working on it.
  9. I got one Instrument combi done. It's inspired by reFX Vanguard.
  10. DAMN Here try this: http://hosting.thasauce.net/users/avaris/Dreamy%20Reason%20Compo%20Version.rns Maybe this version will work for whatever 'reason.'
  11. Yeah no problem dude it's all yours.
  12. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps1/index-sz.html Sweet it's the midi labeled distant promise. It's basically a slimmed down version of Small Two Pieces that just focuses around the melody.
  13. The composition sounds great with a lofi groove. Although in general the mix feels a lil thin compared to your other two IMO. A nice soft pad sound in the low to mid range would really add a lot of flavor to this. It would also really compliment the feel of the composition IMO. Transition at 1:56 felt really off. It went from one feeling to another all of the sudden. Maybe a nice dry orchestral based instrument will really gel everything together. Awesome inflections on the melody. Lots of little things thrown in all over the place really add a lot to this mix.
  14. Here's an audio example of mine. The volume levels should be the same between the dry and wet versions. http://hosting.thasauce.net/users/avaris/Combi%20Example.mp3 I used a song from ICO for the example.
  15. Well that sucks. I tried the link and it still opens fine on my comp, so it's def something with the original file I subbed instead the file being corrupted through through downloading and uploading.
  16. Haha there is a track called 'Life ~ Faraway Promise' in Chrono Cross. The beggining of it sounds like a cross between Omen and Schala's theme. We did have two different people doing faraway promise at one time but both switched to different songs. Def the the best source tune left IMO next to the Beggining of the End.
  17. Haha yeah a harmonizer will take some serious thought, time, and fine tuning. Although in a quick attempt to make something that resembled one I created something that really enhances the sounds. In general it creates lot of little artifacts to give any sounds more character. I based the signal flows from this 'harmonizer' for the combi. http://cachepe.zzounds.com/media/VWr_106_US-2fc8e366537b84adeaf9f055e4c75d30.pdf I tested it out on a bunch of different types of sounds. It sounds awesome on bells, strings(especially marcato), plucked sounds, and sin/tri wav based synths. Sounds bad on brass. Malcos I PM'ed you the combi. Can we post links to the combis we make here? Or are we gonna gather all of them and then release all of them at one time.
  18. Bwhaha I'm up for the challenge. If someone can name or point me to some diagrams or logical layouts of some of the popular Exciters/Harmonizers/etc... I'll be glad to see what I can come up with. Malcos would this include like Advanced Filter Delays, Resonators, etc...? Basically any advanced FX processing devices we can create in Reason? I've been thinking of creating a Glitch combinator in Reason. EDIT: After looking through some diagrams of a Harmonizer it would take ~40 devices to recreate something similar. In the Refill you could have a folder labeled 'Harmonizer' and then Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4. In Reason you would just route the signal from Part 1-4 to recreate the entire Harmonizer. Also this would allow people to mix and match different section from the different things that are recreated (Exciter, Harmonizer, Resonator etc...) to make some really cool shite.
  19. Hey Prom your on dude. Prometheus will be picking up 'Lost...Broken Shards.' Miszou had to unfortuneately drop it due to time constraints. Also Electric Concerto will be doing some sweet trance mixage on 'The Wounded Shall Advance to the Light.' Updated Available Track List: The Valley Where Wind Is Born Leftovers of The Dreams of The Strong In A Dark Sleep The Blue Traveler The Jaws of Ice The Sky, The Clouds, And You Solaris: Eden of Heaven Pray For The People's Joy The Beginning And The End Star of Tears Faraway Promise We'll some info out on WIP dates in a few days.
  20. Pick out a song dude! Any other questions please don't hesitate to ask. EDIT: lols I just read ur PM EC. I'll get back to you on it real soon. Oh yeah I def with Chickenwarlord. There are actually a ton of source tunes that would make for killer trance style tracks.
  21. Thanks dude. Two of the routing techniques I got from Peff's book.
  22. Yeah...it's worth it. IMO if you haven't read that book you are missing out on some amazing shite. $18 http://www.amazon.com/Power-Tools-Reason-3-0-Software/dp/0879308613/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/105-1202021-6454049?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1183565861&sr=8-1
  23. Very nice laid back track. Always happy to see more FFA musical goodness. Guitar was def a nice touch. I wish some of the transitions would have had more a thematic build-up but then again the track would loose some of it's subtle feel. The sound quality is def good. The string work really added a lot of depth to the sections. Def my favorite out the recent flurry of mixes posted.
  24. They aren't really 'remixes' I just tried to add one or two tricks I do in songs sometimes. Hopefully I'll have more time to throw more tricks into the remixes for the next round. AS: http://hosting.thasauce.net/users/avaris/electromechanicalambience.rns Malcos: http://hosting.thasauce.net/users/avaris/DeefGroove.rns
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