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Everything posted by avaris

  1. For a good unique anime from the last two years: Welcome to the NHK! Mushishi There are def more good unique anime that have come out recently in addition to the ones mentioned before. BUT those two stand out.
  2. Hey those of you involved in the Awakening song need to head on over to the project forums or talk to Tensei to get all of the live performance bits done.
  3. The quest for Beer is a valiant one! Rest of the highlights: *Secret of Mana mix during DoD...go listen. Then imagine listening to it at 3AM after having been up for almost 24hrs with basically no sleep. Priceless *Actually winning one game of worms on the DS even though I am absolutely awful and managed to kill myself at least once per game. *Dinner at Fridays. It was great to sit down and have an opportunity to talk to a bunch of people. Wearing the lampshade as a hat was pretty cool too. *Our room was the shiznite. I laughed so hard the first two nights I practically lost my voice. The amount of jokes and one liners were priceless. I had an awesome time hanging around those 4 dudes. *Brad playing sax on Time Scars and Schala's Theme in Jamspace. *All of the bands were indcredible but Arm Cannon's Super Metroid mix was the friggin shite yo! *The last night where Sam and the guy who ran Jamspace played piano together. Prob the best improv musical experience of my entire life. You guys are awesome! *Having AeroZ tell me about how his parents were mad he wasn't going to visit any of the sites around DC. Then we managed to get lost on the way to the hotel and drove by almost half of the monuments. We actually ended up at a different Hilton in Alexandria initially... *Talkin and analyzing music with AeroZ. It was awesome to talk in depth with someone comparing the different ways you approach the musical creation process. This was friggin awesome. I just wished it was longer so I could meet and talk with more people. I def agree with OA about how it is being around with so many people with the same interest of games and music. If you are thinking about goin next year def go!
  4. Yo Blue some nice acoustic guitar sequencing man! Excellent panning and spacing per usual. Really like how the lead synth bends and changes throughout. For a 2nd lead maybe try the same lead except use some tri or saw wavs and distortion for taste. Similar to what Audix said about the midrange. Some more apparent strings or pads would really help solidify the mid range. Prob go for some nice airy synth pads on this. Great chill vibe per usual!
  5. Been listening to this for awhile dude! Awesome so far. Glad to see you expand genres. Def has that late 80's early 90's ballad feel.
  6. Hey thanks for the interest dude. We are pretty lenient in terms of allowing multiple mixes of the same song as long as they are in different styles. The problem is the arrangement of Awakening currently being worked on for the project is done in a rock style too. It sounds pretty good so far. Taucer left some really good critiques in the WIP thread on it. Good luck dude! Edit: Lookin forward to your finished mix Nutritious. Also everyone head over to the forums to check out Prometheus' finished Lost Broken Shards... mix. Hopefully we can get lots of good opinions from everyone so we can make sure the song can reaches its full potential. Forewarned the ending to the song really hits home in relation to the game!
  7. Go to Edit - Preferences. On the General Tab go to the bottom where it says "Load Defualt Sound in New Devices." AND unclick the checkbox. Whammo!
  8. Thanks dude! The intro is a dizi bass flute. It's used throughout the main part of the mix to play some harmony too. It's from a free VST I got form Kong Audio. They got some of the best free shite on their site EVAR! There were two different Kalimba samples used. There was also a shamisen too. The guitar sound is a physical modeled synth. Thanks for your comments so far everyone! I really gotta thank DA for working really hard on this song as it went through many changes over the time we worked on it! Retlaf who contributes to Tha Sauce also contributed to this song. The main part is based off of his arrangement from Chrono Cross on Tha Sauce. http://remix.thasauce.net/mixer/40/ Oh yeah to Ross Kmet and Fishy...I hate to admit it. But the arrangement of Facing is awesome! Really enjoyed and audio trickery Ross! Damn it was worth the wait...hehe.
  9. Alrighty over the last few months I have been in contact with a lot of people from the project. Basically we all need to get on it and finish our songs! We got tons of songs that are almost done. For the final songs I'll need a 192 kbps mp3. (the file size does not matter) And wav files as a lossless format. If anyone has trouble uploading a wav file let me know and I'll give you my user name and password for my ftp on the tha sauce. That way you can just upload there and I can pull it off. Great work over the past few months progressing on the songs everyone! Now we just gotta pull this together and put the finishing touches on our songs! If anyone is having trouble finishing their songs please let me know I will do whatever I can to help you finish. (After Jan 15 I'll post an updated track listing that reflects the current status of the project. Thanks for all the hard work so far guys n gals!)
  10. This song is sexcellent! Def a nice arrangement off an incredible source. The keys breakdown in the middle is def my fav part. Always sends shivers up my spine. Congrats on the first post Ross!
  11. Yo Mike wats up dude. This really has some great composition. Really nice ideas are throughout. It doesn't feel like the most conventional song but it has a lot of character. It's really chill with lots of ear candy throughout. My biggest beefs are with the mastering. It's kinda hard to give crits on mastering when everything sounds kinda lo-fi but not at the same time. On the kick find a spot in the mid range to cut just a lil so the attack of the kick doesn't drown out the background elements. The mix doesn't feel as round and warm as it could. Some subtle compression, limiting, and stereo seperation on the master are needed. Check your PM box in few mins for an example.
  12. The line tool is still there. When you have the Pencil Selected just hold "Ctrl" and it turns into the line tool. Now go make more musiks pwease!
  13. The easiest way to increase CPU usage in Reason is to add TONS of Combinators. If you want a modular host that has VST go try out EnergyXT or Usine. They are both insanely cheap. Besides the fact that introducing VST would create an enormous amount of code and debugging to rewrite the program. That's extra $ from hiring more people. Would they make more sales? Yeah, but they would also loose loyal customers. Also adding VST would annihilate the Refill market. Seriously if you want to use say Sytrus in Reason for example. Find or create a nice sound in Sytrus. Play 7 notes all up and down the ranges. Just press and hold. Then rip to seperate Wav's each of the 7 notes. Open up Reason and the NN-XT. Expand the NN-XT. Click on the folder icon to where you can select wav files to drop into the NN-XT. Highlight the 7 notes you just made from Sytrus. Then highlight all 7 Wavs in the NN-XT's browser right click and there is an option to detect the pitch of the notes and then map them across the keyboard in order. Frankly a middle ground to end this whole thing would be to add Audio In and Midi Out. Then Reason could act as a Rewire Host. Or act as an FX unit when in slave mode.
  14. All I gotta say is that this songs pwns. Def my fav from the FFVII proj. The way the gated pad carried the son for good portions reminded me of Xenosphere. Really enjoyed the dynamics and they way all of the simplistic elements fed off of eachother.
  15. Def agree with Abadoss that this s great fusion of old and new school elements. The attention to mood and correct samples def shows through. The song presents a very image of what IMO Mazedude was trying to get across. Def fits with the disillusioned/mysterious of of SoE.
  16. This was def an interesting take on June Mermaid. It's a really emotional song that has both a light and dark tone to it. The intro is killer. The guitar reminds of the early 90's late 80's ballad type of songs. Great variation on the supporting elements throughout to keep the song moving. Def my fav Suzu mix.
  17. Awesome song. Still shite myself thinking this was from 2000. If I had to imagine what this source would sound like arranged this would easily be it. Completely captures the feel of the original song. Been listening to this one for years now. Great pacing and arrangement to keep the song moving the whole time.
  18. Haha damn this is some different stuff for OCR. They smooth flute based legato lead does well to contrast and balance the percussion. Like the boomy low end. Really wish it had more strings or pad action to fill the song out harmonically. The song screams for some nice pads. The attention to melody and percussion helps to offset this. 2:55 was def my favorite part. Love those type of leads and composition.
  19. There are some texbook things that make this song 2000, so I won't touch on those. But let me just say if this was redone and revamped in terms of production...then damn. What is here already I really like and is def worth listening too. The compisition is the strongest point. Alot of the extended arpegs are awesome. There are lots of little things playing of each other that make for some really good ear candy. 3:35b was easily my favorite part. A great time to change things up. A lil unexpected but it was executed really well, which in turn made for an awesome transition. Def make for some good driving music.
  20. Nice sequencing per usual. Lead at :22 needs to be up an octave. It feels buried underneath all of the percussion. Loved the section at 2:20. Overall really try to work on dynamics IMO. The section at 2:20 stood out bc of the little breakdowns. Nice transition at 2:00. IMO the 2nd half is much stronger than the first. With such hectic energy in the low end proper transitions and a focus on melody are what will make this song. The guitar wankery with the melody in the 2nd were def noteworthy!
  21. Nice slow build up per ur usual. Having that melody played with some nice woodwinds during a breakdown would be sweet. A good place for this would be the breakdown at 1:51 or the section after the breakdown at 2:06 The transition into the breakdown at 1:51 is non-existant, but I'm guessing that'll be fixed right? 1:19 there is some nice counterpoint but's it's a lil soft. Bring it up a bit. 1:32 have more of the instruments play that note. Give it some more emphasis it's the climactic note in the melody. This is a great start but needs more counterpoint and bells n whistles to help puch the envelope a little more. IMO Vampire Hunter Dan's track would be a great reference for some counterpoint to add some xtra flava.
  22. Yo this is pretty sick Ross! There is one big thing that is bothering me and that's the high end on the bells and FX sounds. It is insanely piercing in the 8k and above range. It is most noticeable in the intro. Lovin the Chillout DnB bass synth. The strings in the first section seem sit a lil too out in front and feel exposed IMO.
  23. Congrats dude! Jewbei should be able to finish ours over the break hopefully. We have a 2:30 long WIP that we haven't posted.
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