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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. *shock horror* You didn't vote this time. Oh wait. It's awash cuz only 2 viable entries . Got any feedback for my BONUS? (edit) I'm thinking of working on it some more. So any crits are welcome. From anyone too.
  2. I got punked a few times by pickup notes when trying to remix stuff. The more you know...
  3. Indeed. My brain filter didn't have an ON button yesterday, it's all grood.
  4. Aha. I kinda detected that there was a human element to this, but the sound felt a little off ...Alas, there isn't really a "budget" option for piano synths. Unless pluginboutique.com unveils some some insane sale that I ain't privy to. There's always Black Friday and Boxing Week!! You'll need to ask the other pros here for the best deals. You're welcome.
  5. This is why reactionary editing is not reccomended kids. I probably edited that 20 times. K that's enough OCD for 1 night. Cya on the flip side.
  6. Yeah, I kind of ride off of PRC's coattails. I'll link you the guidebook anyhow. It's more geared towards the hosts (duh) but it covers all the bases on rules. Step 5 is what you want primarily. Pardon all the edits. http://www.mediafire.com/file/slbbr6bz8hxsg99/PRC_-_Contest_Guide_Updated.txt/file edit over 9000 ============================================================================== STEP 5 - The Voting Stage ============================================================================== So, the mixing stage is over. You've got a nice bunch of entries. And now it's time to go with the voting stage! Since this will run pretty much automatically, you will need to make a post in your OCRemix thread regarding it. State what the voters should do in whatever format you want: - Visit the stated ThaSauce page and listen to all the entries - Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen - Fill it in, filing the entries (or if there's four or more, only three) from first to third (or in the case of two, leaving the third place tab blank) - State a reasoning for it. Remember to state the bonuses as well - the vote for the winner of the previous round counts twice, as they made an important contribution to starting up the contest to begin with. (This rule isn't enforced in special contests.) And all contestants will get three points (the value for a first place vote) added to their score if they vote too. Their vote won't work at all for two-entry PRCs though, as both their first place vote and bonus will cancel each other out. And finally, remember to state the final details - the closing date/time for voting, and what the winner will receive (in the event of a normal MnP it would be the chance to choose the source tune for the next one after that; if it's a special one, it would be the prize you stated at the beginning). Once you've posted the page, it's all a case of putting all this into practice. Let's go back to the "Admin" page on the C:TS server, and back onto "MnP". Click on the round. You should get two lists underneath the blurb you stated at the beginning - a list of rounds and a list of votes. Hopefully you might have already been here to delete any disqualified entries or bonus-ify some mixes. When votes come in, they would get tabbed in automatically. This is where the bonuses would indeed be added in. But everything becomes different depending on the amount of entries, so this is how everything would be tabulated appropriately. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |ROUND QUANTITY | NORMAL VOTE | PREVIOUS WINNER | CONTESTANT | | | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD | |---------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| |2 ENTRIES | 3 2 - | 6 4 - | - - - | |3 ENTRIES | 3 2 1 | 6 4 2 | 3 2 - | |4+ ENTRIES | 3 2 1 | 6 4 2 | 3 2 1 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To apply these alterations and the stated bonuses above, click on the "edit" button for any of these entries and replace the "Score" value with the new one. Once you've got the new scores in, make sure you check that you've done the right thing. Once you're convinced that you've adjusted the scores to what they should be like, you should be doing just fine. One last thing - be sure to check for duplicate IPs! Nineko tried to spoil the PRC vote with duplicate IPs back in PRC76's Decap Attack contest (and quite a few others before that, whenever he took part), so you have to be really careful over who submitted what. Luckily, there's an IP address field in the list of voters, so if in doubt, cite it. It is also possible to allow multiple entries.
  7. Eh, I slapped on a mixed bag. Just to show off to any prospective studios. When I feel like putting myself out there big time... I've got some better tunes sequestered away for reasons I do not fully comprehend myself (fear of IP theft maybe). Probably not securely enough, given how shit that Windows OS is. I've played some of the newer Deus Ex games. But not the newest. Nor the first. Gotta remedy that. Also looking forward to that upcoming Cyberpunk game from CDProject Red hehe.
  8. Took me a bit to understand what the title of your song meant "Be What You Needed". Man that is depressing, but it hits me where I live. I am glad I discovered your sound lmao. You listen to Akira Yamaoka, right? If not, you should >:3 - at least for his Silent Hill stuff. (edit) I'll need to listen to the 7 other songs you got later... Plus I'm tired lol.
  9. Confession, I hit like without listening "Be What you needed". Remedying that... It's OK. Could be because the bass is overpowering the lyrics. Not sure. Could be the lower ends need some separation a bit. Very trippy groove and a very dark atmosphere. Have yet to decide what is my true favorite, b/c I need to listen to all of your tunes still. I've heard 4 thus far. Think I left comments on all of them. Kinda glad I discovered you nonetheless. This stuff scratches my Silent Hill-ish itch big time. Since you're a fan of this stuff, I've got a treat for you (Not my work - this goes beyond my current ability by a notch or two)
  10. Rejwan, you may want to submit a vote. There's a 3-point bonus if you do. You don't want to lose out on that, especially since (I think) everyone else who participated has voted, which gives them a 3 point edge. If you're having trouble with Compoverse's system, just private-message me your vote. Thanks. Oops, I'm wrong: Silverpool64 needs to vote too.
  11. BTW, are these tunes played live or with a VST? I'm not skilled in separating the two unless it's really robotic. Is this a Soundfont or a VST sample? Or played live? Dunno why I can't tell the difference. You think I would after 8 years of music production or so. Anyways. The dynamics are very alive. A lot of ebb and flow. And the main melody, though stuck within the confines of a smaller tune, sets out what it intends to do with flying colors. At least in my books. Good work BloomingLate.
  12. Has a SNES soundchip vibe mixed with modern stuff, in the pads. Well an upsampled SNES soundchip. Love the arps that fade in. Simple bass adds a lot of depth. Flutes that come in later add a lot. And of course there's a riser effect. Everyone has a hardon for those these days. >: P 1:27:00 has a Secret of Mana vibe. The pads add a lot of depth. Feels like I'm in the metaverse floating around or something. (edit) Gonna have to favorite this album for a proper listen through. Did you mean to link at 1:25:00?
  13. 0:50 loving those dynamics. Great use of pauses at 0:56. Adds some weight somehow. 1:18, then back to the slow stuff. This song feels alive. Albeit a bit stagnant at 1:34 to 1:50. But 1:55 rescues us from that. 2:10 is wow so amaze. Great highs and really nice trills? Don't know the term for that style of play. Then silence at 2:34, simple but effective way to segue us back to the main body. 3:32 to end doesn't seem as stagnant somehow as the part at 1:34-1:50. Maybe I was just expecting more at 1:34. *shrug*
  14. No worries. Not sure if SC appreciates my thoughts. Some of my comments got buried in the soundwave widget player thingy. Or maybe that's just my browser. Right. I'll go through the rest in a bit. You've got some pretty kick ass sounds going on.
  15. 1:17 detected some distortion (or clipping?) in the lows, lower mid range. Dunno if that's YT's encoding or if something is a bit too hoggy in the soundscape there. Dat fat bass, might be mixed a tad too loud, now that I think of it. 2:10 Dat crystal keys synth. That is sexy. 2:30, the soundscape evolves even more, liking that discreet arp. Yeah, so I'd look at that phat bass and maybe the other ranges as well as what you're using to E/Q. If it's FL Studio, don't use any of the in-house shit. Least from my experiences. Otherwise, this is a very well crafted song. What language is it btw?
  16. I like the reverb better on this piece. Has a dreamlike quality here.
  17. Is this a WAV or MP3? It sounds mildly muffled when the pedal goes to work. I like the melodies here. You should save this for another project, it'd fit in just about anything that's the right mood. Nice work BloomingLate.
  18. Ok, so this is an underrated track right here, super well-produced and it just bleeds Bioware! Nice work.
  19. Most of these are my older (bout 2009-2014) tunes and aren't on my "too good to share for free" list . Check em out if you want to hear for of my sound. On the cloud. Did some odd-jobs for random devs back in the day, sadly most didn't culminate into much of anything.
  20. Probably should've made this a PM. Shouldn't share this kinda shit in public, but thanks for the pep talk dude. No problem, guess it's therapy for me to run this compo thang. (edit) Nevermind, decided to spam the Original Works sub-forum. Someone has to liven up the place... Right.
  21. And...I debated whether or not to recuse myself from the vote. If I win, I ought to give 2nd place a pick too. Kinda like Ru Paul throwing his own hat in the ring at Drag Race or something. Probably not good sport. Speaking of poor sport, here's my Original Works Portfolio. It's very rough around the edges atm...looking to commission someone for art/banners/album shit. Figured this was the most appropriate venue for me to share at OCR, ...since most people in the Community Section give me a pass.
  22. Seeking Commission Banner + Cover Work Looking to commission an artist for a couple of odd jobs. Time-frame flexible. Rates flexible. The Motif will be something akin to my Soundcloud Pic. Since my previous "professional" artist is no longer a viable option for me, there is a vacancy for the role! Hit me up via PM, or my email at ashtokalko@gmail.com for further details.
  23. Forgot to include BONUS comments. So. Loving the FX you added in there. Something I neglected to add. Brass/Reed samples are a bit stale for TVG's (Wow..your name almost spells AVGN - I see what you did there!...or maybe I'm so sleep deprived that I'm full of poop) usual high-fi sound. Get Sample Tank 3 or something >: 3 Still, 'Summer Paradise' would apt score highly, if not for the BONUS suffix. Very faithful adaptation and some nice additional touches. Percussion & mallet instruments top knotch as always for TheVideoGamerofDoomDingles&Cheese. Oh wait, that's me.
  24. Or the whole project. Delete life by accident. Damnit!!
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