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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. It's just very akward. Last time I tried it (admittedly a while ago) there was no way of editing the velocity of two notes occuring at the same time individually. Thats supremely annoying drom drum editing. Modulation isn't particularly easy when compared to the other programs. I can't remember the most of the individual issues I had but it was enough to make me give up and go back to logic.
  2. Uh... I clearly said I agree with you, I was just pointing out it was never intended for home use because its strengths don't lie there. I only brought up pro tools at all because he was under the impression that everyone uses fl, when thats not the case practically everywhere else. But yeah basically: FL Studio: Fantastic sequencing/mixing capabilities and workflow. Not good for recording at all - AWFUL for anything with complex time signatures (unless thats changed at all?). REAPER: Awesome for recording audio but very awkward sequencing. Everything else (Sonar, Logic, Cubase etc) is basically an almalgamation of sequencing and recording that doesn't do either as well, but you can't have everything.
  3. It is as accurate as you can get for the average person. That exact graph is used by professionals as a benchmark for making the laws of high SPL exposures. It's a bit annoying when I'm clearly trying to make people aware of what they might be doing to their ears to say it's not accurate and that one band have at some point claimed to have good hearing who in all likelihood all wear ear protection when they play or they would be thoroughly deaf by now according to their loudness claims. I'm just saying - club culturists generally speaking have no idea what 3-4 hours in the club might be doing to them and the should definitely be more concerned.
  4. I would rather that the people who put in the work making the music get the chance to name their own hard work. Plus it's hard enough getting the project to agree on some matters, yet alone the whole community. The last thing you need is 100 opinions on every name idea. So yeah, keep the discussion to the private thread please. Sorry Mirby, but you've already helped out on potential disc names so no complaining .
  5. I just said I'd start a private thread dude :S. Gimme a minute. Also "In Loving Memory" does reference those things, but it references nothing from the game? Who died that we're supposed to lovingly remember exactly?
  6. Memoria - of course. I think it'll be hard for anyone to disagree with that if it turns out to fit on 3 discs. I'll start a private thread about the project name as I'm sure the other guys want to chip in.
  7. Well, everyone seems to go with "x OF x" these days. I'm half tempted to carry on the joke. I like the idea of Gaia and Terra as names for discs but it will probably end up being 3 so that won't work.
  8. We do need a name actually, well pointed out. I need to make sure it has a suitably hard to pronounce acronym that has become a part of the final fantasy project standard. EOBLOR! VOTL!
  9. I have a waxy thing atm which is a bit impairing for HF, but I can still hear the 17kHz fairly well. I suspect 18kHz would be my limit normally. Just btw, a 15 minute outside break every 45 minutes in a club can be the different between temporary loudness recruitment and permanent damage. Dance clubs are LEGALLY obliged to offer ear protection on request if their levels are above the threshold of damage to the average ear. If you're in doubt, ask for it. You will never get that sensitivity back once it's gone. EDIT: Here's a handy graph so you can see how quickly those ridiculously huge club speakers will break your ears. As soon as you hit that line, you're getting permanent damage. It may only be slight, but it does add up because it never comes back.
  10. Right, things are going very well so far. Got a lot of very good wips from people, but also a few dudes I haven't heard from in a while or joined late. I'm announcing the next WIP date of June 1st, which I expect every one to have significant process for. I've been putting a lot of work into my tracks so far, done about 7-8 minutes across all of them; and I'll be damned if I'm not usually a lazy bum. If I can do it, you all definitely can! June 1st or be replaced by the mighty ReMixinator!
  11. Pro Tools is most definitely the best platform to use in a real studio, where you probably have at least a 48 track mixer attached to it and you have their HD DSP cards which are basically awesome. You can have hundreds of playlisted channels of audio to manipulate no problem. There simply isn't anything that does this better. In the home studio however, its strengths are mostly wasted. You may as well get REAPER for the purposes of recording audio alone. It's workflow is a bit painful sometimes but its very efficient computationally. I often record guitars in REAPER then reimport them into Logic. Just saying, Pro Tools has its place.
  12. A what an awesomely random pimp. I will give you my $10 bucks next week, plus the $10 I'm pretty sure I forgot to donate last year after saying the same thing. For SHAME!
  13. We never have that problem around here. I wanted to make the converse point that just because everyone around here uses it doesn't make it the best choice for any individual. All sequencers are just tools - YOU need to be good and comfortable with each individual tool to make anything good with it. The only way to know which tool suits you best is to try them.
  14. Yah, Zircon does use fl because he's a monster with the workflow. More or less every professional album ever made with a computer was made with either Pro Tools or Logic Studio. Film music composers use almost exclusively Logic these days. Aside from those two, which are the kinda standard - it really is all about how you enjoy the workflow. Basically, just download the demo of everything and try them. There is no right answer.
  15. FL Studio is popular here because it is cheap, and most of the dudes here are hobby musicians - not because it is the best. Not saying it's bad or anything, that's just the main reason it does well here.
  16. We can't NOT do the boss theme. I'm making ridiculously good progress on my other tracks. If no one else does it by the time they're all finished I will. Rest assured, someone will do it.
  17. We're not doing the whole thing. That would take too long and half the tracks would be not as good.
  18. My audio is out by like 5 seconds in places and now I make even less sense.
  19. Good stuff as always. Keep it up man - it's been too long since we had games with great design imo. People are too concerned with graphics too spend their money on design .
  20. This. The only reasons I completed it was because Mural Village - the only awesomely executed uncliche idea in the entire game - was awesome enough to make me think it might getter as it went on. It did not.
  21. Oh don't bring up Blue Dragon, that game was so bad. There were a few good tunes mind, but the game was pure .
  22. I highly recommend Jillian Aversa's (pixietricks) album Origins, which has pretty much all of that in it. Srsly, you won't regret it. Check out the demo's here: http://www.jillianaversa.com/
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