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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION PRODUCTION [X] Too loud (sort of) PERFORMANCE (live recorded audio/MIDI parts) STRUCTURE [X] Pace too plodding (sort of) [X] Too repetitive [X] Abrupt ending (not finished yet I assume) PERSONAL COMMENTS: I like this interpretation of the ghost train song, it's very eerie (in a good way) and ambient, but the synth-bass-thingy does get repetitive IMO. You're my first victim of the OCR check-list, did you find it helpful?
  2. I'd really like some feedback here, people. I've no doubt in my mind that a ton of other remixers feel the same way for their works. Rozovian (our lead reviewer and awesome-aspiring remixer) is getting swamped as it is; he's as sick as a pile of rancid shit, he goes to class full time, and he's forced to live off of welfare FFS - to say the least, he's not at his best. Yet here he is reviewing most, if not all of the new remixes, but he can't do it alone. Moreover, we're getting shit-tons of views per remix and not even 1% of that amount comes back as reviews (more or less anyways, if the average song gets 300 views after a week or two and only 1 or 2 replies in that time frame, if ever). Please, if you're going to view the WIP forums at least TRY to give us helpful feedback. Anyways, here's my remix. Review it. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/jjyf/Schala_Reborn_Ver4
  3. Yeah Joker, it's nice and all, but I think the original feel got kinda swept aside almost completely. But the trick-drum style is purty sexy nonetheless. I hope your finished product from the song is better
  4. alright then, I guess I shall do that then. Too bad we have about 2-3 active reviewers at the time being. Rozovarian (I think I spelled that right) should be getting a prize for all the reviews he's been doing recently, very detailed ones too at that, unlike me
  5. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/avtz/Robotnik_Remix_ver1 yeah it needs a decent bass line, but otherwise I think this remix is pretty tight. Whats your opinion?
  6. Ow OA that hurts man, I honestly didn't know how to critique him on that one :S, and this forum hardly ever gets enough attention - so I had to say something nice :S
  7. LMFAO radiowar i was JUST getting into remixing this song...wanna collab on it :D? BTW in my opinion I think that having a light industrial drum beat with hi/low pass FX would be awesome for this piece. And some light vins and violas setting the chord "progression" of this song would be sexy too, especially if you could add in some of your own chord progressions. Also this song struck me as eerie and border-line sad. Why not tip the borderline-ish feeling (if you feel the same way as me) and make it more eerie and sad sounding
  8. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ryqu/Schala_Reborn_tardilicious_Ver2 Regardless, here's my second version.
  9. and apparently its aimless ><. I hate OCR lol. Thanks for your comments though man.
  10. Yeah I was too lazy to bridge the transition properly last night. I'll fix that today. And I'll try to fix that EQ stuff.
  11. sorry about the major volume out of balance-ness, this is balanced better methinks. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/cwtc/Schala_Reborn_tardilicious_Ver1 Enjoy.
  12. This is very nice Blue Magic. I don't know how I could go about critiquing this, asides from...FINISH THIS SONG!!!! Cuz it rocks
  13. sorry guys...I can't get this fucking tune out of my head, so I keep on trying to remix it. This version might be golden. Who knows. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/dmcu/Schala_Reborn Do you guys?
  14. Yeah, the only decent orchestral samples is the stuff I got off of Darkesword's ripped SF site ><. I'm broker than broke, so I can't get myself decent samples like Native, Korg, etc. I do have several decent piano, brass and saxophone samples (though the saxes are a bit too play-back-ish). And yes those are dynamics, I payed attention to varying velocities to set the mood and whatnot. Thanks for your comments Alex, it means a lot
  15. Thanks Navij , definitely my best piece so far ^^
  16. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/tyrr/Industrial_Madness
  17. Nice Pantheon. I'd kill for some of these samples that you've got. Especially the plucked one (sitar??). This is some very awesome shtuff. I think you've done this song justice in fact. Keep it up Er well the guitar is kinda harsh...may want to have that played live (if it's not)...because it sounds muffled. Then again - maybe that's the intention, an ambient guitar .
  18. wow, you're really onto something here , I like this. It's energetic, grungy, synthy and sexy. Can't go wrong with that. I don't really know production techniques well so I can't help you there. Composition wise, I think this is a great start. Great cut off FX, swoosh sounds and stuff btw
  19. yeah was just a spur of the moment, wanted to try something a bit different. No trance/dnb stuff's gonna defile this song, don't worry.
  20. Yeah...I went for a minimalistic rearrangement for a change. Less is more, it seems. Let's see if you guys agree http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/iijo/CT_No_Hope_remixVer1
  21. Ah yes fan games. I'm helping my friend develop the music and diologue for his fangame...can't say much about it though. Not like you guys would really care anyways
  22. man...why is every one doing this last minute? Do you guys all go to college full-time or something :S?
  23. Yeah gotta get those production and recording techniques down pat, which you seem to already, at least to me.
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