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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Yeah just got in on the 2nd Beta. Hopefully we can render songs bc I got a lot of tracks going that use Reason.
  2. During the breakout the hats are very soft, almost to the point where they sound like extra noise instead of rhythms. The kick sounds very weak compared to the booming bass line in the breakout also. It's the right sound, it's just it feels the kick and bass aren't moving in sync as well as they could. In areas the movement in the panning of the bass and the rhythms feels a lil off. When the bass is coming out of the left channel have the snare on the opposite maybe. I'm starting to get wicked picky about a few things on this bc the song has progressed really well so far. Pretty much most of my gripes are with the movement of the rhythms in relation to the rest of the song. Def lookin forward to the next update.
  3. This version sounds much better dude. Nice strings around 2:30. Res on the opening FX swell is a lil much. Right feel, prob just tone down the volume a bit. At it's peaks it starts to drown everything out. The track is a lil repetative. A good way to fix that is have for big clashes/drums hits/FX something every 4 bars or so. It can really give the song a more dynamic feel. Speaking of dynamics, the intro is a lil long. Try to go for build-up up until the strings break out. For instance a long reverse crash right before 1:14 would go really good/ Synth doesn't sound bad, could use some blood overdrive though. Also once the guitar comes in make sure it takes the foreground away from the strings. In general a lil more variation between leads and lil breakdowns between section will really alot to the song. At times you got the same sounds in the foreground for a lil too long. Because of this the song doesn't command the listener's fullt attention the whole IMO. Some of the elements once the strings break out could use some EQ and spacing. Everything is not coming through as clear as it could.
  4. Live is another sequencer. I've found recently using the resonator FX plugin that is in Live can really add some very nice textures to sounds. As a host for quick work flow and audio manipulation it is awesome. It is very expensive though unless you have a copy of Live Lite you get from some buying some M-Audio hardware. Project5 as a DAW is very similar and much cheaper. It is only $99 now. There are so many DAW's out there but Live and Project5 have a very unique workflow that fits some people. For the wind if you got a stereo enhancer plugin use it on the wind or rain. Set the stereo width to max. That might help the ambient FX to sit better.
  5. I actually really like the intro it's awesome. I'd keep it exactly as is. Haha actually cutting out 3:51 to 4:51 sounds like a perfect transition. If that's the case at 5:10 expand the marcato strings more like you did at 1:35. See how the song expanded there? Up until 5:10 the song has this forward movement and then all of the sudden at 5:10 it goes away? Why? You clearly defined sections so it shouldn't be too hard to get a nice unified build-up to the mix.
  6. Uhh OK so I don't even remember the song the last time I heard it compared to this version. How much did you change? This version def left a stronger impression. Big thing the intrument playin in the high high freq range is staying up there too long. Eventually it just feels and sound like my ears are ringing. The rhythms are much better. Maybe play with a few filters on the rhythms in areas for some variation. 2:04 needs some kinda bridge into that section but I'm positive you already knew that. Same with 3:42. In general the intro in a lil long winded. Why not throw in some your awesome piano work into the intro? Also there needs to be more variation every 4-8 bars. Lots of the ideas sound great but there needs to be more movement and variation.
  7. Well it was a lil quiet IMO. But it did fit the feel of the piece. With the added elements in there the song will be louder. Also the piano quality is a lil low. Try out this free reverb on some of the sounds to see if it give things a lil more natural feel. http://www.kvraudio.com/get/2802.html The winds at :36 could be panned a lil to the left. For some ear candy any wind ambient FX might go really well in some areas. Oh yeah big thing I missed before! The piano is goin solo a lot, well it is mainly coming out of the right side. It's ok if you got supported elements to balance out the frequencies but you don't. Keep those bass strings centered too. By any chance do you use Ableton Live? It's Resonator plugin used just slightly in some areas could really enhance the mood of the piece. EDIT: This is a new free pad/choir vst that just came out that is pretty cool. It might go well with the song. Beware notes in the lower octaves are key switches changing the synths settings on the fly. http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=176050&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
  8. Been listening to this alot the past few days and was able to pick out a few things. In general there are lots of sweeping melodies in the upper registers in the first half. They sound nice but the instruments sound thin and need a lil more presence. Maybe try some tremelo srtings in certain key areas. During the intro the harp carries the most presence. IMO the strings should be louder and their texture should take the foreground. Right now the transition at :44 feels a lil sudden. Having the strings crescendo up to :44 would really enhance the feel. This help ease the transition of the guitar IMO. When it comes times to master I'd say give lot of attention to the kick. IMO a kick with a very strong presence in the low end placed at keys times in climaxes in the songs will add another thematic elements to enhance the feel of the mix. You could also use a orchestral bass drum and leave the rock kick drum as is. 3:08 have some arco strings come in playing the melody might sound pretty sweet. A section where the marcato strings play the same as the rhythm gutiars would kick ass towards the end. Oh yeah the brass sounds awesome throughout. Sounds great in the latter parts of the mix. Can't wait to hear the finished of this one dude.
  9. Hey dude just wanted to say OMG finally a Vagrant Story mix. One of a couple of PS rpg's that don't have any mixes yet. The mix sounds awesome, although there are some key areas that really need improvement for this mix to reach it's full potential IMO. 1. The depth of the instrumentation doesn't match the emotional depth of the composition. It's ok for this to be minimalistic in areas but it needs some more depth later on. I'd go for some nice pad sounds. Stronger more evolving sounds than you got. Mix natural and electronic elements for some nice textures. 2. The transition at 1:02 felt really off. I think a build up into the pad sound would be good. Or the piano could fade out into some rhythms as the pad builds up to it's full volume. 3. The transition at 2:05 was even more sudden and awkward. Have everything fade out as the piano creeps in. 4. Beats or Big THICK pads. The solo piano throughout doesn't have enough composition to support an entire song. Get some nice laid back beats or pads in there to spice things up. I already said this once but the song defiantly needs more supporting elements and more ear candy. Some examples: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01357/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00631/# http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01319/#
  10. Hey dude damn you've gotten alot better in a year. On the reverb turn down the decay times alil. Long decay times on reverbs are one of the biggest reasons reverb can sound really muddy. 3:51 to 4:12 seems kinda pointless. Up to that point in the song you have gone on an extended breakdown already. 3:51 to 4:51 needs to shortened. Too much of the same rhythmic ideas. I start to loose to interest and I don't want to because the song sounds really good. The whole 2nd half of the mix wtf happened to the marcato strings? The whole first half had a real nice build and climax. The 2nd half just runs through different ideas. Individually they all sound really good and they are great to listen to. If you look at the song as a whole the 2nd half needs a more defined structure and movement. You have all the elements to make this incredible friggin remix. Just get your structure flowing right dude.
  11. No problemo. We got 4 tracks finished now. Great work dudes keep it up. Updated Available Track List: The Valley Where Wind Is Born Leftovers of The Dreams of The Strong In A Dark Sleep The Wounded Shall Advance Into The Light The Blue Traveler The Jaws of Ice The Sky, The Clouds, And You Solaris: Eden of Heaven Pray For The People's Joy The Beginning And The End Star of Tears Faraway Promise
  12. If it's gonna be from a game the "prologue" song from FFIV would do the trick. I think it was played at the end of FFIV when Edge and Rydia get married. Def could fit the bill... Congrats again btw...
  13. Def wish I hadn't listened to the source tune so much bc this is sweet. As everyone else has said the sequencing on the guitar...damn. He doesn't use a whole lotta sounds but the mix feels very realistic and has a great feel to it. Simple yet amazing at the same time. Here to hoping more of the Doujin community subs mixes here and vice versa.
  14. Yeah that's cool dude. The first batch of mixes are just about done. The way I see it we're making good progress but anyone new coming on will have plenty of time to make a quality mix. So to break it down Hemo we got the time you damn well got the quality...I need to start drinking. Updated Available Track List: The Valley Where Wind Is Born Leftovers of The Dreams of The Strong In A Dark Sleep The Wounded Shall Advance Into The Light The Blue Traveler The Jaws of Ice The Sky, The Clouds, And You Solaris: Eden of Heaven Pray For The People's Joy The Beginning And The End Star of Tears Steel Giant btw I have a midi of 'The Begining And the End' if anynoe is interested.
  15. Tales of the Abyss YES Where Tales of Symphonia let down Abyss succeeds. Fast paced battle system for non-rpg fans. Good story with some of the best dialogue in any rpg in recent memory. The dialogue feels like an anime. A well developed cast of characters that compliment each other very well. Even if you don't play rpg's the witty dialogue and battle system ought to be enough to at least get you to sit down for awhile and find something to enjoy. For rpg fans this is one of the best rpg's in recent memory. Twisted Metal: Black NO I love this series and this game had a lot goin for it. Although the controls felt awkard and the difficulty was insanely high. Stories and feel were incredible. 'Paint it Black' by the stones set the whole mood. Although awkard controls in an already insanely hard game will drive most people away...no pun intended. Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 YES Awesome game. Any sports fan should admire how this game is made. The players abilities and how they play are all based on the ratios between their stats. You can have a fast player with no dribble accuracy and run right by people. Or you could have a slow player with high technique and use some wicked moves to slowly work your way around. Every player feels different and unique. This really adds to the team building experience. The msot realistic sports game I've ever come across. Regardless if you play soccer/football/futball the controls and how the game plays should warrant a quick play at the very least. Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria YES Awesome...in the age of fluff and high fantasy rpg's this is anything but. Not as dark as the original but still packs a punch. The graphics and scenery are pure art...lighting is better than any next gen game. Battle system is fun, fast paced, and strategic. Easy to learn fun to master. The story is good with plenty of twists and turns. The game presents an epic and desperate feeling in both style and presentation. Zone of Enders NO Everything about this game was decent and just that. It felt like it had the potential to be something special. Nothing really in this that sets it apart as a must play. Zone of Enders: The 2nd Runner YES This is the original Zone of Enders x2 on all accounts. The fastest game play I've ever seen next to Guilty Gears. Story is well done...the lead character has an endearing well0rounded personality. The only knock is...this game is wicked hard. Although it is insanely fun. Intuitive controls excellent story. If ever wanted to feel like your hair was on fire goin 200mph/kph fighting tons of enemy this game is it. Anyone heard of Hideo Kojima...yeah he made this game. There is a reason this game is almost impossible to find nowadays.
  16. Hey dude this sounds rad. Reminds me a bit of This Binary Universe. The album has a very unified feel while at the same time exploring different emotions with each song. Kudos on the artwork too it matches the feel of the album. My fav is Image 5...has an awesome feel to it. Gives me images of a calm sunday afternoon or an innocent childhood. Very strong piece. I will def be listening to the whole album. Images 1,3, and 6 are my next favs. ...friggin sweet yo can't wait to hear music like this.
  17. Love it dude, epic melody. I think you already hit on the major points that need fixing. 1:55 could smoother transition, although as it sounds it would be a bitch to try and write a smooth transition there. 2:20 to 3:00. You are playing in the same range the entire time. 40 seconds is a little long to be playin without any expansion or variation on the piano. Can't wait to hear the final version this song has such emotive qualities.
  18. Friggin sweet yo. The vocals sound perfect on this final version. Def worth the wait. Congrats to the new mixer and the direct postage.
  19. I've used both versions of Vista 32 and 64 bit. FL Studio will run fine but it's not built to take advantage of a 64bit OS. Vista is a RAM whore. Honestly since FL doesn't have any freeze functions you need all the resources you can get. I agree with Kanthos to go with XP.
  20. Great stuff Kanthos. Vibes will be a nice touch. The soundscape is very well crafted. IMO I def agree with you on all the needed improvements you mentioned. The Sax licks will help create a very dynamic give and take feel to the arrangement. My only real complaints is the feel of the entire arrangement and how the song flows from part to part. The song itself great, but as it goes along I don't feel a natural proggression from one section to the next. This is mainly throughout the middle of the song. IMO just a lil repetative right now in that respect. Can't wait to hear the vibes and added percussion.
  21. The opening guitar comes in a lil harsh. It sounds really exposed. In the intro use the guitar as a background with something else taking the lead. All of the guitars could use some slight reverb. Some more dynamics between the playin would really kick this up a knotch. Alot of the ideas are really good, but it feels like too much of a wall of sound. Some piano playing a fast lead in the higher ranges would be a really nice touch also. Ending needs some work. Some crazier latin percussion lines would really add to this also. Nice ideas and backdrop just needs some xtra love in some areas to really push the song over the edge.
  22. Def likin it so far dude. The lil stutters and bass line are the highlights. The beggining starts to get a lil repetative w/out any variation or quicker build-up but this is just a quick wip. You gonna use a bitchin sine lead again? :grin:
  23. Damn Blank, can't wait to hear what kinda new tricks you got. We got about 6 new updates on mixes def give em a listen. 3 songs are just about done!
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