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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Um...it needs details But yes I agree Xbone can go blow donkey nuts
  2. Participants = contestants. They can't vote for themselves, hence the 3rd spot empty. Non participants can vote for all 3.
  3. Welcome to the Voting Stage: There are 3 submissions in total. Participants must only pick first and second, and leave the 3rd spot empty. My Submission is a BONUS so do not vote for it!! Oh and I'm extending the voting period by 3 more hours, so I can get home on time and submit the results (I work till 4 pm on Saturday so...) Click my Sig to vote
  4. Yeah game journalism is a complete gong show.
  5. All good, there's at least 3 submissions now.
  6. Yay Sexto-Sixto - grats on being 1 year closer to the grave T_T er...I mean...HAPPY BDAY dude!!!
  7. D'oh! I forgot to vote - but anyhoo, congrats to OneUp. I'll check out all of the tracks now
  8. Next gen is gonna be expensive all around q.q - and I agree that digital should be less than physical - gee idk why tho...maybe because there's no shipping or BlueRay writing involved (w/e you call the process of imprinting a game onto a disc). But I've also heard a lot of rumblings that the gaming industry is heading for another crash anyhow...so this is gonna be an interesting generation...I think I'm gonna wait a year or 2 before buying my PS4 (&%$^ the Xbone)
  9. I agree actually...came to a similar conclusion lol.
  10. I'll submit a track, but it's gonna be a bonus track. D/W I won't steal your thunder :3, nor Grapplyhookz ^^
  11. I'm having too much fun with this one...and guess what! There's nothing in the competition code of conduct saying that a runner can't compete >:3 Hmmm to be an arse and compete, or not...so tempting... Maybe I should've asked if that was alright with you guys before the last day of the competition *BAH* I can't. There's too many ways to break the compo cuz I can edit the point system at ThaSauce. But lemme tell you guys, I was tempted for about 120 seconds That and the lack of competitors for this round didn't help q.q
  12. Oy vey - that's too bad laddie. And yeah, it is tricky, but I have an uh...trick. Sometimes I just turn off mah snap-to-grid feature and just fiddle around with the note timing till it 'clicks' - so to me it's not 2 much of a biggie - especially when I have a midi to rip and I can use ghost channels. >:3
  13. Well 3 days to go and only 1 submission, albeit the FF crystal clash compo is definitely overshadowing this round, so it's sort of inevitable. I think I'll do up a quickie so that Chernabogue won't feel so lonely Don't let that be an excuse to sit back tho, if you have the time and inclination
  14. I love the bracket graphics there Brandon. Good job EDIT albeit, the font kinda leaves more to be desired
  15. Got it. Thanks. I sent a pretty big response just to warn you - but it'd be great if you can address my concerns and suggestions about how I could go about rectifying the problem areas >.>
  16. happy birthday dude. And grats - I'll warn you that the novelty of being posted wears off after a few days
  17. You've just gotta sell it better Also, where's mine you slacker!! JK, don't hit me with your donger again q.q
  18. That's the spirit I know...this isn't exactly conducive to getting more discussion going on (at least until voting's done), but it's how PRC operates as well, so...
  19. MnP Instructions 1. Slight alterations of the source are encouraged, but not required. 2. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. 3. Stay relatively close to the source's mood and notation. Refer to the example tracks for reference. 4. Any genre is acceptable, so long as it doesn't affect point #3 too much. 5. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). 6. Don't make any qualitative remarks about your submissions until after the voting stage. 7. When voting, please try to put enjoyability first, but consider production values as well. That rule's in place because I don't wish voters to develop a bias before even hearing the remix, unless it is intentional (i.e. troll remix)
  20. Aha found it. Thanks for the clarification Cash EDIT 1 last question lol The match-up-ing is still in prog. right? Or is that posted somewhere else?
  21. Where's the roster? EDIT is there another website I need 2 go to to view the brackets?
  22. Okay, I'm gonna have to hop onto their IRC channel and get some1 to activate it. Oh...haven't seen/heard that medley before >< Yeah, I hear you. I'm working on a BA3 remix (Deathevan's theme), got OCR Christmas to do, potentially getting back into that DKC64 project (have 2 wips there, but I think only 1 of them is worth developing further). And I'm sure I'm forgetting some other obligation that I owe someone somewhere on OCR lol. But if you can get something done that'd be awesome ...I might even make a bonus mix for this compo myself, but no promises! EDIT oh yeah, I'm doing the FF Crystal Clash too lol
  23. Yeah, I've been waiting an eternity. Well, not really, but I'm so anxious to hear the feedback... q.q
  24. You'd better find some time to compete >:3...
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