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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Here's some of them: (The part about question 1 is the part that kills the plot and feel of the game the most. It might be more of an indirect change but it completely changes the flow of the story that the game had established up to that point.) http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz/quiz2277461a138f8.html
  2. Def do not play the GBA version of FFIV. They changed part of the game and ruined one of the major aspects of the original plot. There is a DS remake of FFIV coming out where they are going to add back a HUGE amount of the script and plot that was left out of the original version. In the meantime you really can't go wrong with FF6. Out of all the DS/GBA FF games it def stands above the rest as of now.
  3. Diddo... Thanks for all the music Reuben I truly will be listening to your songs for the rest of my life. For anyone who wants to hear some more music from Reuben: Naruto: http://www.animeremix.org/download/AR-Naruto-MedleyfromNaruto.mp3 Princess Mononoke: http://www.animeremix.org/download/AR-MononokeHime-PianoMedley.mp3 Rurouni Kenshin: http://www.animeremix.org/download/AR-RurouniKenshin-Themanwithareversededgesword.mp3
  4. It's kinda of an inside joke from the project forums.
  5. Awesome track. Listened to it all day at work. Really loved the simplicity of everything. Changing up the synth and guitar tones was a nice touch. It kept the piece moving and fresh. This one's def goin on the HD.
  6. Lizard now has a Roland D-50 refill up on CombinatorHQ. Anyone who is a fan of Enya's music go download it! It's the basically the main synth she has used her entire career.
  7. Great stuff Heath! Kudos for making such a kick ass song with only 4 instruments. The piece always had movement and felt fresh the whole way through. Really enjoyed all of the automation and arrangement choices.
  8. I have a remix of this about 90% done. Although it is about 6 months old. Once I tweak it some more prob expect to find it on remix tha sauce. I think it's bordline OCR prob will get rejected based on the transitions and the execution of certain arrangement ideas. Also this mix by Darangen has parts of the theme in it. Has some really creative use of guitars IMO. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01468/
  9. YES......although the 2nd half is too coverish not enough interpretation of the source melody. No Override.
  10. Conngrats dudes! Who else knew of Palpable before he became a judge? Huzzah is CHz another Liontamer? :0
  11. Valkyrie Profile - Borderline Yes This is one of the most unique games ever made. It has a number of emotionally gripping story elements. Has an awesome blend of norse mythology for the kids. Combines free roaming, action, and rpg elements. Well most people will find something they don't like about this game you can't deny that it leaves an impression on you. Which IMO is the most important part of a game. The flow of the game takes a little while to get used but once you do it has enough flair and variety that just about anyone will find something to like about this game. It also has some of the best sad and upbeat/energy music ever in a video game IMO. Guilty Gear - Yes A fighting game with insanely fast gameplay and a soundtrack that matches the energy of the gameplay. It actually has a really good anime style story to boot. RPG fans who enjoy fighting game and rock music this is a dream come true. Regardless anyone should at least pick up one of the guilty gear games to experience it's pure speed. It's style and presentation will keep you glued to the screen for awhile. The possibility for an instant kill isn't too shabby either.
  12. Sweet! Let me give the OST a browse through and see what pops up. Big question do you want one of the darker songs or happy songs? Or will anything do?
  13. Congrats alex.........h. Good to see a nice blend of creative ideas and theory in one mix. The first did seem to drag just a lil but that's Boards of Canada for you. Maybe with the vocies in the first half it would have really made this completely wicked. Really enjoyed the 2nd half. Always happy to see creative ideas take form and pay off. Now where's those minimalist piano pieces!
  14. Wow this was pretty cool. Gotta agree to some degree bout the string hits... Maybe layer the violins lightly over top of the more powerful cello/viola string hits when you get to it. Everything is sounding pretty damn awesome so far!
  15. Hey dude this song has a great feel. IMO the only thing and this might be more of a personal preference is the reverb. Maybe cut back on the reverb on some of the intruments so the sounds are bleeding together as much. You are def goin for a specific type of sound so the amount of reverb sounds good. Compositionally and arrangement wise this is a really good song. Great execution on different parts. I really like the build ups around 3:00.
  16. Haha loving the intro. Great way to bring some fresh ideas into a DnB. My only beef is at :49, it felt like the entire song just droppped out. That section would be a great breakdown later in the song though IMO.
  17. I find the mix simple in delivery but packs an awesome sound and creative ideas that are just pure ear candy. Really enjoyed how the chords and the FX during the breakdown kept the energy level up without the 4 on the floor.
  18. I really have to agree with Tensei about structure. Regardless of music theory what purpose does that dissonant chord have? Overall each section doesn't seem to flow together well, I am getting no real sense of direction. This type of writing and arrangement works well in ambient style music but not a not song with drums and driving sections. Trust me from experience writing in a style like this is very very hard. The sound design needs some TLC. There is tons and tons of clipping and audible distortion. This theme has a very serene feel to it. Introducing abrasive textures and dissonant composition doesn't suit the theme well. Sytrus is an awesome synth to use for this source. Get rid of most of the samples or layer sytrus in with them. The high notes on the vocals at :09 sound very fake. :24 they start to sound really funky again. What FX are you using on them? The vox part that start at :44 sounds really funky bc of the synth layered in. While the rhythms have some cool parts to them they don't seem to establish a real sense of groove. There are basically three sections to this and three different styles of rhythms. It's ok to switch it up for a section or two but not use three different rhythms in 3 different sections. This adds to the song feeling disjointed. IMO first thing is fix up the production. It's hard to be really honest about the song where the sounds are so grating. Some of the ideas in different sections sound pretty good but are too hard to make out. IMO if you want some of those harsher textures use some natural wind sounds or thunder...softly layered in. People in general find these sounds more relaxing than say a synth with additive wavs and distortion. Some thuner and winds sounds will be a nice contrast between some soft pads and vox. Search free sound project on google and you'll find a site with tons and tons of awesome sounds. This is some brutal honesty so don't take it the wrong way. Instead of trying to make ZOMG the best song ever try to focus on your weaknesses. Spend a month or two improving on one weakness. Then move onto another and another. There are so many things to learn when it comes to making a well rounded piece of music it is impossible to learn and focus on all of at the same time. IMO start off with sound design and production. Make a bunch of ambient based songs where those are the two biggest factors in making a good piece of ambient music. For working on composition and arrangement try writing some orchestral music.
  19. Some Dynamic composition and excellent use of some high end gear really made this an awesome on multiple levels. The transitions are a lil wierd, but using similar sounds really evens things out. 4:34 is my all time favorite part...wow that got chills running down the spine. Can't wait to hear what sources you're gonna tackle.
  20. Nice track Greg! Really enjoying all of the layered instruments. To get the kick drums to cut through a lil more you could do something like this: But a multiband compressor on some of the bass tracks. Put the lowest band at around 200-250hz and below. Then put a fruity peak meter on the kick. You can get route the peak of the audio to signal to the Gain knob on the lowest band for the multiband compressor on your bass tracks. Set it up so it ducks the volume a lil bit on the gain for the lowest band. This is basically FL's way of side chaining. Except the apparent ducking sound that is found is so many trance tracks won't be there. It will only duck the lower freqs on the bass. I did a similar thing on another track that had prob 2-3 different bass tracks and it worked wonders.
  21. Haha nice the source and style really make a nice blend. IMO I really abrasive in your face lead would sound awesome during a breakout section for this. Lookin forward to the update!
  22. Gotta agree with Harmony about 1:23 to 2:02. I really enjoyed that part of the arrangement. I actually enjoyed the ending. It kind left you hanging but I thought it fit in the context. Although it would have been really interesting to see more development on that little piano lick used for the ending. Always good to hear new muziks from BogusRed!
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