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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. grats willrock ^^, looking forward to next compo
  2. You know what'd be nice though Abadoss, if more than 3 ppl voted on this compo. Last round had like no voters at all
  3. DAFFYYY do u need to finish this wip!!! It's sooo good man
  4. Wow. Getting better Viddy-boi I like the oriental feel as you've said. The blown pipes are sexy too. I agree with Rozo on what he said. This one has got major potential to get on OCR IMO. The percussion IMO needs to come out more, and the bass is a little too clicky for my tastes. Also I think that a nice, wet snare would work here - PLZ no fade out endings too - ellaborate on it moooore. Moooooaaaaar. And it needs more meat so that LionLamer won't go J-Jew all over you ;-D. Good luck bro.
  5. Well this is pretty darn good, but the EQ is muddy - that's a toughie. Mastering is by far the hardest part of composing IMHO. Love the electric G tone it's very Anime-ish / heavy metal - (DUH) lol. Moreover, I think that it's pretty cover-ish, thus, it might need some more originality. It's a good listen in either case. Oh...by the way is it intended to end like that or is there still more of riffs to make? Can u host this on tindeck so I can DL it ?
  6. The one with 600AD is good. I've tried to remix this in a collab before...no luck though. I like how the 600 AD transitions to Rosa's theme of love, though this is my opinion; not sure if the J's like that touch. The recording quality isn't as good for this one though. not bad ^^
  7. WTH NO COMMENTS???? You douches, start commenting on this awesome song *ahem* anyways....WOW this is some nice guitar playing, I can even hear the pic. Good interpretation here, love the reverb and the decay - works nicely. (I'm referring to the Remembering Rosa song - I'll listen to the other one next). Good work
  8. ROFL nice...OboKa, has a good ring to it.
  9. Here's mine http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/vsaf/The_Count_Who_Defiled_My_Property
  10. yeah the guitar is hurting , and the snare drum sounds like its underwater, inside a coffin - I guess that's fitting for the game But yeah, the song takes forever to kick into some actual melody stuff, but the samples are really...uh...not good to put it nicely >_> At least the bass instrument is fine PLUS there's a lot of clipping, so using a limiter would really help here - that and general volume reducing. Which is ironic because I had to pump the volume up here to be able to even hear it. Sorry for the bad news man, but this track needs a complete make over. Here's the summary: -guitar samples need to be changed to something less grating and real sounding (or a completely different instrument altogether). Mind you, I feel your pain, because guitars are tough to emulate, it's better to use real guitars...that or you mooch off of a guitarist OR buy a very, very expensive guitar synth which i do not recommend you do. -snare drum sounds like it died 2 years ago - get a better snare sample or process it better! -it takes too long to get into the melodies (perhaps thats because the starting is just too grating due to bad samples) -Reduce the clipping and pump up the volume (after u get better samples) -use a limiter - it will save your life -most of all DON'T GIVE UP. And don't let our comments put you down - I made that mistake way back when and I still kinda do - but trust me, we mean the best for you. Good luck in your future remixes
  11. that's perfect , I need the guitars for chords/ryhthm.
  12. sorry for the double post, but is there a chance that you could hook me up with some guitars too? My political pressure wip is in dire need of decent electric guitars =(
  13. True that nig x_X Anyhoo, I'll get that Political Pressure wip done - and possibly work on 1 more if there's room/need for my nub skillz. TTYL Rozo
  14. Pads that are designed for backing chords and the like are what I prefer, though ambient stuff is fine - the stuff I got from this page is already pretty useful - I've been experimenting a lot
  15. It's definitely original. And who told you that its overly repetitive??? There's a ton of OCR mixes that are far more repetitive than this. All 3 ideas work IMO, though the tempo snaps are a bit odd at times ><. Excellent live playing as well AND WTF 65 views and only 1 comment before me!!?? wut are u ppl? Retarded??? C'mon we need more feedback for him , don't wait for Rozo to come in jeez.
  16. ooo sure thing - something worth looking into as well.
  17. These programs look purty user friendly - thanks Yoozer, I shall try to make pads...and no it's not rocket science to me. Jes was lazy lol.
  18. Yeah, if you will do an 80's consistent song, the over-all sound has to go down a few notches, since its the 90's where rock got really, really loud. ><
  19. *gasp* I didn't compose via my usual style :D. It's completely Nocturne-savvy. You'll all see }:- D Blue.Nocturne mah boy, you'd better be prepared ;- )
  20. >_>, well you never know. BTW the drawn chick on your project picture is haw-T :D
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