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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. You know, this is a real original angle that you're taking this song Dr Phe, it's really good, but 3/4 through the song, the synth's are off key :S, then again I have an ear for the "right key" that may not suite every one else. It ends too abrubtly and in most cases would not be accepted by the judges, perhaps IMO again. But the most solid thing you have down is how each new part of the song eases in, without sounding out of place or random. Good luck mate
  2. The laugh isn't bad, but it won't fit with the eerie ambient feel - more a cartoony evil character But the crumble.wav was good , just had to edit out the extra bit (with Goldwave) because after your speech I could hear your breathing lol Wait, maybe I can edit your laugh to fit my needs just a little snippity doo da here and there and voi la, should be good Er, actually it didn't work, still sounded too goofy :S
  3. Ah k. Well I'd rather that the other dialog is separate to the original work - like the evil laughter and the "crumble before the might of your god"...bla bla, because I want to fill out the entire song with some talking/verbal what-have-you's. It's a bit over half done I'd say so yeah.
  4. Uh...are you a God? How the heck did you do that!!?? That's amazing dude . I can't thank you enough And yes it's very usable BTW, I'm thinking of making my song alot more darker and without the trance aspect. Would an ambient/symphonic version be better? What would be the best way to employ your amazing voice acting Mike Z? (And how did you make your files work like that? I'm sick of using Putfile to show you guys my WIPS. How do I make it so you can download my files?) Sorry to be a moocher, but could you add..."Crumble before the might of your god, chosen one!!" ? Oh, and some random evil laughter would be cool too - but if all else fails, i could look for an evil laugh WAV if you're not up to it . Thanks man Newer version here: http://media.putfile.com/Breath-of-Fire-2-JadedByDeath1-36
  5. Mine too, but the translation was still really, really hurting. And some of the tunes, like the dungeon get really redundant :S
  6. Hey all. I've got a WIP of the battle with Deathevan for Breath of Fire 2. And there's a spoken part in the WIP that I want to add to it. Unfortunately, my microphone is broken...and besides I doubt I could do the voice acting. I need some one to do a creepy, demonic-like voice for the following script... "I will rend the flesh from your bones. Killing you is only a start...There will be songs written about the beauty of the pain that I shall inflict upon you all!" Now, whoever decides to actually take on the task, you may change the script up a bit if you find it too awkward. The game was made by Capcom and the translation was pretty crappy I guess. Ok, got the WIP here http://media.putfile.com/JadedbyDeath
  7. He said that he would kill her some day, whether he had an army at his back or not, because she killed Fenix. Remember?
  8. Ah,thanks for clarifying things I'll become a great OC remixer some day, just you guys wait
  9. Geoffry, I could hug you . Thanks so much man!
  10. Oh sorry, I use FruityLoops, and I mainly use the Sytrus generator. Yeah clearly I misunderstood the term: sample ><. Is there a certain folder I should shove them into (assuming it's a kit of samples?)
  11. Any other newbies like to share there non OC mixes here? I recently made a new nub-tastic mix (I got bored and only spent about 12 minutes on it) - although I hope it's better than my previous stuff. Let's see your work too http://media.putfile.com/Random-Acid-Crap
  12. Two questions: Where could I get free sample if they exist and how do I "install" them, or whatever you call it...
  13. How do I use this sample kit?? Do I need a certain generator? I'm using FL studio and I have no idea how to put the kit into that program and use it :S...help plz T_T
  14. Amen to that . But most of Blizzard North quit, didn't they? I though they're working on Hellgate London or something :S
  15. I think that the new team for StarCraft is a bunch of lame hacks who steal ideas from other games, like Warhammer 2K (the raptor marines...) I still intend to buy the game... But c'mon, remember WarCraft III, the team who made that game stole a lot of names/ideas from the Blizzard North crew who made Diablo 2: Like Frost Nova or bah...can't think of another thing off the top of my mind. But you guys get the drift ><.
  16. Yeah there's nothing worse than corny and/or trite phrases like "The forces of Darkness" or "serious threat" *shiver*, we've all heard 'em too many times. But that's what you get when you're dealing with fantasy/science fiction, I suppose. Expanding vocabulary ftw...
  17. Meh, he can post the song with this format AND the one i suggested, that way, we're both happy
  18. Damnit. Oh, long time no see Kanthos. How come you're never online for msn? T_T
  19. I concur, this would definately sound BADASS, if it was industrial and with a touch of techno (but that'd be pretty hard to do lol).
  20. It's exactly as the judges said. It has a profoundly classy- western feel to it. I also think that its definately earning of the title "rearangement" , because it's oh so very original, yet very reminiscant of the source material. Awesome job Abados .
  21. Nice. I'd say that its definately worth a shot with submitting this rearrangement. But I don't know the original tune, so I'm unsure if this is too close to the source material or not. It's pretty clean, hardly any blurring of instriments and such. But I'm not a good remixer (yet), nor am I a judge. So submit it and get some feedback from those elitist SOB's (lol, jk Liontamer, Zircon, Pixietricks etc. Don't hit me X_x). Good luck dude
  22. Earth Worm Jim has at least one funky song, its the bonus level music, which, yes was remixed before (but not very well).
  23. Oh yeah, I've been meaning to bitch about that comment too LoD is definately not an FF rip-off. All RPG's use the same form of plot devices...just try playing Tales of the Abyss or Breath of Fire.
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