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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Called my guitar center and they have their copies of R4 in!!! Screw the countdown I'm leaving right now to go pick it up.
  2. Loving it one my fav songs by you. The flute lead is awesome. Natural instruments combined with crazy processing = sweet. The arpegs have some good variation in places that keeps this piece groovin the entire time. The dual melody set-up flows really nice.
  3. Finaaaaal Countdooooooowwwwwn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG save me... Oh my god please change that haha. An intro of that nature is def a cool idea but not exactly like Final Countdown. I def like alot of these ideas you got going on. Very solid stuff. IMO there are passages without any melody whatsoever for long streches. If you are going lo-fi you def need a strong melody, bc something has to carry the song. Take a listen to AeroZ's mixes for example. Also the transitions from section to section are nice but what about the big picture!? As a listener I tend to loose a grasp on this song is going and where it is going. It is def fun to listen to though. Lots of creative ideas you've really been improving over the past year.
  4. We've had a couple new WIP's pop up the past few days def go give them a listen. Really liking the updates and new ideas all around. Keep it up dudes.
  5. QFT Always the sign of an excellent piece of music IMO. Pretty much agree with everything Hemo said. Favorite part has to be the acoustic guitar strumming though. Really lovin all of the variations and chord structures. Great stuff dude.
  6. Def my favorite source on the entire OST bar none. This was the first track I downloaded when the project came out and it did not dissapoint. All of the trance elements are well done and executed. The guitar kicks ass! Perfect choice to fit with the tone of this track. Will be listening to this one for awhile.
  7. Love this song, great sound design and execution. Nice build ups and dynamics....oh yeah the vocals are sweet too. Blending of electronic and acoustic elements is seamless. Great stuff dudes.
  8. I'll get a version out of epilogue sometimes this weekend. I got all of the ideas for it spread out over different project files and programs.
  9. OA, Prophet of Mephisto and myself have an extra space on the floor. As long as it's cool with OA and Proph. If you are coming in at any airport from Boston through Jersey I can pick you up no prob. Let me know the details if you decide to come.
  10. Totally agree! Also the crashes when the crazy synth solo is goin are too soft IMO. You can barely hear them. Yeah the synth solo is crazy but goin that long without any audible contrasting elements ain't good.
  11. Awesome dude. The work on the hi-hats is amazing and really stands out. The automation all around adds a lot of life to the song. The intro is cool bc it sounds like you are outside of a club walking in. A lot of the ideas in this really give the song a unique feel with plenty of catchy sounds and qualities. The piano type sound that enters around 2:20 is a lil too soft IMO. It sounds wicked catchy but is a lil hard to hear over the hi-hats. Would like to hear more of it in the song too.
  12. Done. waiting to hear the new GLL/Mae collab...
  13. Nice stuff dude. You've really been improving alot...especially on production these are sounding really sweet on that end. The transitions are flowing nicely too.
  14. dude! Completely agree with V___ about the surfing...and other stuff. It really comes down to mastering and picking sounds that work together. That all comes with time. Check out SGX's mix 'Peripatetic' here: http://www.sgxmusic.com/music.htm It was done entirely in Reason. 'Me Semper Maneas' was too. 'Contradistinction' was done with only stuff from Reason 2.0. If you love Reason but want some better sampled sounds check out Sonic Reality. Miroslav Orchestra has some pretty good sounding stuff. All of the instrumentation for 'Back 2 Skala' was done in Reason. The percussion and mastering were done in FL. Oh yeah ambient uses Reason too.
  15. Hmmm damn this isn't easy. IMO it would def have to be one of these three: Tamusu the Man of the Sea: If Zikon could write some of his killer chords behind this and then you can add do some of your writing on top of it, it could make for a really kick ass song. The Blue Traveler: This is a lil more uplifting with a good rhythm goin on. Def lots of elements to work with that your guys styles could enhance. Pray for the People's Joy: It's def BGM but it has an awesome feel. Could make for a nice solemn and sweeping orchestral arrangement. Having sections with a faster tempo with this source could go really well IMO.
  16. Sephfire, Tweek, SGX, Protricity (from his FFV mix and on), Malcos, Red Tailed Fox, Quinn Fox, Aluminum, GaMeBoX, Siamey (DKC2 mix), FFMusic DJ, blind (some of his earlier stuff, don't know which songs exactly), Daniel Baranowsky (some of his mixes were done in reason don't know how many exactly) There are def more that I don't know of. EDIT: ambient, Sir_Nuts, Another Soundscape, Destructo, Fatty Acid, Freemind, Graylighting (don't know how many of his mixes were done in Reason though)
  17. Oooh I luv those mixes! Blue Magic uses lots of free samples with very intelligent use of reverb and some phasing. Mainly the stuff is just sequenced extremely well. With Back 2 Skala you can achieve some of the results with what zircon mentioned, there are some other ways too. Using 256th notes or greater with different velocities is a good way to achieve some cool results. Some slight delays are good too. Some cool processing techniques to use are mainly with Chorus effects. Turn the Mod Amount to the max and then the Rate the lowest it can go. After that mess around with the delay and feedback settings and see what kind of results you can get. Another way is using delays in non-conventional manners. Turn the delay time to 0-25 ms. Mess around with the feedback settings. This can produce some FAT sounds. Also try a multi-tap delays as send effects. (cut out all the low end and stereo image the shite out of it) Also if you can route the audio signal back onto to itself for a slight feedback loop. (Be careful bc these can get crazy if it goes beyond the threshhold) Chopping up different loops and automating pitch is another technique. Reversing different slices is a good way to add some flava. IMO in the end it all comes down to sequencing, experimentation, and a good sense of groove. It took me a awhile experimenting to come up with some decent results and even now it's still hit or miss alot of times.
  18. Oh why thank you kind sir. I prob coulda put you in the thanks section...since you were one of the main influences I started using Reason. Now go make some damn music!
  19. Pretty nice composition dude. The arrangement feels a lil meandering. You go from one section to the next but why? The sections by themselves sound good but they lack a cohesive feel. Some attention needs to be paid to the overally picture you are trying paint. :35 the piano and a bass sound are coming out of the left channel while the marcato strings are coming out of the right. It leaves the soundscape feeling very unbalanced. Add in some more layers with harmony and counterpoint to help thicken the textures and soundfield. Some SATB part writing should help the composition to sit better overall. The marcato strings sound very dry and grating. Also 2 mins of marcato strings can feel very repetative, they tend to loose their emotional presence if over used. The bass is fairly soft, for a pretty emotional piece the bass needs a bigger presence to help enhance the mood. Some orchestral percussion would really help some of the transitions also. Some Bass Drum and well placed Crashes. Also raise the volume a lil bit things are a lil soft. Liked the ending piano. Lots of lil things sound good, but the overall picture between flow and mastering/production needs some work IMO. This def has the potential to be a really good song and already has a very classical feel to it.
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