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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Speaking of which...why didn't you guys wait for the Sonic CD project release before submitting this track? Is it not gonna be part of it q.q?
  2. Happy bday Mr. Poseiden Gayvoice SASKEEEEE Hope you enjoyed it
  3. WOW Time Traveller's Delight is 1 SEXEH track good work SuperiorX and all your collabers :P

  4. So...do I get a hug from you too? No? /wrists q.q (//_-)
  5. Bump, Lay-out update and a few tweaks in the language and rules. Draft is almost complete methinks...waiting for word from Rama/Thasauce
  6. And to think that this was my dream job too. Hustling between contracts and applying daily for new gigs doesn't sound like the high life for me lol. I don't envy you and BGC's career paths...but I still intend to take further school for it and make it a sort of side job >:3 Still, it makes my respect for you dudes grow over 9000 times and stuff. I wish my stupid anxiety wouldn't hold me back from attending magfests and other such OCR gatherings q.q Hmmm...I was wondering why ME3's OST quality felt inconsistent at parts =p ...the only new track that I really digged from ME3 was Leaving Earth now that I think of it :3
  7. Yeah I guess I was being a dink too. I was kinda burned by the community way back when I was starting up, so I guess I have some subconscious resentment towards a few of the vets and judges; I'm working on moving on and letting bygones be bygones: I think you did say something somewhat insensitive in one of my earliest posts, but it was only 1 thing and for me to hold a grudge against it for years to come is pretty absurd. You're a cool guy BGC and I'm sure Liontamer is too...bit of a different story and uh a bit off-topic but you get the gist lol. I hope you continue to contribute to OCR and maybe someday way down the road we can do a collaboration (BTW I rly love your work for Mass Effect 2 (did you do 3 as well??) - I even recognize a few samples that you used lol)
  8. Typo. I meant physical copy Too much caffeine lol. EDIT and you're welcome
  9. And apparently I don't exist :D All good. I agree, lock it up.
  10. Look at the bright side, you aren't like what I was back in 2007/8. A totally prickly thin-skinned, narcissistic whiner I've got issues of my own too and sometimes my coping skills leave more to be desired for, but that doesn't stop me from trying to improve my social etiquette. Don't beat yourself too much over some stupid shit you said on the internet; put today behind you and wear a new mask. Try to be more positive and ask yourself, what's the worst that can happen? Moreover, you apologized and were forgiven. So the slate's clean; try and keep it that way ...which reminds me. I need to apologize for (albeit briefly) jumping on the BGC hate bandwagon! Sorry! We all love you BGC
  11. I could go for some of that about now. OCR can be so sour sometimes; needs some more sweetness Yayy sprinkles! Always gonna be some clique, can't be avoided with a bunch of pretentious nerds like me, Brandon, Meteo and sometimes the jdfgts >:3 EDIT Yeah I know DS was mainly referring to ppl accusing the staffers of being cliquey, but the people who aren't staffers also affect how OCR can be perceived by others. I probably shouldn't have pulled any names out though. So hopefully no one took too much offence =/ (not that any1 cares to listen to me q.q /wrists)
  12. Nvm, take it back, just a brief lapse of judgement yet again. Plz ignore what I had put here if you did see it ><
  13. double post. Bad habit - forum mod can delete this post
  14. I had a clarification mistake in the first sentence of the mission statement, but it's fixed as well. Yeah, I'd figure you or someone would mention the ratio thing again...but this is something that can be tweaked as it goes, kinda thing. Maybe I shoulda stated it that way in the post lol. My bad. Thanks for the constant vigil and feedback timaeus222 Ehh, not really game for that brando. For now anyways. Thanks for the input though ^^ EDIT btw that gmod sig is %$ing hilarious
  15. Too many source tunes in there to be a good example per se, but I understand where you're getting at with the whole drum topic. I just don't want drums on tracks that don't use 'em for a good reason
  16. Don't worry, I read the other stuff and am still taking it into consideration, but this is the first thing that I CAN respond to right now lol. A minor to major key can actually create a pretty big difference, but a key change shouldn't be too much of an issue. I'll play it by ear the first few rounds and make adjustments...
  17. shiiit looks like I didn't read the guidelines as thoroughly as I had thought lol. Thanks for the clarification. I'll change the draft per request. Ok, more fixes abound. I may use those links in my draft too, once I give 'em a listen. Thanks for the helping hand timaeus.
  18. Okay, looks like my work's cut out for me, got your feedback here and some from Dyne via PM. Now the tricky bit is getting Ramanescience's ear lol. As soon as I tidy up my concept a bit more lol. I'm thinking that a name change for the concept name is in order too, since the whole conservatism thing is technically outside of OCR's bounds. NVM Darkesword debunked this false assumption >_< my bad Thx for the help Kevin aka Bunda
  19. It was a joke mang =p, but yeah he def. inspired videogame developers around the world to do great things...now we need a new figurehead to launch a new era of good videogames, cuz this one is getting kinda stale if you know what I'm sayin'
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