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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Oh, Bustatunes. I love you so much. That was awesome. I'm a Kanno fan, too.
  2. Nice! I think that if all those people in that thread already have plenty of paying composition jobs, then it makes sense for them not to do the job. I assumed that most of us here are not fully sustained by music jobs alone. I could be wrong though.
  3. I can vouch for Brandon Strader's skills. He did all the vocals on my full length metal album and they're sweet. Give this man money!
  4. Amazing artwork. Is that all original just for your album? May I ask what distribution company you used? This is really freaking nice music.
  5. You're not a newb. You're an expert novice! Hahaha. I couldn't resist. Here is a story that directly relates to OCR. I'll just tell the facts about what happened and people can glean from it what they'd like. A dude posted a job to cover a song and he offered 40 bucks as payment. I think we can all agree that it's not the greatest price. So a lot of people got on the guy's case to let him know that he was offering too little [despite the fact that people often ask for things for free and have their requests fulfilled]. The genre seemed right up my alley so I took the job and the guy was so happy with the result that he paid me double his original asking price with no persuasion on my part other than a job well- done. An excellent thread, XPRT. I hope a lot of people contribute.
  6. I'm still only on like post 182 or something, so I'm not ready to make a real post about what I think about everything yet. I just wanted to say (in case it hasn't been said yet), it's called the Xbone.
  7. Thanks. I'm looking forward to sending everyone their stuff in the mail.
  8. It is. I am extremely happy. Now it's up to me to please the fans! Hopefully, in the future we can take this gig on the road. MAGfest yo!
  9. Hex looks really really fun! I hope they get to 1.5 and get tablet support. They'll really be in the money if they can release it on iOS. I'm happy to announce that my game-inspired fantasy death metal album kickstarter... http://www.rockethub.com/projects/23343-zoltan-game-inspired-fantasy-death-metal-album ...HAS SUCCEEDED! If you aren't in on it, you've got 8 hours left to get TWO CDs AND a video game for just $25!
  10. Awesome! Thanks a lot guys. I think I'll go ahead and stop accepting people right here. 8 should be plenty. It's a huge deed you are all doing for me. I'm going through one more time myself, to pick up whatever I can find on a full playthrough, since adding all the final touches. I also have a masterer working on the soundtrack but I don't we need to wait for that. As soon as I finish my current check, I'll send you each the link to the game. Basically you just need to playthrough it with a pen or a text file open to write down anything that seems odd, glitchy, or even just bad. I'll try to take into consideration as much as I can regarding subjective stuff and gameplay feedback. Please send your feedback to me as a .txt file because I do not have MS word or just an email or private message. Thanks. I will also send you a text file with the solutions to all the puzzles but part of the feedback I'd like from you is whether the puzzles make sense or not, so please don't look at it until you really get stuck. It will not be long before we start. Do any of you noble people have any questions? PS: Please do not share the game with anyone else or talk about it's details openly in this thread.
  11. It is settled then. The album will have a booklet with pictures of ducks in it. Hahaha.
  12. Such a video will definitely be released in due time, Garrett. Thanks. Look forward to it. Shaggy freak. Lets do this. I'll have all of the tracks for you in a short while. What should I do to make your job easier? Also, the sound effects for the game are RPG Maker native sound effects and they are all OGG files which means that if you need to master them too, there will be some quality loss. Should we just leave them? It's only a two-dollar game but I'd like to make it as good as I can within my budget of next-to-nothing.
  13. Update #3: The sound engineer has mastered most of the tracks for me. Yay! He was kind enough to give me feedback on one artist's track so I told that artist and he is adjusting some things. He asked if he could finish it by this weekend. I told him that sooner would be better but since everyone involved is working for free, I don't intend to push to hard. Asking for a week is not really an outrageous request after all. So once he's got that done, I'll send it to the engineer and he can finish the mastering and then I stick them into the game, test it one more time and then send it to all of you. Thank you for your patience. Update #2: I gave all the music to the mastering guy and he said he'll be done by next weekend. I want to give the game to all of you after I have put in the mastered music so that any glitches relating to music will be found as well. Hopefully, we'll all be playing the game together starting next Monday. Yay! Update #1: All positions have been filled. Thank you very much for your support. If you are, you would be really helping me out. It's a 32-stage puzzle game that I made with RPG Maker. It is a complete game with a story, endings and everything. It is very difficult. Most puzzles are riddles or thinking problems of some sort but there are some very hard action rooms as well. Of curse, I will give you the answers to look at in case you get stuck. The goal of this play test: Just to find glitches. I am satisfied with what I have done gameplay-wise. However, I will still listen to any criticism you have about the game. I am playing now to find more glitches myself so that hopefully, you guys don't h Encounter any glitches. It's about 30 minutes for a speed runner. A new play could probably finish it in couple if hours with the help of an answer sheet just when you get stuck. Now who wants to play my game for free and be listed in the credits?
  14. the position has been filled. Thanks a lot. My game is done yo! I still need to write about two more songs and do a final round of testing but THAT'S IT! It's done after that. More info: http://zoltanmetal.com/gamedev/ It is a heavy metal puzzle/adventure game using the RPG Maker VX Ace engine and graphics. It has an all OCR cast of composers and it's a very difficult game. At least I think it is. So how can I get my name in the credits? You can master the soundtrack. All of the songs are already mixed by their respective composers. I am basically just looking for someone who can ensure that all of the songs are the same volume and sound like they all belong on the same album even though they all have vastly different sound. What's in it for me? I cannot offer you a monetary compensation. This is my first game and with the exception of music and play-testing, I have been a one-man studio. I CAN offer you a free digital copy of the game for Windows (there is no physical version) and your name in the credits of the game and the documentation. Plus you get the experience and credential of mastering a game soundtrack. That's not an opportunity that comes along often. This is my first game and will not be my last. I plan to take this experience and make the next game with more people and more of a budget. So this is basically an brand-new independent developer getting started in the industry. If you want to get started in the industry as well, this could be a great way to start. Reply or Private Message. If you have an example of your mastering prowess, that will help.
  15. It is possible that I overestimated the worth of my network or at least the portion of it that likes metal. Hahaha. It will take some time but even if this is all we make, people still get paid, the album still gets released and the supporters still get their rewards. I may consider not having the lyrics printed in the book. That increases artwork costs and manufacturing costs. Not having the lyrics totally hurts, though!
  16. This is a fully mixed and mastered track from my upcoming album. https://soundcloud.com/legendaryzoltan/mechstall There is a brief reference to a Symphony of the Night song in there. You'd have to REALLY know the soundtrack to find it though. If someone manages to find it, I will send that person a free copy of the album when it's done. There's a Mega Man 2 reference as well but that one is super easy to hear. Symphony of the Night Soundtrack:
  17. I want instrumental versions, too. Those are good to have.

  18. You can critique me if you like. Hahaha. I could put them on YouTube but part of the reason I post them like this is because I want people to check out Lusipurr.com. It's a very good game editorial site.
  19. New remix is an orchestral Castlevania III medley. http://lusipurr.com/2013/05/06/tsm-episode-98-is-it-a-stuffed-bear/
  20. Well, it's hard to put a value on those things in the upper tiers but even if they aren't worth that much, there is still a ton of value to be had in the lower ones. The problem in my mind is not the amount people are donating but the number of people getting involved.
  21. Thanks a lot, Vince. Kupo! We are over $1,000 now! That rocks! The tempo has indeed slowed down though. We need to find a way to get the word out further and PROVE that this is a worthwhile album.
  22. I loved X-2 even as an adult. It was so damn fun. I didn't care for the story but it had one of the best battle systems in the series. It was a more stylish and devilishly speedy version of the classic job system. Who wouldn't like that?
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