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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Sorry, another noob question: What is a VSTi? I've seen the features and read a bit about them, but the answer still eludes me. I haven't figured out how to use the VSTi plug ins for FL >_<
  2. Wow this is really dynamic considering that it's mostly on a piano; going into multiple octaves and WOW it really mimics the terran theme well.
  3. Sorry excuse my newbiness, just trying to give some useful tips >_<. I still think that Toxic III isn't all that hot though.
  4. Sensei-Tan, do you know of any free electric guitar samples?? Samplefusion only has muted and power chords for free...the rest you have to buy in expensive CD's. And I haven't found any good SF2.'s
  5. Yeah dude...this totally went out of control. I think this thread needs to be edited so that only Zircon and the ones who were being constructive remain in it.
  6. Just keep on plugging away at it...and if you've got the moola, get yourself Sytrus there's a bunch of samples that only require little in the way of editing...DON'T get Toxic III though...zomg that generator is too expensive for the limited samples it has...though Poizone may be a bit better if it's a tad cheaper than Toxic III. And get lots of .SF2 (soundfonts) and use them in the Fruity Soundfont generator. Sites like Hammersound.net and soundsnap.com are handy for that. Now I'm a total newb to music but I've learned a lot from FL just by messing around with it, though I'm sure the tutorials are handy too. Good luck in making sexy music ^^
  7. cap nazi!! No cap for you! (Soup Nazi from Seinfeld reference)
  8. yeah i meant the WIP but I'm glad to know this info too thx
  9. I was wondering who did the song Starcraft: Terran...I noticed that its in the to be judged panel. I'd like to hear the WIP if possible please I love SC and its innovative and its complex music
  10. Yeah I hope so too, but they may have gotten rusty from whoring off World of Warcraft for so long...ah well at least the concept drawings are still kick ass ^^. And the storyline had better be as epic as the original...with good voice acting that's as solid as the original game.
  11. Yeah I've tried layering drums with different ones, then I distorted with with the Fruity Mixer, I managed to make some sexy sounds . Processing ftw
  12. Ah okay, for the choir i intended to make it sound campy and weird/unrealistic, because thats the super metroid feel ^^. But the piano/chromatics I can definately process better. And as for the "repetition", I'm actually playing half of full song before it transitions (rather poorly insofar), so repetition can't be helped if I'm imitating the song. As for changing the chord progression I guess I could try that, but I'm unsure if I'd end up butchering the main theme too much, I've already changed it considerably =/. However, the transition I'll most certainly work on and the kick should be easy enough to change up. And repetition is something I intend to do >< sorry mate. Asides from being repetitive, did you like how the trance section flowed and sounded?
  13. As good as your input is Snappleman, the context you used was harsh and unnecessary. I'd take it pretty seriously if my music was called crap, which still is, when compared to OC material; however, the fact remains that it's real hurtful when you put some one down like that. I don't care if you've got +1200 posts and could quite possibly be a popular person in this forum. And I couldn't give a rat's ass if you are a director of an entire music project - the fact remains that you put this hard-tryin' remixer down. If I was Bombshellboy, I'd not do as you "suggested" for this remix, just to spite you - whether or not I hit pay dirt on OCR. Liontamer or JJT wouldn't say something quite like this, unless they were joking, so why should you? Sorry Snappleman, but I had to say this since I was a victim of bullying and all that jazz, so I'm pretty sensitive to this shit. @ Bombshellboy: you probably should listen to what Snappleman here has to say, his tips are nonetheless good...just yeah don't take this stuff as seriously as me
  14. Sorry to triple post here guys, but this time I got a real good version of this song, at least in my mind's eye... er ears, whatev, you get the point . I didn't add a bass at the first half but I did fix the notes at least to the best of my knowledge. They are now in a better melody and the violen at the ending of the first half is much less choppy. Oh and btw, the second half is a secret , lest you listen to it. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy it. http://media.putfile.com/The-Aquatic-Abyss
  15. OHHH i gotta highlight a green light first...sorry I'm kinda tired and reading skills are dumpy at the moment. HOLY CRAP I didn't realize that this is the WIP forum...man I'm not with it today ^^
  16. Wow thanks for the help guys got an awesome Maridia remix in the coming...though there's no point in doing a compression thingy on 1 track cuz i already compress each seperate drum, but I'll do that for the next remix. Oh and once I've added a new filter group I can't seem to figure out how to get a channel into it, cuz all there is is a gray bar and when i right click it, nothing happens (and there's no sampler to start with on the new filter group)
  17. 1: Is there a way to group stuff better? Because all of my "instruments" are in the ungrouped category...and the only category that ever changes is if you make an audio clip. Is there a way to insert a new category? I've looked far and wide inside FL studio le sigh. 2: How do I put the drums all into 1 track so that I can compress them (and have an easier time with organizing the rest of my instruments).
  18. What is the definition of drum processing?? I've been trying to figure out drums myself really badly...trying to get a grungy techno/trance thingy for a Maridia remix and so far I've failed miserably in the drum department.
  19. I may be a newb at making music, but it's real hard to make something when you can't get an emotion going...BUT what you could do is associate this remix with a song you recognize and mix the 2 together >_<. Quite a few songs like CidSendsADreamToTheOceanPalace holy crap that's a long name...but anyways, it's easier that way methinks. Like try making a song you recognize first...then make the chrono trigger song bleed into it half way or so, that way you might get a feeling there. However, I'm getting a feeling in this song...it feels kinda like Metroid Prime lol. I wouldn't ditch this song lol...then again I myself recognize this tune so I have a feeling for it lol. Oh well...
  20. http://media.putfile.com/Maridia-Remix updated version. I actually already submitted this, a bad idea I know, but eh. I guess I want to know what every one else thinks...
  21. It could just be me, Vidilian. In either case, you're much closer to achieving having your dream of being accepted on OCR than I am, so I'm hardly even a valid critic T_T anyways. Good luck on the finished product dude.
  22. Can't wait to hear the finished product Audix. Also love your Donkey Kong Country3 remix too
  23. Ohh I have that on my desktop, good idea. I'll look into that song lol.
  24. I like the beat the most out of it all, and the trancy stuff is good.
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